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national / miscellaneous Thursday February 13, 2003 - 13:18 by Elisha Commins
![]() is a website sponsored by a group of influential U.S. politicians including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush and Dan Quayle, promoting aggressive U.S. militarism and provides an enlightening background to current U.S. aggression. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / miscellaneous Thursday February 13, 2003 - 12:24 by antrophe
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In UCD last tuesday, A4 sized text heavy posters appeared all over campus, issued by the Revisionist education Organisation ( email address, a thinly described fascist group. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Thursday February 13, 2003 - 11:47 by Annonymous
![]() The war never ended in 1991, the bombing has continued unrelenting since then and has escalated dramatically in the last 4 years. It is now deemed the longest Anglo-American campaign of aerial bombardment since World War Two. Contains some harrowing reading. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Thursday February 13, 2003 - 04:47 by Joseph P. Diaferia
Iraq and North Korea are only the beginning. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Thursday February 13, 2003 - 04:12 by Joe Mullins
Bush's poodle Blair is desperate to have the long drawn out surrender of the IRA completed by March 3. This surrender will allow him to withdraw a Parachute Battalion from S.Armagh where it will join the Parachute Brigade in the Iraq massacre. The Provos surrender will thus facilitate the imperial ambitions of the Anglo-American axis. The British withdrawal from S.Armagh will allow the Adams faction to claim that de-militarization is occurring and keep the grassroots in line while the final surrender of the IRA happens. The Irish peace process, made in America, will therefore play a key role in helping the war effort of the Anglo-American imperium. Ahern, the Gombeen/comprador leader of the South is a key facilator in this collaborationist project. Any anti-Iraq war statements from Sinn Fein should be treated with contempt, because their duplicity and deceit allows the British military to increase their deadly violence against Iraq. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Thursday February 13, 2003 - 03:43 by Phuq Hedd
Guardian article reports on possible Iraqi breach of 1991 ceasefire resolution by possession of rocket motors in "Al Samoud" missiles. The most interesting nugget is a promise by Geoff Hoon to ignore the UN Security Council if France uses it's veto. Again, the US/K (thanks iosaf!) shows that any sort of democracy is but a fig-leaf for power. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Thursday February 13, 2003 - 02:10 by stephen cummins (fr.)
Visited three CW ladies today: all are in good spirits. Anticipating Eoin's trial this week. Please join Vigil outside Limerick Prison tomorrow ( Thursday at 8.00pm) ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Thursday February 13, 2003 - 00:13 by Kevin-Scott
United for Peace and Justice has lost its appeal to an earlier court ruling forbidding them to march in NYC on Feb.15. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Wednesday February 12, 2003 - 23:15 by Graham Caswell
Green Party Leader, Trevor Sargent TD, today pressed the Taoiseach Bertie Ahern to say how far he will go in supporting the Bush war against Iraq. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Wednesday February 12, 2003 - 22:26 by Slarti
According to a report in today's Evening Echo "A plot to spy on US military aircraft using Shannon Airport has been foiled in a joint operation between the gardai and airport police" ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Wednesday February 12, 2003 - 22:15 by James McKenna
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The US man taking digital pics of us Irish protestors at Shannon was US attache John O'Sullivan. Above and beyond the remit of you post John but I'll be taking that up with the Minister for Justice, Defence and transport as well as others as I would urge all protestors that were at Shannon that day to do. He is John O'Sullivan and he is the US attache and he would not identify himself when confronted for trying to demand "Credentials". He is now assisting the Irish government in their story "Oh Ireland , neutral, no we were never neutral". Trying to make up stories of epic adventures and heroic co-operation between Irish and US during the second world war. "Finding" documents to flesh out such fantasies. Helps US and Irish Government but who really suggested this Faustian deal? John? George? One story of "Stinky" a bomber that crash landed in ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Wednesday February 12, 2003 - 21:17 by ipsiphi
An introductory guide to how interlocking circles of influence work for Irelands powerful and important people with reference to the press statements from NATO/OTAN the French Government Reuters Welt the Chancellery of Berlin and the accents of certain custom and excise officers encountered at Calais and Dover in the Fall of 98. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Wednesday February 12, 2003 - 21:03 by Phuq Hedd
In a bold move to defend the nation against the impending terrorist threat from Al Qai'da the High Court has decided that an irreplaceable archaeological site should be destroyed and replaced with a motorway. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Wednesday February 12, 2003 - 20:54 by DHKC
This is Statement 294 from the DHKC (Revolutionary People's Liberation Front), a Marxist organisation from Turkey. It calls the country's government American collaborators, particularly because of their cooperation with America's planned war of aggression against Iraq. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Wednesday February 12, 2003 - 19:13 by Caoimhe Butterly
Caoimhe Butterly spent most of 2002 living in JenÃn refugee camp standing in the way of Israeli tanks and troops, and in November last, she was shot by Israeli forces. Caoimhe talks about her experiences . 11th February 2003 Wynne's Hotel, Dublin, Ireland. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Wednesday February 12, 2003 - 18:40 by foreign affairs
according to today's Irish Times (registration Required)Bertie has decided which way he will jump. If Bertie is jumping this direction he must feel that the Franco/German axis is isolated or he would not risk their displeasure. The FG spokesperson on Questions and Answers last night Gay Mitchell seemed to be indicating that FG were moving to a more pro US stance also. ... read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum Wednesday February 12, 2003 - 18:36 by Eamonn Crudden
Below are the minutes from the 2nd Open Space meeting to discuss the idea of an Irish Social Forum, from Sat. Feb. 1st 2003, at the Dublin Food Co-Op, St. Andrews Resource Centre, Pearse St., Dublin. The 3rd Open Space meeting to discuss the idea of an Irish Social Forum will be: Saturday 15th February, 2003, from 11am to 1pm at the Cultivate: Sustainable Living Centre, (at the former ?Viking Adventure Centre?), 15-19 Essex St. West, Old City, Temple Bar, Dublin 8. [ After crossing the Capel Street bridge from north to south, Essex St. West is the first right off Parliament St., walk along there and its on your right hand side, with big plate glass windows opposite the shop Does Not Compute. ] ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Wednesday February 12, 2003 - 18:01 by Eyewitness
A lone Anti-War protester staged a protest outside Hillsborough Castle this afternoon as Prime Minister’s “Blair and Ahearn” arrived for peace talks. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Wednesday February 12, 2003 - 17:06 by daoine faoi sisenna
Tá eagla ar na bodachai go n-éireodh idir muid féin agus ár gcairde i Meiriceá. Tá eagla orthu go n-éireodh idir muid féin agus ár gcairde i Eorpach. Níl cúrsaí athraithe mórán. -----------Macmillan arís. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Wednesday February 12, 2003 - 16:55 by concerned citizen of the planet
GETTING PRICES RIGHT – Moving Towards Environmental Fiscal Reform in Ireland, will take place at THE COACH HOUSE, DUBLIN CASTLE DUBLIN 2 On Thursday 20th February 2003 ENTRANCE FEE: 10 Euro, not including refreshments An Taisce Members FREE PLEASE NOTE: Seating is limited to 100 persons, maximum. ... read full story / add a comment |