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national / housing / press release Thursday September 08, 2011 18:16 by Pat Riot
This open Letter of Acceptance of Contract was sent to Michael Noonan T.D. Minister for Finance and copies have been sent to all TDs and media outlets, We the People of Ireland will take the responsibility that the stooges in the Dáil are afraid to take. We accept the contract to resolve the financial crisis and the mortgage scandal, we can and will remedy the situation, we are not paid by big business or shadowy power brokers, We accept this challenge because our political leaders have shown themselves to be impotent, we stand willing and able to take all actions necessary to get us out of the hole that the politicians have put us in. Minister Noonan You have [10] Ten days to reply to this acceptance of contract after which time we will deem it as binding. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / other press Wednesday September 07, 2011 23:27 by Freeman Gerry
Fascinating example of double-speak and newthink in the latest of RTE's press-releases on behalf of our overlords in the IMF: Instructive and personally therapeutic to sift through the seemingly innocuous and dry-as-dust statements therein and see what lies behind the appearance of 'news.' read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Wednesday September 07, 2011 14:03 by James Turley
James Turley looks at developments in Libya: the divisions among the rebels, how most of the Left opposed NATO intervention. More at link. As it threatened, briefly, to do this spring, the regime of Muammar al-Gaddafi has collapsed. The forces previously known as the Libyan rebels have seized power in most of the country, including the capital, Tripoli - assisted, of course, by months of aerial bombardment by Britain, France and America. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Wednesday September 07, 2011 13:43 by pat c
Latest on Libyan situation.: 52 more airstrikes by NATO and truce talks continue in some areas. Tense situation in Tripoli as water is restored to some. The humanitarian crisis in Libya is deepening as NATO-backed forces of the National Transitional Council (NTC) continue their offensive to crush forces loyal to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, with the assistance of NATO bombing and special forces troops. Yesterday AFP reported artillery fire as NTC prepared to attack Surt, Gaddafi’s home city in the center of Libya’s Mediterranean coast. Surt was heavily bombed on Sunday, with NATO concentrating most of its 52 airstrikes on Libya that day on the city. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Tuesday September 06, 2011 18:27 by pat c
I wouldn't totally agree with the analysis in this article by Peter Symonds but its interesting in the way it deals with the divisions among the rebels and the continuing NATO bombing of Libya. Full story at link below. Pro-Gaddafi forces continue to control Gaddafi’s home town of Sirte, Bani Walid and the regions of Jufra and Sebha. Attention is currently focused on Bani Walid, a desert town of 60,000 about 150 kilometres south-east of Tripoli. Negotiations for its surrender have broken down and opposition militia have cut off the town. Over the weekend, NATO carried out more than 200 sorties over Libya, bombing 100 targets including near Bani Walid, Sirte, Hun, Buwayrat, Sebha and Waddan. Despite NATO air support and estimates that pro-Gaddafi fighters number fewer than 100, the NTC is using the siege to force tribal elders to negotiate a surrender. read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Monday September 05, 2011 20:32 by Joe Hill
Gig will take place at 8.30 pm on Wednesday, September 7th, at The Pearse Centre, The Ireland Institute, 27 Pearse Street, Dublin. The ticket prices range from €5 (uw) to €10. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Monday September 05, 2011 17:46 by Ciaron
We are ten years into a war on Aghanistan, 20 years into a war on Iraq and 250+ daze into the confinement without charge of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange who has done so much to expose the true nature of these wars. Wars that have no end date, no popular support and presently little visible opposition. read full story / add a comment
dublin / education / event notice Monday September 05, 2011 16:51 by Tadhg
Físean (DVD) agus plé le Dónal Mac Billings - san Ionad Buail Isteach, Siopa Connolly Books, 43 Sráid Essex Thoir, BÁC 2 read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Monday September 05, 2011 13:27 by Hamid Taqvaee
The people of Kurdistan in the frontier region of Iran, Turkey and Iraq have been under the Iranian artillery fire and the Turkish jet fighters’ attacks during the past month, on the pretext of fighting the armed forces of two organisations: PKK and Pejak. These bombardments were accompanied by cannons and artillery from the two bordering countries of Iraqi Kurdistan and military attacks on villages, as a result of which many people were killed, wounded, displaced and a great deal of casualties was caused. In just one day, on August 21st, seven civilians from a family, including a child, lost their lives as a result of the Turkish air raid. Kurdistan Regional Government’s authorities and the Kurdish media in Iraq stated that the inhabitants of 35 villages have been forced from their homes due to these attacks. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Monday September 05, 2011 13:13 by Peter Symonds
Peter Symonds analyses the reports of dovuments found in Gadaffis security chiefs office. Peter concludes that they show that NATO was in cahoots with Gadaffi until shortly before they started bombing Libya. A hoard of secret documents uncovered in the Tripoli offices of Libya’s External Security Organisation on Friday has exposed the lie that NATO began bombing Libya for humanitarian reasons or has moved to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi because of concerns over his regime’s abuse of democratic rights. read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice / opinion/analysis Monday September 05, 2011 09:13 by PrisonReporter
In 1981, the wishes of hunger strikers, including IRA prisoner Bobby Sands MP, were respected and doctors supervised political death-fasts in Occupied Ireland by political prisoners demanding their international rights as Irish POWs refused by Margaret Thatcher. However Marian Price and her sister Dolours Price were on hunger strike for 200 days while their comrades Michael Gaughan and Frank Stagg died, which Marian described as follows: read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests / opinion/analysis Sunday September 04, 2011 19:02 by Des Dalton
A time of economic crisis provides a moment in time when the revolutionary can more readily get the ear of the people. At such times people are open to the possibility of radical change. It is of such a juncture that Lenin wrote: “A revolution is impossible without a revolutionary situation” however he also warned “not every revolutionary situation leads to revolution”. A climate of economic crisis not only opens up possibilities for the genuine revolutionary but also for the false prophet of racism and fascism. read full story / add a comment
international / environment / other press Saturday September 03, 2011 14:29 by RB
Bad news for the AGW deniers. Another one of their papers is discredited. Even the editor of the journal that published it is resigning. The editor of a science journal has resigned after admitting that a recent paper casting doubt on man-made climate change should not have been published. The paper, by US scientists Roy Spencer and William Braswell, claimed that computer models of climate inflated projections of temperature increase. It was seized on by "sceptic" bloggers, but attacked by mainstream scientists. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Saturday September 03, 2011 13:39 by Joe Mcivor
RTE’s website carried a story yesterday about cancellations in Dublin’s transport building program . The article said that it was now “ [by] no means certain that any of the major transport projects for Dublin will be built in the next five years “. The report’s first paragraph reads: “Transport Minister Leo Varadkar said the country is in receivership and it is by no means certain that any of the major transport projects for Dublin will be built in the next five years.” The accompanying RTE News report does not include a full quote or a reference to where and when the government minister said that Ireland was “in receivership”. read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests / other press Friday September 02, 2011 21:19 by SWPer
Lee Sustar of Socialist Worker, US writes on developments in the Strian revolutionary movement and US sanctions and and attempts to lead the movement astray. AFTER NEARLY six months of continuous mobilization in the face of savage repression, the Syrian revolutionary movement is debating its future as the U.S. tries to manipulate the opposition to suit its own aims in the Middle East. Peter Harling and Robert Malley of the pro-imperialist think tank, the International Crisis Group, correctly point out that these economic changes helped set the stage for the revolution: "For the most part, the regime has been waging war against its original social constituency. When Hafez al-Assad, Bashar's father, came to power, his regime, dominated by members of the Alawite branch of Islam, embodied the neglected countryside, its peasants and exploited underclass. Today's ruling elite has forgotten its roots. Its members inherited power rather than fought for it, grew up in Damascus, mimicked the ways of the urban upper class with which they mingled, and led a process of economic liberalization at the provinces' expense." read full story / add a comment
national / consumer issues / event notice Friday September 02, 2011 15:49 by Peter Sutherland's Nemisis
RAW ISSUE: THE RAW MILK DEBATE Tasty, Nutritious Drink or Threat to Irish Dairy Industry and the nation’s Health? Panel Discussion on Proposed Banning of RAW MILK Sales in Ireland to take place at the Sugar Club, Dublin on Tuesday, 6th of September at 7.30pm. On Tuesday, 6th of September in the Sugar Club, Dublin, a panel will debate the merits of the proposed ban on sales of Raw Milk in Ireland. The debate has been organised by the Campaign for Raw Milk, a group representing food businesses and organisations who believe people have the right to choose. Panellists in the debate will present the various arguments for and against the ban. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Friday September 02, 2011 15:02 by pat c
Good news! A United Nations report says Israeli mercenaries used excessive force in its attack on the Flotilla last year. But bizarrely the UN claims that the Pirate Blockade imposed by Israel is legal! At least the Turkish Govt have expelled a Mossad agent, err, I mean the Israeli Ambassador. Turkey is to expel the Israeli ambassador after details emerged of a UN report into last year's deadly raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla. Officials in Ankara said it was also suspending all remaining military agreements with Israel. Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said some of the report's findings, leaked to the New York Times, were unacceptable.Turkey wants Israel to apologise for the raid but it has refused to do so. read full story / add a comment
national / history and heritage / press release Friday September 02, 2011 10:55 by Deise
TG4 to show documentary of War of Independence veteran and Vietnam War protester. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Thursday September 01, 2011 19:37 by Richard Brenner
How will the revolution in Libya advance now that Gadaffi has fallen? The dangers and opportunities are discussed in this article by Richard Brenner. More material regarding the Libyan revolution is available at the League for the Fifth international website. In Tripoli in the early days of the uprising, Gaddafi’s forces had already murdered between 200 and 700 unarmed demonstrators. Like all victorious uprisings the Libyan Revolution will have to crush the remaining elements of the old regime including Gaddafi and his sons. They should not be tried but put to swift revolutionary justice. At the same time the revolution needs to discipline itself. The horrifying cases of killings of black people need to be stopped. Gaddafi hired sub-Saharan mercenaries but in Tripoli gangs seem to be treating black people all as Gaddafi mercenaries. Anyone doing this should be tried and punished harshly. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Thursday September 01, 2011 18:23 by Sam
Documents presented to a US court now reveal details of CIA rendition flight finance, destination and logistics. Shannon airport was at the centre of their operation. read full story / add a comment |