Leitrim - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
7th Wise Woman Weekend, Leitrim, 13th -15th May 2011
leitrim |
education |
event notice
Tuesday April 26, 2011 19:27
by Orfhlaith Ni Chonaill - Wise Woman Ireland
info at wisewomanireland dot com

Trust, Transition, Transformation
A weekend of learning, discovery, celebration and fun for women of all ages. The 7th Wise Woman Weekend takes place under the full moon of Bealtaine, in Dromahair, Co. Leitrim, 13th - 15th May 2011.

Wise Woman Icon, Sunbathing in Leitrim
The 7th annual Wise Woman Weekend will take place in Dromahair, Co. Leitrim from Friday May 13th – Sunday May 15th 2011. It is a weekend of learning, discovery, celebration and fun for women of all ages who wish to explore the feminine side of their nature. The gathering coincides with the full moon of Bealtaine when, in the Celtic Tradition, the dew drops from the herb, Lady’s Mantle, were drunk for rebirth and everlasting youth.
The theme of this year's Wise Woman Weekend is Trust, Transition, Transformation. This theme weaves its way through the 12 workshops which range from, Healing Drum Circle, through Weaving Words at Bealtaine, Raging Grannies and their Daughters, Dance your Feelings, Playing with Paints, The Stories of our Lives, Goddess Business, Circle Dance, Dry Felt, Introduction to Vegetarian Cooking and Games that grow Trust, to Celtic Ritual and Rites of Passage.
All events will take place in the transition town of Dromahair, 17km from the transportation hub of Sligo and in the heart of Yeats’ country. Dromahair is in the Green Box Eco Tourism zone and EU flower certified accommodation is available.
The weekend opens Friday evening at Ard Nahoo Eco Retreat in the Wise Woman Mandala and closes with a Bealtaine ritual Sunday afternoon.
The weekend includes the ever popular Wild Woman Vegetarian Dinner and Open Mic Social, and a Standing Women Visualisation to save the world.
A weekend pass is €140. Gift certificates are available. All the details are at www.wisewomanireland.com. Or call Orfhlaith at 0872799108.
The Wise Woman Weekend is a self supporting, not for profit event organised by volunteers.