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Public InquiryInterested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
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Lockdown Skeptics
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Monday August 23, 2021 00:29 by 1 of Indy
The German vaccination machine is beginning to falter. In quite a few general practitioners’ offices, vaccinations are no longer being administered. More and more doctors are withdrawing from the corona “vaccination” campaign according to figures from the Robert Koch Institut, accessed by the newspaper Welt am Sonntag. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Sunday August 22, 2021 14:06 by Anthony Ravlich
America and the West need to face the geopolitical reality that many countries do not want democracy. Rather a focus on ethical human rights would be less confrontational than a Democratic coalition against totalitarian regimes. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Thursday August 19, 2021 22:01 by Gary Jordan
As Ireland experiences a tsunami of sin, we must detach ourselves from the criminals and murderers who hold our nation hostage, regardless of what it costs to us personally and professionally. read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum / event notice Tuesday August 17, 2021 12:06 by Irish Inquiry
Join us on Tuesday 17th August at 9pm for the second Iconoclast RoundTable Discussion, featuring Dr. Gerard Waters, Dr. Marcus De Brun, Stock market investor, Graham Neary, Barrister at Law, Tracey O’Mahony and Biochemical Engineer and Complex Problem Solving Specialist, Ivor Cummins. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Saturday August 14, 2021 21:15 by Gary Jordan
Leaders in the Jewish community in New York are falling for the same lies the Third Reich's Judenrat fell for. read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum / news report Tuesday August 10, 2021 11:07 by dr
This open Letter was published in the Irish Medical Times and was addressed ro the minister for health and asks why the highly effective drug Ivermectin has been blocked read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Sunday August 08, 2021 23:36 by 1 of Indy
There aren't too many victories but it is important to keep chipping away and this news report from is a small victory. No doubt though the Spanish government won't give up and try some other tact. This follows another victory last month where Spain's top court ruled pandemic lockdown was unconstitutional. See here A controversial proposal that sought to make Covid-19 passports mandatory to visit all nightlife venues, floated by the government of Andalusia, has been shot down by the top court in Spain’s southern coastal region. The High Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA) ruled on Friday against the initiative announced by the regional government earlier this week. Making health passports mandatory to visit indoor nightlife venues was deemed to be discriminatory and in violation of citizens’ privacy rights. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Saturday August 07, 2021 18:32 by Gary Jordan
Irish Armed Forces Members Are Calling For The Segregation of Irish People read full story / add a comment
international / health / disability issues / news report Friday August 06, 2021 22:49 by Dr Naomi Wolf
Researchers from Germany have conducted the world’s first-ever postmortem study on a corpse that prior to death had been “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). They found that every single organ of the now-deceased person’s body had become infested with spike proteins due to the jab. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Sunday August 01, 2021 17:39 by Gary Jordan
The New South Wales Police Force leaders are deflecting attention away from their 'filthy, selfish and disgusting' history by vilifying freedom fighters. read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections / press release Thursday July 29, 2021 14:39 by Olivia Engling
The World Trade Organization closed two-day meetings on pandemic response policies that included a proposal to temporarily wave COVID vaccine patents. read full story / add a comment
international / sci-tech / news report Saturday July 24, 2021 22:58 by rob braxman
national / crime and justice / opinion/analysis Wednesday July 14, 2021 17:50 by Gary Jordan
Why are Irish people allowing sexual deviants and molesters of children to walk free as Grandmothers are thrown in jail? read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice / news report Wednesday July 14, 2021 15:57 by Justin Morahan
Recently in the Supreme Court, Kevin Tracey, a lay litigant, won two important cases against the Irish State and Courts Service. In one case [2016] he was co-prosecutor with his wife Karen, in the other [2019] he was alone. But for the sole reason that he was a lay litigant, he got no costs awarded for his time and labour. Only solicitors and barristers are allowed costs when they win. The rulings not to allow him costs for time and labour were made in the Supreme Court on 25 June 2021. Their hands are tied by Irish legislation. In Canada however lay litigants are awarded such costs. One of the reasons given for this by the Canadian judges was based on Equity. Kevin Tracey’s arguments based on Equity were not dealt with in the rulings - rather were completely ignored by the Supreme Court. read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections / press release Friday July 09, 2021 15:00 by Olivia Engling
The International Monetary Fund Executive Board agreed to create $650 billion of emergency currency known as Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) to help countries deal with the fallout from the coronavirus health and economic crises. The IMF’s main governing body, the Board of Governors, will take a final vote in coming weeks to move forward the SDRs creation. In a statement, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva indicated she expects the allocation as soon as August. read full story / add a comment
international / economics and finance / press release Friday July 09, 2021 14:44 by Comms Manager, [email protected]
G20 finance ministers begin two-day meetings in Italy on Friday on COVID response, economic recovery, vaccines, debt relief and global tax agreements. More than 265 groups signed a letter organized by Jubilee USA urging the G20 to act on debt relief, aid and COVID healthcare for developing countries. read full story / add a comment
national / environment / press release Thursday July 01, 2021 12:37 by foie
Opponents to Bantry Bay Fish Farm ‘Gutted’ A spokesman for the conservation charity Friends of the Irish Environment, which is based on the Beara peninsula where a proposed 18 cage salmon farm is to be located, said this morning they were ‘gutted’ by the decision. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Thursday July 01, 2021 02:15 by lucky cat
international / health / disability issues / opinion/analysis Wednesday June 30, 2021 12:32 by Mike Yeadon
I don’t know about you, but I’m getting exasperated trying to explain to people that we’re being lied to. Accompanying the lies is the near destruction of our economy & civil society. read full story / add a comment
international / economics and finance / press release Tuesday June 29, 2021 21:56 by Olivia Engling
The International Monetary Fund approved a debt relief process for Sudan, according to the country's finance ministry. The Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative, a debt relief process created in the early 2000s, will wipe out 85% of Sudan's debt, reducing debt from $50 billion to $8 billion. read full story / add a comment |