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international / animal rights / press release Monday February 14, 2011 07:52 by Carolyn Bailey
The animal rights social network and advocacy website Animal Rights Zone (ARZone) announces a groundbreaking interview with British neurobiologist and University of Oxford1 Professor Colin Blakemore Ph. D. to take place at 10pm GMT on Saturday February 19, 2011. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / press release Sunday February 13, 2011 19:01 by WPI
With the stepping down of Hosni Mubarak under the crushing pressure of the revolution, people of Egypt have achieved their first goal. A dictator, who for nearly thirty years had made life hell for people in a country run on the model of market economy capitalism with the full political and military backing of the USA and other western governments, was forced to resign. Eighteen days of people’s massive protests in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and other cities, their smart and brave confrontation with all the regime’s vicious ploys, and the workers’ massive strikes finally brought Mubarak to his knees and forced him to flee. read full story / add a comment
national / politics / elections / opinion/analysis Sunday February 13, 2011 14:01 by ordinary citizen
These times we live in require people with initiative in positions of power. People who can come at a problem from different angles and don’t necessarily play by the rules. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Saturday February 12, 2011 20:18 by El Libertario, Venezuela
* On November 2010, in the Spanish city of Cordoba, during the celebrations of the Centennial of the historical anarcho-syndicalist union, the Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo (CNT), a Round Table discussion about Latin America’s social movements took place. A representative of El Libertario was present and delivered the following report. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Saturday February 12, 2011 18:33 by pat c
Seven writers give their analyses of the Egyptian and Tunisian Revolutions and warn of the dangers ahead. Full texts at links. The Emerging Counter-Revolutions In Tunisia And Egypt By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya An arrogant pharaoh has fallen. Egyptians may be chanting that their country is free, but their struggle is far from over. The United Arab Republic of Egypt is not free yet. The old regime and its apparatus are still very much in place and waiting for the dust to settle. The Egyptian military is officially in control of Egypt and the counter-revolution is emerging. A new phase of the struggle for liberty has started. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / news report Saturday February 12, 2011 02:04 by Winds of Change
Sinn Fein's shameful attempt to overturn NI Coursing Ban rejected read full story / add a comment
dublin / arts and media / event notice Friday February 11, 2011 22:08 by TheShed
13th FEBRUARY 2011 @ SHE-D - MY BLOODY VALENTINE SUNDAY SHE-D 43 GARDINER LANE DOORS @ 7:00pm 5 euro @ SHE-D read full story / add a comment
dublin / arts and media / event notice Friday February 11, 2011 21:54 by TheShed
14th FEBRUARY 2011 @ SHE-D - CINEMA PARADISE: ANIMATION SHE-D 43 Gardiner Lane D1 (rear of HILL 16 pub on GARDINER STREET or BUS PARKING on Mountjoy Square South) Donations(*): 5,00 Euro @ SHE-D ......DOORS @ 08:00pm (projection starts @ 8:30pm) read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Friday February 11, 2011 19:04 by Yassamine Mather
Given the events in Tunisia and Egypt the campaign in support of Iranian political prisoners has taken on a new urgency. So has the campaign for democracy in Iran. Iranians are just as entitled to freely choose their own leaders as Egyptians and Tunisians. Any change must come from within Iran and from below. John McDonnell MP will launch a new campaign at the Hands Off the People of Iran (GB) annual conference this coming Saturday (February 12). The 'Free Panahi! Free all political prisoners!' initiative is expected to pick up significant international support. Renowned film director Jafar Panahi has had a savage six-year jail sentence imposed on him, plus a 20-year ban on making films and travelling abroad, for the 'crime' of planning to make a film about the mass movement for democracy that spilled onto the streets of major Iranian cities in 2009. read full story / add a comment
galway / politics / elections / event notice Friday February 11, 2011 18:39 by Conor Burke
Table Quiz in aid of the Socialist Party / united left alliance election campaign . place: Red Square Bar , Foster Street , Galway When: thursday febuary 17th @ 8pm how much ? : €10 per head (waged), €5 (students & unwaged) Who? : max 4 persons per table . all welcome read full story / add a comment
national / politics / elections / opinion/analysis Friday February 11, 2011 13:30 by Celtic Warrior
The Peoples movement calls for its supperters to vote for and to help 4 independent councillors to be elected in Dublin, Sligo, Donygal and Galway. This is vital in order to ensure that a number of politicans are elected with principled policies on the EU and leaving the Euro currency and on taking the Icelandic approach to solving our banking debt. read full story / add a comment
dublin / arts and media / event notice Friday February 11, 2011 12:08 by Dublin Film Qlub
FILM QLUB, in association with GOETHE-INSTITUT DUBLIN, is proud to present... FEMME FATALE: PANDORA'S BOX (1929) Wednesday, 2 march 2011, at 7:30 pm Outhouse Theatre, 105 Capel st, Dublin 1 Day membership: 8 euro This film is said to have captured the feel of the “roaring nineteen twenties”, a decade associated with androgyny, dissipation, and life on the fast lane. Whatever your orientation, let yourself be hypnotized by the magnetic Lulu, who breaks the hearts of men and women without discrimination. This screening of "Pandora’s Box" will coincide with the International Women’s Day celebrations – No, we are not celebrating evil women! We are paying homage to one of the greatest actors in movie history, Louise Brooks, in a magnificent performance. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / press release Thursday February 10, 2011 15:46 by newsmedia
Dozens of U.S. human rights groups will present an open letter to the Spanish public to consulates and Madrid officials on Valentine's Day. They will encourage support of Spanish courts in prosecuting U.S. officials who authorized torture. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Thursday February 10, 2011 09:06 by Ciaron O'Reilly
Catholic Workers reading a Litany of the Afghani Civiian and British Military War Dead outside the Exrtradition hearing of WikiLeaks Founder Juian Assange - Woolwich Court/Belmarsh Prison/London. ***More info call Ciaron 079 392 90576 (outside uk) +44 79 392 90576 read full story / add a comment
dublin / politics / elections / event notice Wednesday February 09, 2011 22:29 by Susan Scannell
Climate change, The Incinerator And Me is an event designed to offer the voters of Dublin South East a chance to hear their candidates look at long term issues. Unemployment and the economic crisis are indeed to the fore but engaged clued in voters are also concerned about the long term issues such as what type of world will their children and grandchildren live in. read full story / add a comment
national / politics / elections / press release Wednesday February 09, 2011 21:22 by Charlie Williams
Fís Nua ( lanched its election candidates on 5 Feb 2011 in Buswells Hotel, Dublin. Fís Nua is Ireland's newest political party and was entered on the official Register of Political Parties on 4th Feb 2011. F?s Nua stands for an end to the bank bailout, for social justice, sustainability, a steady state economy, greater democracy with devolution of power and an end to corruption. Cordelia N'c Fhearraigh welcomed everyone to the launch and introduced Cllr. Pat Kavanagh who made an opening statement. Each of the candidates then made introductory comments about their reasons for standing for Dail Eireann. Those candidates are (left to right): Ian Clotworthy - Dublin South East, Gerry Kinsella - Wexford, Pat Kavanagh - Wexford, Liam Johnston - Dublin Central, Dr. Ben Nutty - Waterford, Donal O'Riordan - Cork South West. read full story / add a comment
cork / history and heritage / press release Wednesday February 09, 2011 21:02 by Seán Ó Murchú
Clonmult Martyrs Commemoration Committee, members of Republican Sinn Fein, relatives and friends met recently in Midleton to organise the 90th Annual Commemoration for Sunday 20th February 2010 at Midleton. read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections / opinion/analysis Wednesday February 09, 2011 19:40 by john throne
Large numbers in polls show opposition to the IMF/EU bail out. Yet the ULA while doing well is not able to come close to this level of support . Why is this? We try and raise some questions in this regard here. read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Wednesday February 09, 2011 00:40 by Steven Bennett
Time: 3.30pm on Friday the 11th of February. Location: Egyptian Embassy, 12 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland There is a call for a Demo by the Palestinian Rights Institute(PRI), the Egyptian and Muslim community and other groups to meet at the Egyptian Embassy in Solidarity with the Egyptian People, all are welcome. Act for Egypt العمل من أجل مصر facebook event: read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Wednesday February 09, 2011 00:35 by Steven Bennett
2pm - 4pm Thursday the 10th of February. Apartheid 'Israeli' Embassy, Pembroke Rd, Dublin 4, Ireland Act for Palestine Solidarity Protest at the 'Israeli' embassy. Facebook event: read full story / add a comment |