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international / anti-war / imperialism / press release Sunday June 29, 2008 15:37 by Ploughshares
On Thursday, June 26, 2008, two Ploughshares activists were arrested inside SAAB Microwave in Sweden. Using blacksmith hammers, Ulla Roder and Per Herngren started to disarm military radar at SAAB Microwave's test range at Mölndal and planted fig trees in the area around the factory. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / news report Sunday June 29, 2008 12:58 by Sarah - Peoples Inspection Team
As you may be aware the Galway Alliance Against War has a new initiative aimed at instigating an inspection process for aircraft believed to be involved in the unjustifiable and illegal process of the' renditioning' of unconvicted and uncharged people who are 'suspected' of being terrorists. As part of this initiative the recruitment process involves signing a letter which declares that the signatory is opposed to the practice of renditions and will undertake to prevent the practice by supporting a process of inspections of the suspected aircraft. The text of the letter and the current signatories may be read here- read full story / add a comment
national / animal rights / press release Saturday June 28, 2008 09:42 by Bernadette Barrett.Co-ordinator
The young sow struggled for hours in the snare until a local lady became aware of her plight. When she contacted Badgerwatch it was late Saturday afternoon. The snare had pulled so tight that it had become embedded in the animal’s lower abdomen and across the groin areas. Loose earth in the vicinity demonstrated her struggle for freedom.. To add to her misery, the snare had actually been set on a ditch. The local conservation ranger was notified but he did not attend. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Friday June 27, 2008 22:27 by candle in the wind
After torching Rom encampments, molotoving homes, stoning and kicking women and children, Rom children are to be fingerprinted "to protect them". read full story / add a comment
dublin / consumer issues / event notice Friday June 27, 2008 16:35 by Phier
Protest to create awareness and suggest alternatives to a bill that may be passed shortly that will put an end to theatre licenses causing everywhere to close at 2.30am and imposing further restrictions on sunday night opening hours by closing establishments at 1am. read full story / add a comment
dublin / arts and media / event notice Friday June 27, 2008 06:45 by Oz
Troubadour Music & Goanna Arts present From the heart of Aboriginal Australia to the heart of Dublin for one night only, a very special concert and film – read full story / add a comment
international / housing / other press Friday June 27, 2008 02:43 by D.Day
Besides pigeon dung, homelessness is among the top concerns for organizers of the Republican National Convention. Not because they want to solve the homelessness problem, but because it’s going to be right across the street from their convention. read full story / add a comment
national / eu / opinion/analysis Thursday June 26, 2008 20:12 by Brian
A look at the political thinking of the various groups that campaigned or voted No to Lisbon, with a view to seeing if it was possible for these groups to form a new united Irish opposition movement. read full story / add a comment
international / environment / other press Thursday June 26, 2008 18:59 by Terence
James Hansen the US climate scientist who first testified to the Senate 20 years ago and brought the attention of global warming to the mainstream has now testified that the CEOs of leading energy companies purposely lead a disinformation campaign on global warming which has resulted in a lack of action to solve the problem bringing humanity to the brink of disaster because we are possibly either just at or maybe even beyond the tipping point of runaway climate feedbacks. read full story / add a comment
international / gender and sexuality / other press Thursday June 26, 2008 18:41 by pat c
In her latest article on political islam, Yassamine Mathers looks at how the womens movement has fared in Iran. She also addresses how imperialism offers no answers for women. Full text at link. The women’s movement in Iran has become the subject of many claims and counter-claims over the last few years. Bush and the pro-war lobby tell us that Iranian women deserve a better regime and, of course, by that they mean the kind of ‘regime change’ we have seen in Iraq or Afghanistan... read full story / add a comment
dublin / miscellaneous / event notice Thursday June 26, 2008 18:09 by Brian
national / eu / opinion/analysis Thursday June 26, 2008 14:58 by Howard Holby
Would Mr. Cowen continue to represent the European Commission and the Council against his own people? Or would he finally start acting according to his constitutional obligation to his country and demand that the EU should unconditionally respect the decision of Ireland and immediately stop the ratification of the rejected treaty? Have the pro-Lisbon leaders considered that living under a dictatorial regime creates such a high uncertainty that first affects the rulers, due to the unpredictability and uncontrollability of the individual ambitions within an uncontrollable regime? Have they considered the possibility that the one-dimensional knowledge of their lawyers launching an operation with tricks and paragraphs against the nations of Europe may have been insufficient to assess the feasibility of the overall plan? Have they considered the very likely option that their Lisbon-scheme would fail when they least expect it? read full story / add a comment
international / environment / other press Thursday June 26, 2008 12:05 by Peter Sutherland's Nemesis
"The cover story of the Drunken Captain serves the oil industry well. It falsely presents America's greatest environmental disaster as a tale of human frailty, a one-time accident. But broken radar, missing equipment, phantom spill teams, faked tests -- the profit-driven disregard of the law -- made the spill an inevitability, not an accident." Palast has followed this story for years. He was part of the team that did the research to launch the locals’ court case for damages against the Esso oil corporation for poisoning for thousands of years their coastline, beaches, seas and livelihoods. And those lovely people in the Irish Times this week had Krauthammer, that social Darwinist looper, with an article entitled: Drilling in the Arctic - Good the Economy & Good for the Environment. But it’s like the nuclear lovin’ (Protocol 12), for-profit energy market fans and promoters of the neoliberalist Lisbon Treaty - Friends of the Earth Ireland, say, it’s about keeping the pressure on .... ha! ha! ha! read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Thursday June 26, 2008 09:53 by Bolshevik
First published on 24/06/08 - Global Research Editor's note We bring to the attention of our readers David DeBatto's scenario as to what might occur if one of the several contingency plans to attack Iran, with the participation of Israel and NATO, were to be carried out. While one may disagree with certain elements of detail of the author's text, the thrust of this analysis must be taken seriously. read full story / add a comment
international / animal rights / press release Thursday June 26, 2008 08:58 by Bernie Wright
On 21st May 2008 at 6 a.m., heavily armed police officers from an elite unit stormed 21 homes and the offices of a number of non-governmental organisations in Austria. Breaking their way in, the masked police surrounded frightened civilians in their beds at gun point. Ten people were arrested and have been held in custody without specific charge since that day. Despite the statement by the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior that "The measures taken by the police (.) were in no way directed against animal welfare or animal welfare organisations", the removal of computers, documents and other assets has effectively crippled some of the organisations involved. read full story / add a comment
dublin / worker & community struggles and protests / event notice Wednesday June 25, 2008 23:15 by ZSP
In December 2007, workers in the Polish office of Lionbridge - a multinational translation company - created a trade union based on non-hierarchical principles – KFP. On Feb. 12, 2008, Jakub G., a workplace union representative in Lionbridge Poland, was summarily dismissed. read full story / add a comment
international / gender and sexuality / other press Wednesday June 25, 2008 15:57 by pat c
HRW have called on the Iranian government to ensure that these two activists get a fair trial. Full story at link. Iranian judicial authorities should guarantee two Kurdish women’s rights activists transparent court proceedings when their cases come up for a hearing, Human Rights Watch said today. Activist Hana Abdi is appealing a five-year prison sentence, while Ronak Safarzadeh is on trial on charges that could lead to a death sentence. Human Rights Watch urges Iranian authorities to ensure fair and open court proceedings for both women. read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-war / imperialism / other press Wednesday June 25, 2008 15:15 by Eamonn
The Democracy Now website is reporting that a San Francisco group called; Department of Damned-With-Faint-Praise is proposing to ask voters this November to approve a fitting memorial for war criminal Bush once he leaves office ... read full story / add a comment
international / animal rights / press release Wednesday June 25, 2008 15:14 by Laura Broxson
PRESS RELEASE - HUMAN RIGHTS SCANDAL IN AUSTRIA Non-governmental organisations express concern about what may be a case of state repression of social activism. On 21st May 2008 at 6 a.m., heavily armed police officers from an elite unit stormed 21 homes and the offices of a number of non-governmental organisations in Austria. Breaking their way in, the masked police surrounded frightened civilians in their beds at gun point. Ten people were arrested and have been held in custody without specific charge since that day. Despite the statement by the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior that "The measures taken by the police (.) were in no way directed against animal welfare or animal welfare organisations", the removal of computers, documents and other assets has effectively crippled some of the organisations involved. read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests / news report Wednesday June 25, 2008 12:56 by Jolly Red Giant
The Court of Appeal has issued its judgement on the case of the Belfast airport shop stewards who were sacked in 2002 by airport security firm, ICTS, after they had organised a strike over pay. read full story / add a comment |