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A bird's eye view of the vineyard

offsite link Alternative Copy of site is available Thu May 25, 2023 14:38 | Ice-Saker-V6bKu3nz
Alternative site: Site was created using the downloads provided Regards Herb

offsite link The Saker blog is now frozen Tue Feb 28, 2023 23:55 | The Saker
Dear friends As I have previously announced, we are now “freezing” the blog.? We are also making archives of the blog available for free download in various formats (see below).?

offsite link What do you make of the Russia and China Partnership? Tue Feb 28, 2023 16:26 | The Saker
by Mr. Allen for the Saker blog Over the last few years, we hear leaders from both Russia and China pronouncing that they have formed a relationship where there are

offsite link Moveable Feast Cafe 2023/02/27 ? Open Thread Mon Feb 27, 2023 19:00 | cafe-uploader
2023/02/27 19:00:02Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of

offsite link The stage is set for Hybrid World War III Mon Feb 27, 2023 15:50 | The Saker
Pepe Escobar for the Saker blog A powerful feeling rhythms your skin and drums up your soul as you?re immersed in a long walk under persistent snow flurries, pinpointed by

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Public Inquiry
Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

offsite link RTEs Sarah McInerney ? Fianna Fail?supporter? Anthony

offsite link Joe Duffy is dishonest and untrustworthy Anthony

offsite link Robert Watt complaint: Time for decision by SIPO Anthony

offsite link RTE in breach of its own editorial principles Anthony

offsite link Waiting for SIPO Anthony

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Human Rights in Ireland
Promoting Human Rights in Ireland

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link Trump Doubles Steel and Aluminium Tariffs on Canada as Trade War Escalates Tue Mar 11, 2025 17:22 | Will Jones
Donald Trump has said he will double steel and aluminium tariffs against Canada to 50% and threatened to impose levies on its car industry as the US President escalated his trade war.
The post Trump Doubles Steel and Aluminium Tariffs on Canada as Trade War Escalates appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Employers Are Afraid to Obey the Law Tue Mar 11, 2025 15:34 | C.J. Strachan
A London hospital allowing male staff to use the women's toilets is the latest employer to bring in EDI policies of dubious legality. The problem, says CJ Strachan, is that employers have become afraid to obey the law.
The post Employers Are Afraid to Obey the Law appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link ?Banter Ban? for Pubs Included in Labour?s Employment Rights Bill Tue Mar 11, 2025 13:00 | Will Jones
The 'banter ban' for pubs has been included in Labour's Employment Rights Bill, threatening to turbo-charge the?Equality Act?and bring the joyless, Stasi-like atmosphere of modern workplaces into leisure time.
The post ‘Banter Ban’ for Pubs Included in Labour’s Employment Rights Bill appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link The Right is Being Shut Out of Government Across Europe Tue Mar 11, 2025 11:34 | Will Jones
Right-wing politicians are being shut out of Government across Europe, says Gavin Mortimer, as so-called 'progressive' elites in politics and the judiciary effectively rig what are supposed to be democratic elections.
The post The Right is Being Shut Out of Government Across Europe appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Antarctica Ice Growing Across Large Areas for at Least 85 Years, Aerial Photos Show Tue Mar 11, 2025 09:00 | Chris Morrison
Sensational new discoveries arising from long-forgotten early aerial photographs indicate that ice has remained stable and even grown slightly since the 1930s over a 2,000 km stretch of East Antarctica.
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Lockdown Skeptics >>

mayo / environment Saturday June 25, 2005 14:22 by redjade

UPDATE: (June 25th)
'Translated into English this means this multi-national corporation is seeking the imprisonment of these five men for defending their homes, families, livelihoods, land and very lives from an unprecedented high pressure upstream untreated gas pipeline....'

(June 26)
Corrib Gas Pipeline Development - in a nut shell

The scenario is this is a very narrow road, not passable by both village traffic and the 60 to 70 trucks the developers want to bring on it everyday. So there isn’t so much a blockade as there is parking. This has gone on since Tuesday at 3pm…over 72 hours and counting of continual vigil.

As a result of the actions of local residents and their supporters most transport to the Shell compound at Rossport has ceased.

At mid-day today (June 24th) some Shell and associates top brass started poking around, and seeing that the numbers of residents and their supporters had thinned they attempted to make their move. By 2pm today, Friday, a flurry of Shell henchmen was at the scene waving the High Court Injunction order they had got in Dublin that morning. This named Willie Corduff, Vincent McGrath, Philip McGrath and enjoined them, and anyone acting in concert with them, from “interfering” with traffic. However the only obstruction to traffic is from the contractors hired by Shell, normal traffic can transit the road with little difficulty. At the moment any obstruction is from the now very stationary lorry which was bringing pipes to the Shell compound.

At around 3.30pm Garda were called and served the injunction, reading it out to the assembled crowd of around 30 people, who were unimpressed at the law not being applied to the developers, while local residents are tried in absentia in Dublin.

The police were told straight out they would have to cart people off the road in wagons, that they would have to arrest everyone in sight. The legal situation with lorry, which is unlicensed to carry materials, was pointed out to them, but they said that it could be driven off and that the new driver had ten days to produce the necessary documentation. Mostly the Garda just pleaded that they had orders from the High Court, the highest court in the land and so on…

Negotiations began, the three-way debate ended inconclusively as Coffey, on behalf of Shell and co., didn’t have the power to organise a full scale public meeting open to all the people who use the road, rather his brief was, he claimed, only to organise a meeting of 3 Shell reps and 3 local residents, moreover he aimed to restrict participation to the owners of the land where the pipeline is planned to go.

Frustrated the Garda left, and, according to what is by now legend, worked out their stress issues by pulling over some Eastern European migrants for having no tax and insurance.

Shell-Statoil-Roadbridge-Sicim then attempted an abortive move of the lorry, unsuccessful in this, they then tried parking it further off the road, in order that the road be passable for their other lorries. Not the smartest of moves as this then got the truck bogged down. So the main-contractor successfully sabotaged the sub-contractors machinery, one would say – only in Ireland, but as there are Italians, Germans, Englishmen, Norwegians, Americans etc… with a slice of the development cake here perhaps such happens everywhere, but it is sure a new one on me.

The mood here is very positive and has been the last few days, there was a bit of a party last night with the bonfire for St.John’s Eve, with the Wolfe Tones making a change from some radio station that only seems to play country.

Volunteers are needed and welcome to travel up and join the struggle, see the Shell To Sea contacts page here:

dublin / environment Friday June 24, 2005 15:23 by hs

Thousands of homes in Tyrrelstown, a new development in the Blanchardstown area, have been affected by a biological contamination to their water supply. The water supply is under the control of a private company established by the property developers. Fingal County Council have had to bail out the private management company responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the water system. A report in the Northside People claimed children's skin had suffered a reaction when they washed. Residents claimed when they contacted Fingal County Council they were passed onto the management company. Private water management companies are not regulated in Ireland. So there you have it, water being privatised through the back door, without legislation or regulation.

Follow Feature Continued Link Below For Council Notices On This Issue

cork / anti-war / imperialism Tuesday June 21, 2005 18:49 by Ray Hanrahan

 John Jefferies making his protest heard The arrival of the first two of an expected six foreign warships to Cork was marked by pickets mounted by Cork Anti-War Campaign (CAWC) and also by Republican Sinn Féin (RSF). The presence of the warships to 'celebrate' Cork 2005 reflects poorly on the organisers of the Capital of Culture. The protests were there to remind them and the visiting warships that not everyone here in this city is taken in by this hogwash.

 Will this Aussie visitor be included in the tourist figures for Cork 2005? Protests took place today in Cork at the presence of two floating killing machines in the city, on a so-called 'courtesy visit' to the city to 'celebrate' the Cork 2005 Capital of Culture scam. The warships in question were from Britain and Australia, the HMS Grafton and HMAS Anzac respectively. Pickets were mounted alongside both ships in a good-natured and non-confrontational manner. Protestors from the Cork Anti-War Campaign (joined by the redoubtable Tim Hourigan) picketed the Anzac, while protestors from Republican Sinn Fein picketed the Grafton, which had docked at the Custom House, presumably to frustrate any protestor who wished to get any closer.

dublin / worker & community struggles and protests Saturday June 18, 2005 11:14 by Running With Bulls
Background Links & Info
You can read full details of this story on the following websites:

June 10th, 2005: Employee 'detained' and staff 'underpaid' at IT company

June 10th, 2005: Reprinted Village Magazine article about Employee 'detained' and staff 'underpaid' at IT company

June 11th, 2005: Global Mobile Vision: UPDATE Media Coverage & Contact Details for GMV

June 11th, 2005: Global Mobile Vision: Update After Ex- Employee Meeting

June 12th, 2005: Global Mobile Vision: An 'Official' Response from Alex Fitzgerald

June 12th, 2005: Global Mobile Vision: Open letter to Mr. Alex Fitzgerald/GMV management

June 14th, 2005: BBC World Confirms Business Connection with GMV

June 15th, 2005: Global Mobile Vision: Being Investigated by Irish Government

June 16th, 2005: Employees setup blogs to show they’re happy campers

More Investigating Blogging at:
A Dublin "technology" company with links to Christian religious groups in America has been accused of intimidating staff, of failing to pay salaries, and sexual harrassment. Its work practices are bizarre. Fire escapes are locked. Management deny the allegations.

A number of staff members were fired for various reasons. Some staff went without pay for up to 10 weeks. If the ex-staff members did receive P45s a number were duplicated, with different information. Some of these people suspect they were fired for asking two many questions.

Global Mobile Vision was incorporated in the UK in August 2004 and has had offices in Nangor road business park in Clondalkin since November 2004. The company is run by David Crownborn, his wife, Esther Crownborn, his brother, Matthew Crownborn and the latter’s wife Deborah King.

The company’s main contacts are with American Evangelist groups, staff said. It has recently being involved in contacts in the US with evangelist media organisations about collaborating in business ventures.

Up to last Wednesday, Global Mobile Vision employed between approx. 60 staff at its offices in Clondalkin, north Dublin. GMV supposedly develops software for audio and video streaming technologies for 3G phones. Yet, a search of Vodafone, O2, Hutchinson, and other 2G and 3G mobile operators turn up a big zero for any partnerships. A search for "Global Mobile Vision" and other related search terms shows up nothing. Zero. Nil. No inbound, or outbound links anywhere. Very strange for a "high technology company with valuable intellectual property". Its so "high technology" that no one know what they "do". One would be forgiven for classifying this as "snakeoil". Current and former staff said that they did almost no work at the company, they received few orders, no conrete work (other than "go search the Internet for a while"). One ex-staff member said "after one week, I eventually got a computer but it had no software. I had to use my own software - I told them I would use until I got me some official legal software but it never arrived."

This was commonplace.

John Bates, an employee who is currently suspended from work, was detained last Wednesday 8th June as he tried to leave the office. He was accused by management of stealing IP ('Intellectual Property') from the company. No evidence was given. He was surrounded by a large number of people (including staff from Crimeforce Ireland, a security guard company), and until the Gardaí were called, he was held against his will in the GMV offices. After the Gardaí advised GMV to either a) make an allegation, or b) let Mr. Bates go, Mr. Bates left the offices accompanied by Finian McGrath, TD (Independent) for North Dublin, the Gardaí, and a number of journalists. You can read the full details of Mr. Bates account here and here.

Mr. Bates believes the reason he was singled out was becuase he was organizing staff in getting their due pay, and finding out the problems in GMV.

national / indymedia ireland Wednesday June 15, 2005 16:04 by Indymedia Ireland Editorial Group
Humourous image

Over almost 4 years of operation Indymedia Ireland have evolved a set of working practices and processes for keeping this site running and making it live up to its goals as best we can. Until now most of these operating rules have been hidden away among mountains of posts on the newswire, or even hidden inside the heads of individual editors. At our recent meeting we discussed the following documents which formalise how we work. We hope that they will make it easier for new people to get involved and understand how we work.

These documents are scheduled to be fully discussed, amended and agreed at our next meeting on June 29th. In the meantime, we offer them up to our users for any constructive criticisms that they might have. This is in keeping with our philosophy of facilitating as many voices and opinions as possible in all discussions about policy. The last major document that we agreed, our editorial guidelines were initally discussed on this newswire article and some of the suggested amendments were finally incorporated into our current document.

We are on the verge of updating our software to the new Oscailt 3.0 version which should give us the technical capability of expanding indymedia Ireland in a number of new areas. We hope that local collectives can start in areas around the country, with their own newswires on the site. We also hope to provide space to new types of material. Although we might be technically capable of all these things, we are in need of as many people with ideas and enthusiasm as ever.

So why not think about getting involved in some of the work of indymedia Ireland? At this stage, you need almost no technical skills to provide useful assistance in running the site and if computers aren't your thing, there are a huge number of other ways in which you can help out in making Indymedia Ireland a real voice of the people. We have nothing to lose but our mental chains.

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