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international / environment / event notice Saturday July 29, 2006 15:54 by Jo Bloggs
The camp for Climate Action will start 26th Aug - 4th Sep, in Megawatt valley which is the home of Drax power station nr. Leeds and Selby. This is Britains largest C02 emmissions factory and we plan to shut it down!! We're hoping to unite folk in ireland and scotland to set up a celtic barrio, which will have a meeting space, kitchen space and entertainment. The main aim of the camp is for info and action to tackle the causes of climate change. If you are interested in coming along or can help in any other way please contact: This is a call out to all irish activists or crews If you are interested please contact read full story / add a comment
antrim / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Saturday July 29, 2006 14:11 by Davy Carlin
Build the Momentum! Apart from the ongoing actions and activites on this matter by several organisations and campaign groups a rally has also been pencilled in for the front of Belfast City Hall Stand firm against the ongoing slaughter and send out a united and strong voice for peace Grassroots activists, trade unionists, the NGO community and all concerned individuals – join the rally and put your feet onto the streets against this injustice read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Saturday July 29, 2006 08:05 by cleaves
The people are once again faced with a very real opportunity to act and change the status quo. The USA has abandoned its traditional role of peacekeeper in the Middle East. Two clear prerogatives present themselves in the face of ongoing hostilities, a people’s movement or another nation filling the vacuum left by the U.S. (which has tragically become an involved party in the conflict). How many times must the opportunity for Peace go begging? read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Saturday July 29, 2006 04:11 by Seán Ryan
Cindy Sheehan buys plot of land near George Bush's Ranch in Crawford, Texas. read full story / add a comment
donegal / miscellaneous / news report Friday July 28, 2006 17:26 by Donegal Shell to Sea
Over 150 concerned citizens from across the Northwest gathered in Jacksons’s Hotel last Thursday July 20th to participate in a public talk on Shell Oil, The Rossport 5 campaign and the Government’s plans to sell off oil and gas exploration rights off the Donegal coast, potentially worth billions of euros. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Friday July 28, 2006 14:02 by Séan Ó Murchú
The Republican Prisoners protest in Maghaberry Gaol which began on 19 June is been deliberately kept out of the main stream media. YOU can change this by writing letters to your local papers/politicians highlighting the conditions in which the prisoners are kept and their five demands. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Friday July 28, 2006 12:18 by Starvin Marvin
The following is an article I read in the Irish Times. At first I thought I was reading an article by Richard Perle or some other neo-con ideologue but then I saw its author was none other than Joschka Fischer. What do Trevor Sargent and John Gormley have to say about their Green cousins in Europe? read full story / add a comment
dublin / crime and justice / event notice Friday July 28, 2006 10:37 by Rick Lines, Executive Director
The Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT), Merchants Quay Ireland and the Union for Improved Services, Communication and Education (UISCE) present a free public forum entitled "Rethinking the War on Drugs" on Monday 28th August. Our main speaker will be Jerry Cameron. A seventeen-year police veteran, Mr. Cameron is a former U.S. Chief of Police as well as a former full time faculty member of the Institute of Police Technology and Management at the University of North Florida where he taught drug interdiction. Toward the end of his career, he began to question the efficacy as well as the morality of the war on drugs, eventually coming to the conclusion that it was a not only a total failure but that it was causing tremendous damage to society. read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / other press Friday July 28, 2006 10:20 by Frank Cordaro
Former RC priest ,and long time Catholic Worker, is presently serving a 6 month sentence for a nonviolent trespass at Offcut Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska. Offcut is headquarters of what was once called the U.S. Strategic Air Command. This is Frank's 7th. 6 month stint for nonviolent resistance at Offcut AFB. Frank also did time for a (1990's) Plowshares action on a B-52 Bomber at Andrews Air Force Base. (By happenstance, Amy Goodman was on site and covered the action for "Democracy Now"). Although Frank is presently a prisoner of the Federal Government he spent the first 2 months of this sentence in overcrowded County Jails (There ar e now 2.3 million prople locked up in the U.S.) Frank is now ensconsed in Yankton Fed Pen (once rated by Penthouse 'zine as one of the 5 easiest places to do time in the U.S. system. read full story / add a comment
antrim / miscellaneous / event notice Friday July 28, 2006 01:47 by PRO // Daly / Mc Namee Cumann
Daly/McNamee Irish Republican Socialist Party Cumann have called a white line vigil to honour the sacrafices of 1981 hunger striker and INLA Volunteer Kevin Lynch. read full story / add a comment
galway / anti-war / imperialism / other press Thursday July 27, 2006 22:37 by Jack
The European Union has handed the Middle East to the militarists, writes Michael D Higgins TD in todays Irish Times. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Thursday July 27, 2006 21:45 by Anthony
A letter from Chomsky and other well known anti-imperalists outlines some of the less well reported events around the start of the recent escalation of Israeli violence and looks at the double standards that can be seen in the coverage and treatment of Palestinians. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Thursday July 27, 2006 17:19 by Red Banner Fleet
This is the complete Barr Tribunal Report Sure to become as controversial as the Warren Report. McDowell claims that ERU are not "trigger happy bucaneers." read full story / add a comment
cork / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Thursday July 27, 2006 15:20 by Pat OSullivan.
Cork protest vigil against Israel/US terror in the Middle East Stop the War on the people of Lebanon, Iraq and Gaza! 2PM, Daunt Sq, Patrick St. Sat July 29th. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Thursday July 27, 2006 15:03 by jim travers
The Gardai are being placed in a position where the whole responsibility of road safety is being placed on their shoulders and supported by the Road Safety Authority. According to Bertie, we re all to blame for the carnage so stand back and be prepared to be wipped and later fined for such blatent abuse of our road traffic regulations. Dont blame the government, they try and do their best but people insist in driving cars and causing damage. Read on read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Thursday July 27, 2006 14:59 by nano
The middle of the twentieth century was the last occasion a belligerent nation stunned the world with violent military invasions. The major powers watched passively while a rogue military nation boldly occupied a number of sovereign states; the excuses offered by the aggressor at that time were similar to the inane, irrational rubbish the world is offered today by Israel and the U.S. However, some would make the distinction that the comments made by John Bolton and Condoleezza Rice are even less believable than the propaganda of Dr. Joseph Goebbels. read full story / add a comment
national / housing / press release Thursday July 27, 2006 13:03 by Roughan Mac Namara
FOCUS Ireland launches research which highlights Low Social & Affordable Housing under Part V · Part V can still play a key role in delivering housing if report’s recommendations are acted upon · Focus Ireland argues that cash payments in lieu of social & affordable housing should be avoided and only used as a “last resort” Focus Ireland today launched “Building For Inclusion” - a research report that examines the effectiveness of Part V of the Planning and Development Act 2000-2004. First introduced in 2000, Part V of the Planning and Development Acts is widely known for the provision allowing local authorities to insist that up to 20 per cent of land in most housing developments be reserved for social and affordable housing. Since its introduction the legislation has been never far from the headlines - when first introduced it was heavily resisted by the construction industry, referred to the Supreme Court to test its constitutionality and amended by the Government in 2002. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Thursday July 27, 2006 12:44 by pat c
He beat himself up so badly he was paralysed! It reminds me of people beating themselves up during the days of the Heavy Gang. Or Andreas Baader shooting himself in the back of the head. Full story at link. pat c read full story / add a comment
mayo / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Thursday July 27, 2006 12:27 by Chris Murray
One of the intimacies of war is death and lamentation. It was one of the intimacies of civilised society too, before the issue of death becme a taboo, something to be fought and dominated. Especially within the capitalist framework, wherein a few days entitlement to remove yourself from the rat-race is the nod to the process of grief. Wakes, in the houses of the head were a common practice in Irish society. They were structured rituals which involved every member of the family and extended family in their individual capacity as mourner, story-teller, Keener and waiter. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Thursday July 27, 2006 12:22 by Akrasia
Has the media has been lying to us all along to justify the horrific Israeli military action against Lebanon? We have all been told that Hezbollah breached Israeli borders and captured Israeli soldiers from behind the Israeli lines and this has been the justification for the annialation of lebanon and the killing of around 400 lebanese people and 4 U.N. observers. read full story / add a comment |