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national / anti-capitalism Monday June 20, 2011 21:48 by Robin Hood
The Robin Hood Tax will stage a global day of action on June 22nd. As a fledgling group, Robin Hood Tax (Ireland) will initiate an email campaign aimed at our TDs asking them to support a Robin Hood Tax in Ireland.
Related Links:
They don't represent us! Rights are won, not given! We are not commodities! It is not a crisis, it is a con! If you take our future, we will take the city! We are the children of comfort but we will not be parents of conformity!
Sunday June 19th will see Europe-wide protests against the forthcoming ratification of the Euro Pact. As part of this international mobilisation, Real Democracy Now! Ireland have organised demonstrations around the country. Simultaneous protests will take place at 4pm at the following locations:
The Irish demonstrations are a response to a call from Spain’s Real Democracy Now! movement for a co-ordinated European response on the 19th June to the upcoming ratification of this Pact. The event planners hope that by combining public protest and public assembly, everyone present at the events will have a chance to speak, express their grievances, and take collective decisions on further actions against the imposition of austerity across Europe.
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression Sunday June 05, 2011 00:07 by Diarmuid Breatnach
As Elizabeth Windsor's visit moves into history it is time to analyse the reasons for the visit and what happened during it: the small protests, the massive restrictions on movement in Ireland's capital city, the huge violations of the right to protest, Related Links: Protests Greet the British Queen in Cork – Report & Photo Essay | Republican Response to English queen | Citizen's Rights Suspended Because of Queen's Visit | AUDIOLINK-"Opposing theBritish Queen's Visit to Ireland"- Radio Interview with 4 Anti-War Activists | Lockdown for Queen's Visit | James Connolly, Monarchy & Labour Party Hypocrisy
international / anti-capitalism Friday May 27, 2011 13:55 by #GREEKREVOLUTION - M25
Yesterday was a beautiful beautiful day and a very very important one. 10 days after the "Spanish Revolution" kicked off peacefully all over Spain, it has been replicated massively in the homeland of Democracy, Greece. Yesterdat, M25, 20,000 people took to the streets and squares all over Greece... 7,000 alone and absolutely peaceful in Constitution square in athens. They have been inspired by Spain and the simple core idea of the movement; That we have had enough, that we are "indignant", we will not take it any more, its time to stand up, take to the streets, occupy squares, create a "true democracy"... and hope that the Spark of peaceful Revoution spreads all over this little planet...
Related Links:
Tahrir Comes to Spain | Tahrir > Spain > World | “Peoples of Europe, Rise Up” Greece’s message being taken up by France, and maybe beyond too? | #SpanishRevolution – Instaling Democracy 2.0
national / rights, freedoms and repression Thursday May 26, 2011 12:33 by T
You have to be in the matrix to believe 'Yes we can'Related Links: OBAMA - The Emperor has no clothes, his wars have no end! | Obama: A Presidency of Hope or Failure? External Links: Obama's Private Killing Machine Sibel Edmonds Bin Laden Death Script & the Needed Trigger for Next Step-Pakistan | Assassination Nation: Are there any limits on President Obama's license to kill? | Economy Obama’s Bushism | Mr. Obama’s Most Recent “2%” Sellout is his Worst Yet | Peak Oil OilDrum website The Speech Obama Need(ed) to Give | Still Obama says nothing After peak oil, are we heading towards social collapse? |
Wed 12 Mar, 14:34
Army Abducts Five Palestinians in Nablus and Jenin Tue Feb 25, 2025 02:52 | IMEMC News Soldiers Injure Many Palestinians Near Bethlehem Tue Feb 25, 2025 02:15 | IMEMC News Three Newborns Die Due To Extreme Cold At Gaza Hospital Tue Feb 25, 2025 01:56 | IMEMC News Army Abducts A Palestinian, Assaults His Son, In Hebron Mon Feb 24, 2025 09:01 | IMEMC News Israeli Colonizers Burn Agriculture Room Near Hebron Mon Feb 24, 2025 08:52 | IMEMC News |