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offsite link North Korea Increases Aid to Russia, Mos... Tue Nov 19, 2024 12:29 | Marko Marjanovi?

offsite link Trump Assembles a War Cabinet Sat Nov 16, 2024 10:29 | Marko Marjanovi?

offsite link Slavgrinder Ramps Up Into Overdrive Tue Nov 12, 2024 10:29 | Marko Marjanovi?

offsite link ?Existential? Culling to Continue on Com... Mon Nov 11, 2024 10:28 | Marko Marjanovi?

offsite link US to Deploy Military Contractors to Ukr... Sun Nov 10, 2024 02:37 | Field Empty

Anti-Empire >>

The Saker
A bird's eye view of the vineyard

offsite link Alternative Copy of site is available Thu May 25, 2023 14:38 | Ice-Saker-V6bKu3nz
Alternative site: Site was created using the downloads provided Regards Herb

offsite link The Saker blog is now frozen Tue Feb 28, 2023 23:55 | The Saker
Dear friends As I have previously announced, we are now “freezing” the blog.? We are also making archives of the blog available for free download in various formats (see below).?

offsite link What do you make of the Russia and China Partnership? Tue Feb 28, 2023 16:26 | The Saker
by Mr. Allen for the Saker blog Over the last few years, we hear leaders from both Russia and China pronouncing that they have formed a relationship where there are

offsite link Moveable Feast Cafe 2023/02/27 ? Open Thread Mon Feb 27, 2023 19:00 | cafe-uploader
2023/02/27 19:00:02Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of

offsite link The stage is set for Hybrid World War III Mon Feb 27, 2023 15:50 | The Saker
Pepe Escobar for the Saker blog A powerful feeling rhythms your skin and drums up your soul as you?re immersed in a long walk under persistent snow flurries, pinpointed by

The Saker >>

Public Inquiry
Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

offsite link RTEs Sarah McInerney ? Fianna Fail?supporter? Anthony

offsite link Joe Duffy is dishonest and untrustworthy Anthony

offsite link Robert Watt complaint: Time for decision by SIPO Anthony

offsite link RTE in breach of its own editorial principles Anthony

offsite link Waiting for SIPO Anthony

Public Inquiry >>

Human Rights in Ireland
Promoting Human Rights in Ireland

Human Rights in Ireland >>

Greyhounds close in on another hare...
national / animal rights / press release Saturday June 30, 2012 06:44 by Protecting the Irish Hare   image 3 images
A campaign targeting financial sponsorship of hare coursing in Ireland commences later this week. Without such funding, this cruel activity could not continue. read full story / add a comment
international / housing / press release Thursday June 28, 2012 17:35 by Anti Eviction Task Force   text 1 comment (last - friday june 29, 2012 16:27)
Labour agree with Fine Gael that it is better to pay the mega wealthy than to keep the promises made to the slave class... oooops working class read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / press release Thursday June 28, 2012 15:19 by Latin American Solidarity Centre
The Latin America Solidarity Centre condemns the coup d’etat against President Lugo in Paraguay as an affront to democratic practice. read full story / add a comment
international / gender and sexuality / press release Wednesday June 27, 2012 22:21 by IRSCNA
The IRSCNA's LGBT Solidarity Statement for 2012, issued to mark the 43rd anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion read full story / add a comment
Seal killings- due to mans ggreed.
national / animal rights / press release Wednesday June 13, 2012 18:47 by Bernie Wright   text 4 comments (last - wednesday june 13, 2012 21:59)   image 1 image
We strongly condemn Fine GAEL Councellor Seosamh O Laoi’s claims that the west coast seal population needs to be culled [to protect the fishery industry]. In reality, the decline in fish stocks is due to over over-fishing by the very industry he is involved in.
This man, who is himself involved in aquaculture - said that representatives of the fishing organisations should sit down with the relevant experts and work out a culling strategy. He also reminisces to olden days where fishermen carried guns in their boats, and "kept the place clean." read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice / press release Tuesday June 12, 2012 13:48 by RNU PRO   image 1 image
REPUBLICAN NETWORK FOR UNITY (RNU) Belfast Chairperson, Martin Óg Meehan has highlighted an upsurge of sectarian clashes in North Belfast. read full story / add a comment
international / environment / press release Monday June 11, 2012 14:06 by Jim NTF   text 1 comment (last - wednesday june 13, 2012 12:06)
‘Fracking’ – a protest song.
‘Fracking’ is a song written in opposition to the industrial extraction of fossil-fuel shale gas by hydraulic fracturing, and aims to increase awareness of the many dangers that fracking presents. The protest song has a long tradition across all types of movements and struggles, and it is hoped that this recording can do its small bit to help build community resistance to fracking across the world.

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national / education / press release Friday June 08, 2012 10:56 by DCU Business School   text 3 comments (last - saturday june 09, 2012 11:41)
June 7th, 2012: DCU Business School has announced today details of three new masters programmes, The MSc in Management (Cloud Computing), MSc in Management (Digital Marketing) and MSc in Management (Strategy), due to start in September 2012. Devised with input from key industry stakeholders such as Microsoft, these programmes will directly address the ICT Skills Gap within Ireland, ensuring that graduates interested in gaining significant knowledge and expertise in high growth areas are industry-ready within one year. read full story / add a comment
national / eu / press release Wednesday June 06, 2012 12:07 by O.O'C.   text 2 comments (last - wednesday june 06, 2012 13:51)
The Government will seek Dail approval of:
The Article 136 TFEU amendment to the EU Treaties which authorises the setting up of the permanent Eurozone loan fund, the European Stability Mechanism
+ A motion to approve the ESM Treaty which is authorized by this amendment
+ A motion to approve future Government spending on the ESM,

A guillotined debate on the second reading of the latter Bill will take place TOMORROW. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Saturday June 02, 2012 08:29 by Sean Clinton   text 10 comments (last - thursday june 07, 2012 09:21)   image 1 image   video 1 video file
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee used to promote diamond brand that supports a Unit of the Israeli military’s notorious Givati Brigade.

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national / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Monday May 21, 2012 16:13 by RNU PRO   image 1 image
The arrest and imprisonment of seven republican activists within the past few days heralds a new era for British oppression in Ireland.

Following intense debate amongst government ministers, the military and its legal establishment since 2006, it would appear that the British state has now decided to use so-called ‘intercept evidence’ as viable evidence to imprison Irish republicans. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Monday May 21, 2012 12:59 by Josephine Hayden
Republican Sinn Féin, are calling on people to vote NO in the referendum on the Fiscal Treaty on May 31. The treaty, if passed, will perpetuate austerity for decades to come.
The referendum is an opportunity to send out a clear statement of intent that people are not prepared to cede any more power to the undemocratic and un-elected bureaucratic elite that is the EU. A NO vote will be a positive step towards regaining control of our future and that of the generations to come.
Austerity has been rejected by the French and Greek people and now it is the turn of the citizens of this state to reject them also. read full story / add a comment
national / eu / press release Thursday May 17, 2012 16:25 by People's Movement   text 4 comments (last - friday june 01, 2012 16:33)   image 1 image
The People’s Movement launched their campaign for a No Vote in the upcoming Fiscal Treaty at a press conference today in the Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin. read full story / add a comment
cork / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Monday May 14, 2012 23:26 by Prisoner Solidarity Group- Cork City
national / housing / press release Sunday May 13, 2012 18:54 by RNU PRO   text 9 comments (last - saturday may 26, 2012 08:22)   image 1 image
Republican Network for Unity (RNU) notes with increasing concern, the growing practice of what can only be described as extortionism, being carried out by private landlords within working class nationalist areas and beyond.

When observing average rents, it is clear that private landlords here are exploiting historical housing shortages in order to demand amounts well above what is provided by housing benefit. read full story / add a comment
Image: Rudo de Ruijter (
national / eu / press release Saturday May 12, 2012 20:47 by Darcy   text 5 comments (last - saturday may 19, 2012 18:59)   image 1 image   video 2 video files
“I pay tribute to the ‘Farmers For No’ for coming together and calling for a No Vote…

…Contrary to popular belief and what the government is spouting, the sky won’t fall on our heads if we vote no on May 31st.

We will retain some flexibility and some ability to retain the control over our National finances and to be able to use those finances for the good of all the citizens of the country and not for the good of saving the financial institutions of Europe.”

- Thomas Pringle, TD (Member of Irish parliament) read full story / add a comment
national / eu / press release Friday May 11, 2012 15:07 by Paul Murphy MEP   video 1 video file
A press conference was held today launching the Socialist Party's website and the pamphlet “Austerity Treaty explained: how it undermines democracy & institutionalises austerity” ( read full story / add a comment
The "sport" some TDs and ministers think is okay
international / animal rights / press release Friday May 11, 2012 13:06 by Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports   image 3 images
Latest FOI reports from NPWS reveal terror and suffering inflicted on hares at coursing events in eleven counties.

Irish animal protection groups are renewing our call for a total ban on live hare coursing in Ireland following the latest series of shocking reports on coursing events compiled by State appointed wildlife rangers
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international / miscellaneous / press release Thursday May 10, 2012 18:39 by Laurence Cox
Volume 4/1 of Interface: a journal for and about social movements is now out, with the topic "the season of revolution: the Arab Spring and European mobilizations". read full story / add a comment
national / eu / press release Thursday May 10, 2012 16:34 by Eugene Mc Cartan   text 5 comments (last - saturday may 12, 2012 13:24)
The suspension of the German government’s ratification of the permanent austerity treaty and the ESM treaty must send a strong warning signal to the Irish people that these two treaties pose a serious threat to their livelihood and to what little remains of their democracy and sovereignty. read full story / add a comment
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