The clique of RTE
Cronyism in the heart of Dublin 4
For two long RTE, the "state broadcaster" has represented 'jobs for the boys' merely moving people from one slot to another and controlling news. Their 'jobs for the boys' philosophy is reflected throughout Ireland when you go to look for a job and and you find its 'who you know' that will get you the job. The culture of cronyyism in RTE is now unacceptable. Recently it ousted a senior DJ Nikki Hayes disallowing her from saying a final goodbye to her listeners. If you are in agreement that RTE is a clique please post your comments below.
Another very senior reporter got moved to Washington for a while and when it wasn't working out for him he said that the job was for a younger person but jow on earth is anybody else going to get a job like that!?
RTE need to get real and we should boycott them.