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The SakerA bird's eye view of the vineyard
Public InquiryInterested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
Human Rights in IrelandPromoting Human Rights in Ireland |
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Tuesday February 12, 2019 22:10 by Gemma rays
Investigative Journalist and ex presidential candidate Gemma O'Doherty has become the subject of a campaign of google censorship like many others recently who dissent from the status quo. Gemma, however did not take this lying down. She took it straight to google HQ Support Gemma in her fight against google censorship. And support independent non corporate media platforms where this control cannot so easily be exercised over free speech! read full story / add a comment
national / health / disability issues / press release Monday February 11, 2019 22:32 by pbp
The government is paying out nearly half a million euro to PWC to find out why there was a cost over-run at the National Children’s Hospital. But PWC has been the recipient of major contracts from BOTH the HSE and the construction company involved, BAM. read full story / add a comment
national / housing / press release Tuesday February 05, 2019 21:30 by pbp
Housing Agency “talking nonsense about affordable housing” – private developers completely incapable of providing real affordability. People Before Profit TD, Richard Boyd Barrett, says “only way to deliver affordable housing is for state to build on public land.” read full story / add a comment
international / economics and finance / press release Tuesday February 05, 2019 18:41 by JubileeUSA Network
Judge Laura Taylor Swain approved a deal to restructure $17 billion of Puerto Rico's $72 billion debt on Monday. Court approval was the last hurdle creditors and the island's oversight board needed for a plan to address sales tax backed debt or "COFINA" debt. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Monday February 04, 2019 18:58 by séamas cxarraher
The London-based International Observatory of Human Rights have added to the long list of the country’s human rights violations in their recent 2018 in Review: Human Rights Violations in Turkey read full story / add a comment
national / environment / press release Friday February 01, 2019 22:37 by foie
An Open Letter signed by 33 environmental NGOs objecting to biomass burning in Irish peat power stations and calling for those plants’ closure [1] has been submitted as part of an objection to ESB’s West Offaly planning application [2]. Dogwood Alliance [3] in the USA and Biofuelwatch in the UK and USA [4] slam ESB’s application for a post-2020 consent for the power station and its gradual conversion to biomass. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / news report Thursday January 31, 2019 14:28 by séamas carraher
The world’s 26 richest people possess the same wealth as the poorest 50%, a figure estimated to be 3.8 billion people read full story / add a comment
national / environment / press release Sunday January 27, 2019 19:50 by foie
The €500 million proposal to build a Liquified Natural Gas [LNG] terminal on the Shannon Estuary in County Kerry is in the High Court tomorrow because the Planning Appeals Board ignored Ireland’s legal obligation under the Government’s Climate Change legislation. read full story / add a comment
national / history and heritage / event notice Sunday January 27, 2019 18:49 by Sean Ó Murchú
Organised by Republican Movement Cork and Clonmult Martyrs relatives and friends Commemoration Committee. read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests / opinion/analysis Tuesday January 22, 2019 16:12 by Sean Crudden
Well I must say that although I have not seen much of the debate about Brexit I am impressed by Mrs. Teresa May. She has maintained a rational and forthright attitude. Many a good leader has been ditched long before the end of the road. But I hope she is able to lead this Brexit process to a satisfactory conclusion. To be simplistic about it I do not think it is a case of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland wrong; The European Union right. It's a big decision for EU as well as for UKGBNI. Candidly I think EU needs to review and adjust. There are many facets of the EU and The European Commission that are open to negative criticism. I need not retail them here. Most people can make out their own shopping list. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Saturday January 19, 2019 11:57 by séamas carraher
It seems that the fate of the Kurds and their allies and neighbours in this tormented part of the world depends on the quickly changing allegiances between a number of international players – none of which you would trust to walk your grandmother across a busy road read full story / add a comment
international / economics and finance / press release Friday January 18, 2019 18:11 by Kate Zeller
On Thursday, Judge Laura Taylor Swain delayed approval of a $17 billion debt deal between Puerto Rico "COFINA" creditors and the island's oversight board. read full story / add a comment
international / economics and finance / press release Wednesday January 16, 2019 21:18 by Kate Zeller
Through Thursday, the judge presiding over Puerto Rico's bankruptcy process will hear testimony about a debt deal to restructure about $17 billion of the island's $72 billion debt. read full story / add a comment
international / history and heritage / press release Tuesday January 15, 2019 18:37 by John Throne
The Donegal Woman based on the life of my grandmother. On publication and without an agent and self published was number two on best sellers list in the North. "We'll Take A Cup Of Kindness Yet" Memoir and Manifest of my self John Throne. From Donegal small farmer Orange Order family to international revolutionary socialist via the Bogside Uprising and other struggles. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Saturday January 12, 2019 12:00 by séamas carraher
Is there not something absurd (if not for the cost in human suffering) in Turkey’s ruling coalition’s deep seated venom for the social and cultural presence of its not-Turkish people? read full story / add a comment
international / eu / other press Friday January 11, 2019 18:42 by 1 of indy
This article is being reposted here as it is incredibly important and gives an insight into the larger framework of forces acting on the EU. From this perspective one can see how Brexit is the sabotage operation. Even though a majority voted for Brexit, clearly bigger forces wanted it and as we know the people are usually ignored. As in when in Ireland we had to vote twice on separate occasions in EU referendum before we got the right answer. The European Union enters 2019 with a mass of unresolved problems, in addition to being torn apart by the most severe contradictions… The first and main problem is that the EU was created as one of the mechanisms of the US’ control over Western Europe. Without the American Marshall Plan, without opening American markets for European goods, without American troops on the European continent, without NATO, eventually, the European Union wouldn’t be possible. read full story / add a comment
national / sci-tech / news report Wednesday January 09, 2019 11:07 by gniomhaí
5G is being sold to us as enabling high speed internet, super quick download speeds, 'smart' devices including smart cities, smart cars etc and the 'Internet of Things' (ie where all products are connected wirelessly to the internet). In practice, this means that exposure to EM radiation will increase exponentially read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Monday January 07, 2019 00:44 by Justin Morahan
Nobel Peace Laureate Maguire gives reasons for nominating thw Wikileaks founder read full story / add a comment
international / history and heritage / event notice Friday December 28, 2018 11:13 by Sharon.
Dublin and Wexford - jobs done! read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Wednesday December 26, 2018 19:34 by Lilesosanna
This blog, my first, will in general aim to document the program and specifically my experiences on JobPath. Protecting their identities you will meet the other job seekers and staff, will there be villains and hero’s or stale biscuits and tea? The blog will be anonymous because I’m not sure how DSP or Seetec will feel about the real time, real person, review. Why do a blog, I feel that it gives a window for the 115,000 people who will be invited to the mandatory scheme over the full 4+2 years. JobPath is discussed by politicians, by journalist and even on public forums, the vast majority of whom only get the opportunity to view from the outside in and so only see things from a superficial vantage point. My time embedded or if you like immersed in the scheme, gives a personal and unique opportunity to document my experience and is allowing me the privilege of blogging from the inside out. It requires some intrusion into my life and maybe some repetitive reading, it will require some commitment from myself and the thought of possible consequences leave me a little unhinged. However difficult it is personally, hopefully it will serve the purpose of shedding light on the truth in a way that turning up with a press pass or in a Ministerial car, never could do. In November 2018, I received a second ‘invitation’ that I couldn’t refuse to do another 52 weeks of JobPath. Considering the amount of people who viewed the blog from all corners of the planet and the participants that the blog helped, along with the number of people who contact me for and offering me help, I’m going to do another 52 weeks of blogging under JobPath two. The aims will be the same. read full story / add a comment |