Earlier this week, G.A.R.C. demanded the Black Preceptory and Pride of Ardoyne Flute Band reroute their unwelcome march away from Greater Ardoyne. We also said, if they refused our Collective would peacefully block the Crumlin Road and prevent today’s sectarian parade.
Earlier this week, G.A.R.C. demanded the Black Preceptory and Pride of Ardoyne Flute Band reroute their unwelcome march away from Greater Ardoyne. We also said, if they refused our Collective would peacefully block the Crumlin Road and prevent today’s sectarian parade.
Since G.A.R.C.’s formation, we have articulated the wishes of the vast majority of Greater Ardoyne residents, outlined a viable alternative route, and sought meaningful dialogue to address unwanted parades.
Therefore, in a bid to boost dialogue the Greater Ardoyne Residents Collective has collectively agreed to SUSPEND our planned protest, at the eleventh hour.
G.A.R.C. urge the Loyal Orders to use the months ahead to properly engage with local residents and help resolve contentious marches through Greater Ardoyne.
Our door is open....