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international / anti-war / imperialism Sunday September 11, 2011 21:08 by T
On this 10th anniversary of 9/11 attacks there are many things to reflect on and in this article we are going to focus on the relationship between 9/11 and the political 'Left'. Today 10 years later, the public particularly in the US seems quite dividved as numerous polls show that a majority of US citizens don't accept the official story and a significant portion believe the government was involved in one form or another. The mainstream media though is still very much on page with the official version of events. The details of the topic itself are divisive and two clear camps have arisen with opposing views and very little common ground between. At this stage many people are simply tired of discussing it and wish to move on. This article does not intend to dwell on the mechanics of the event itself but examine the wider political effects. At this remove, there are several clear groupings around the interpretation of 9/11. We have of course the US government which used 9/11 to usher in the War on Terror, a war in which Cheney and Rumsfeld said may last indefinitely. Behind them are the corporate and state media as well as most governments especially those of Western Europe who whatever doubts they may have had, quickly fell into line when George Bush declared. 'You are either with us or against us'. As you move to places like Russia, parts of Asia and Africa, they are not so forth right, but they all in common eagerly instigated their own Wars on Terror and imposed draconian measures on civil liberties and greatly increased represssion.
international / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday August 24, 2011 08:00 by T
Within days of the UN resolution for the Libyan no-fly zone a few months back, it has been known that this was purely a very thin cover for European and US ambitions of regime change to place a better puppet in power and to grab the billions in oil revenues that Libyan had in the bank. These revenues have already been seized. The claim that NATO were bombing Libyan to save civilians was always a bit like 'fucking for virginity' and was extremely suspect coming from an organisation that was busy killing and maiming people in Afghanistan alongside the US. In the past few weeks the mainstream pro-repressive pro-murder press has been giving a massive propanganda boost to the so called rebels. These ragbag assertment of cut-throats and extremists and even Al Qaeda jihad forces who had very little support were supported by thousands of continuous bombing raids by NATO and now last night NATO were instrumental in bombing Tripoli and straffing (heavy calibar gunships) civilians from helicopters. Crimes against humanity have been and are being committed by NATO and the terrorists that they have aided and abetted over the past few months as they terrorize the people of Libya, maim and murder them.
Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime. ....Earlier this month, al-Qaeda issued a call for supporters to back the Libyan rebellion, which it said would lead to the imposition of "the state of Islam" in the country. Related Links: NATO Bombs Kill 85 Civilians | Leak of a 70 page Criminal NATO Plan to Occupy Libya by Jason Ditz and here too | Libyan Deaths, Media Silence by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) The Old Imperialist Project to Divide Libya in Three has been Executed by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya | Time to End Nato's War in Libya by Dennis Kucinich | Who Will Save Libya From Its Western Saviours by Jean Bricmont and Diana Johnstone | Charges mount of NATO war crimes in Libya | NATO’s terror bombing of Libya | The war in Libya and the crisis of the European Union -Part 1 Part 3 | Fierce fighting continues in Tripoli | For dictators, Britain does red carpet or carpet-bombing | Washington tried to snatch $1.5 billion to pay its NTC employees | Journalists who engage in war propaganda must be held accountable | NATO’s Puppet Regime in Libya Falls Apart (Aug 15th) | The CIA’s Fake “Arab Spring” Becoming A Long, Hot Summer Of War | Al Qaeda: Pawns of CIA Insurrection from Libya to Yemen | Gaddafi under siege: Two CIA-backed groups, an al-Qaeda-linked LIFG on top of power stakes Podcasts/Video Libyan Rebel Supreme Commander Younis, Two Colonels Murdered by al Qaeda Faction / Libyan rebel rivalry weakens NATO -Interview of W. Tarpley in July | 'NATO starving civilians in Libya -Jul 8th | Report on Libya -interview on Guns and Butter show (June 29th) -Tarpley | Inteview of Matthew Rothschild on article: Stop the Bombing of Libya | Inteview of Jason Ditz on his article: Italian Foreign Minister’s call for an end to the Libya War after NATO airstrikes killed many civilians
LONDON - Reflections on a week of riotin', tweetin', lootin', burnin', 1500 arrested & countin' ....
international / rights, freedoms and repression Tuesday August 16, 2011 22:45 by Ciaron
Over the past week at Giuseppe Conlon CW House in Harringey London, we have recieived calls of concern, and requests for explanations, following the rioting and looting over the weekend that started in our borough of Harringey and extended across London and then to regional towns in England. Indymedia Links: PHOTOS from Tottenham, Haringey
national / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday July 27, 2011 22:51 by Diarmuid Breatnach
Maghaberry jail is where Irish Republican prisoners in the Six Counties who did not agree with the Good Friday Agreement remained while the Provisions walked out under the terms of the Agreement. Subsequently their numbers have been swelled by others also opposed to the GFA. Although the British and the Northern Ireland Executive's Justice Minister deny they are political prisoners, they call them "Separate" because they are separated from non-political prisoners within the jail. After broken agreements, ongoing harassment and violent and physically intrusive body searches, the prisoners now escalate their protest campaign. Related Links:
mayo / environment Sunday July 24, 2011 16:38 by j debender
Friday 22nd July Shell brought a digger and a port-a-cabin into the existing temporary compound in Aughoose. This is in preparation to start building a permanent compound in Aughoose from which they hope to start digging the tunnel for the pipeline which will connect Ballinaboy refinery to the 70 kms of offshore pipeline. They will come in full force on Monday 25th July, please come up to Mayo and show your support! A mass day of action is planned for Friday 29th July, but come up any time.
Related Links: |
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