Nonviolent Resistance to War over this Christmas season
Photos/Report - "Merry Christmas-War is Over" - Catholic Workers "close" Dalston "Arcade of Death"
A merry band of London Catholic Workers and friends, fresh from shooting remakes of videos for John Lennon's anti-war classics "Merry Christmas (War is Over)" and "Give Peace a Chance" (watch this space for the finished videos), took themselves along to their favourite local army showroom, or "arcade of death", inside Dalston Kingsland shopping centre to bring their seasonal message of peace to the happy festive shoppers of east London.
After some initial lively interaction with security guards, who were calmed by police officers who arrived not long afterwards, the peaceful demonstration was allowed to continue undisturbed for an hour or so, whereupon the protesters left of their own volition.
The protest included signs stuck up on the glass doors of the showroom (which was already shut) indicating that it was now permanently shut, since the 'war is over', a duvet sprinkled in fake flowers, framed images of former Beatle and peace activist Lennon - assassinated 30 years ago this month - and Catholic Worker founder Dorothy Day. Also present was a man dressed in an orange boiler suit, wearing shackles and a Father Christmas mask, some of the time covered in a black hood (images to follow), who sat or knelt on the duvet most of the time and sang the above-mentioned songs by Lennon, sometimes accompanied by some of his colleagues.
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