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international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Thursday January 28, 2021 18:50 by Justin Morahan 1 comment (last - thursday january 28, 2021 20:36)
Summary :: A double request to President Biden may have had one surprising response read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections / press release Wednesday January 27, 2021 18:42 by Zachory Conti
Student debt relief is now included in round the clock stimulus package negotiations on Capitol Hill. read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections / press release Wednesday January 27, 2021 18:38 by Zachary Conti
Chad became the first country to officially seek debt reduction under a G20-established coronavirus response process. read full story / add a comment
national / education / press release Wednesday January 27, 2021 12:19 by anthony garvey 2 comments (last - wednesday february 10, 2021 11:27)
The Global Alliance between Toastmasters International and Rotary International offers members the opportunity to collaborate and work together to make a positive impact in their communities in Ireland. read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections / press release Tuesday January 26, 2021 19:39 by Zachory Conti
The International Monetary Fund released projections on the world economy as countries continue to wrestle with the coronavirus. read full story / add a comment
international / economics and finance / press release Monday January 25, 2021 14:20 by Zachary Conti
World leaders, including Pope Francis, UN General Secretary António Guterres and the IMF's Kristalina Georgieva, gather for a high-level climate summit hosted by the Netherlands through Tuesday. read full story / add a comment
international / arts and media / press release Wednesday January 20, 2021 16:55 by 1 of indy 1 image
It is not often that people write important books and then make them freely available under Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0 license so it can be accessed and downloaded (without cost) in various forms but that is exactly the case here. The author Dr Mike Healy has written goes by the title "Marx and Digital Machines Alienation, Technology, Capitalism" and it explores digital technology and alienation. The book is peer reviewed and has been published by University of Westminster press. read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections / press release Wednesday January 20, 2021 14:21 by Zachary Conti
President Biden will extend the freeze on student debt payments as one of his first executive actions after his inauguration. The Department of Education will be directed to continue the student debt payment suspension through September. read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum / news report Tuesday January 19, 2021 11:26 by anon 1 image 1 attached file
The next national development plan has been open for submissions from the public for a few weeks and the closing date is 5pm, 29 January 2021 This consultation offers all people in Ireland - expert stakeholders and users of infrastructure - the opportunity to inform and influence important policy that affects the fabric of our daily lives including the distribution of our people, our jobs, businesses, houses, roads, public transport, education and health infrastructure; our social, cultural and sporting facilities. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Saturday January 16, 2021 20:26 by 1 of indy 6 images
Some 10,000 people marched through the center of the Austrian capital Vienna on Saturday to protest against restrictions aimed at stopping the spread of Covid-19, and to demand the resignation of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. Coronavirus skeptics took to the streets as Kurz and his government discussed the possibility of extending the ongoing third lockdown in Austria, which includes movement restrictions and the closure of all non-essential businesses. The official announcement is expected on Sunday read full story / add a comment
international / health / disability issues / news report Saturday January 16, 2021 17:46 by 1 of indy 2 comments (last - monday january 25, 2021 20:09) 1 image
As predicted the experimental vaccines is causing unnecessary deaths. There are plenty of cheap and workable treatments, even preventive treatments such as Vitamin D, Zinc, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. After all the governments everywhere are so concerned about old people but they are quite happy to let them die by injecting them with experimental vaccines for which the companies producing them are exempt from all liabilities. The risks with this vaccine are so high, it is foolish for any healthy or young person to take it since there chance of dying from Covid is less than 0.1% and for older age groups only slightly higher. So why give it to elderly people whose immune systems are already deterioating as they reach old age especially when drugs like Hydroxychloroquine when given early make an excellent preventive. The media have never covered the fact that the study published in the medical journal The Lancet which gave Hydroxychloroquine the bad name, used fabricated data and had to be withdrawn and their findings were as fabricated as the data. The media and government still pretend this did not happen. So is it surprising now to hear of this latest news reported from Norway and is very likely repeating itself all over the world. The Norwegian Medicines Agency announced today that 23 people died after receiving the experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID injections. Norway’s health authorities have allegedly changed their recommendations for injecting the elderly, as all 23 deaths were among people older than 80 years old. “If you are very frail, you should probably not be vaccinated,” Steinar Madsen at the Norwegian Medicines Agency said at a webinar on corona vaccine for journalists on Thursday. read full story / add a comment
national / environment / press release Saturday January 16, 2021 17:26 by foie
PRESS RELEASE - Friends of the Irish Environment - 15 January 2021 For Immediate Release Formal end to the Bord na Mona’s peat harvesting ‘major milestone’ Warning of ‘cowboy contractors’ still ignoring peat planning regulations The decision by Bord na Mona to end all peat harvesting marked a ‘major milestone’ in Ireland’s progress towards controlling greenhouse gases and biodiversity loss, Friends of the Irish Environment said in a statement today. read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections / press release Wednesday January 13, 2021 18:18 by Zachary Conti
Gary Gensler, former Wall Street regulator will be President-elect Biden's nominee to head the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), according to Reuters. read full story / add a comment
national / arts and media / feature Wednesday January 13, 2021 00:12 by 1 of indy 7 comments (last - thursday march 04, 2021 17:25) 12 images 1 video file
All the news media in Ireland have gone ballistic in the last few days ramping up the Covid fear to new extreme levels. There are already 100,000s of people absolutely terrified by their misleading news and this sustained level of fear for over 10 months now is very likely leading to very dangerous health conditions for these people leading to heart conditions, mental issues, cancer and all sorts of problems caused largely by the extreme stress that they have put themselves under because unfortunately the media and the politicians are giving highly distorted, mis-leading inaccurate and sensational news about the Covid situation. A good example is the news from the past few days where we are told the hospitals are overflowing with Covid patients and as of today it is claimed 46 are dead from Covid. The aim of this article is to bring some context and reality to this, something the mainstream media and politicians and their bureaucrats are strenuously going out of their way to not do. read full story / add a comment
international / health / disability issues / news report Tuesday January 12, 2021 22:39 by 1 of indy
The immune systems of old people do not work as well as when they were younger and when faced with an infection the body frequently overreacts and generates an inflammatory response that does more harm. It is well known among medics that vaccines do not work as well in old people because of a weakening immune system. It is just like most things when you get older, none of your bodily systems work like they used to. This gives context to this story from nursing home in New York read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Sunday January 10, 2021 21:55 by 1 of indy 2 images
There is no doubt about it. China with over 1 billion people is a giant single nation police state. Even before the arrival of 2020 china had it's great digital firewall of China in place which carefully controlled the flow of information. In recent years, the level of digital surveillance via cameras backed by armies of watchers and more recently AI software has rapidly moved the totalitarian system towards greater automation such that their whole social interaction is moving towards a form of social credits which allow what you can do based on how you behaviour and of course whether you are fully compliant with government diktats. There has been some criticism that it is not really like that, but the only response is to say not till now. However, as reported on RT.com today ( https://www.rt.com/news/512079-beijing-coronavirus-qr-code/ ), China has now introduced health "QR" color coded system and these now have to be used if you want to take a taxi, take a train, fly, go to a restaurants or shopping mall. This is pretty much identical to the system proposed here in Ireland called the Health Passport Europe and promoted and described at https://www.healthpassportireland.ie/ and is the same and compatible with all the other health passports systems proposed EU wide. If we succumb to this tyranny then life as we know it will be over. The dynamics of totalitarianism is that it never stops and is never content with what it has and further rules and control will get added. We have entered a bureaucrats dream world where no matter how ridiculous the rule or restriction, it gets implemented and every closet authoritarian in officialdom has been given free reign. In this article it is show that the developments of the last few days show this trend is accelerating and the door is slamming shut behind us. read full story / add a comment
international / consumer issues / news report Thursday January 07, 2021 21:32 by 1 of indy 1 image
One of the biggest scandals of the COVID Plandemic is the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of people who died needlessly because the FDA refused to issue off-label emergency use for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a safe drug whose patent ran out years ago, and that thousands of doctors around the world have used effectively, often with a 100% success rate, in treating COVID patients. And it was reported back in late December that the world's second largest supplier of raw materials to make HCQ blew up. read full story / add a comment
national / environment / press release Thursday January 07, 2021 21:21 by foie
Call for change in Coillte Principal Objects as illegal felling video released Work stopped by residents due to recommence An environmental charity has called on the Government to change Coillte Teo’ Principle Objects to add ‘social’ and ‘environmental’ to its sole current sole ‘commercial’ remit. Friends of the Irish Environment released a video on social media over the New Years’ weekend showing residents stopping clearfelling of a Special Area of Conservation by Coillte Teo which was viewed more than 4,000 time over the weekend. The video, taken at Kilsheelan Woods in the Lower River Suir Area of Special Conservation, shows an extensive woodland area between the N22 road and the River Suir undergoing clearfelling. read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections / press release Wednesday January 06, 2021 20:27 by Zachary Conti
The White House announced a $3.7 billion disaster grant for Puerto Rico to rebuild reservoirs, dams and wastewater facilities. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Monday January 04, 2021 12:59 by 1 of indy 1 comment (last - thursday january 07, 2021 09:16)
Breaking news. A bit of good news for once. Julian Assange will NOT be extradited to the US to face trumped up charges. This victory should be taken with some caution as no doubt the authorities will try some new trick given that the reasons were on health grounds and the judge basically repeated the lie of all the false accusations made against Assange. There was in recent days rumours that Trump might pardon Assange and it is possible the Brits decided to not extradite Assange so that they could deny Trump this "victory" and yet they get to keep all the false accusations in place and may even create new fake charges for another go at it later. read full story / add a comment |