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The Independent Workers Union have well and truely arrived![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Independent Workers Union Charter Independent Workers Charter The Rules of the Union provide, among its objectives a positive founding principle that the Union will “promote the primacy of members own decision making in all matters covered by the Rules of the Union, and in the development of its policies”. Independent Workers Charter The Rules of the Union provide, among its objectives a positive founding principle that the Union will “promote the primacy of members own decision making in all matters covered by the Rules of the Union, and in the development of its policies”. In addition, the Rules set out an outline of a number of positive rights of benefit members, as follows:
“every member shall have the right to equal treatment and opportunity within the Union without discrimination on grounds of gender, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, occupation, age, citizenship, race, language or religious and political beliefs and shall have the following rights as members, that is to say:
a) the right to representation in any matter of difference between the member and his/her employer concerning or touching upon the member’s employment provided that the member’s claim has been endorsed and processed by the Union or an official acting on its behalf; b) the right to advice and where necessary representation in processing a claim or an appeal concerning the member’s Social Welfare entitlements; c) the right to such assistance as may be available to members in securing employment; d) the right to participate in the democratic procedures of the Union; e) the right to a fair opportunity to seek nomination to contest elections for any elected office or position within the Union; f) the right to canvas support in any election within the Union for any candidate; g) the right to canvas support or opposition on any question decided by a vote of the members; h) the right, subject to the preservation of order, to speak and be heard at any meeting of the Union which he/she is entitled to attend; i) the right to information of a general nature concerning the policy and activity of the Union in matters touching upon the interests of the member; j) the right to fair procedures, due process and natural justice in the processing of complaints concerning lack of service or denial of any of the rights set out herein; k) the provisions of paragraphs (e), (f) and (g) shall not apply to any member who is an employee of the Union.”
Of necessity, these described rights represent only a summarised outline of the relationship between our members and the Union, and between the Union and its members. This Charter has been developed to expand positively on the summary contained in the Rules of the Union.
The Charter should be regarded as a living document, which can and should be amended by the members themselves at Annual Conferences of the Union, by way of motion(s) placed on the agenda, from time to time.
The Charter sets out the basis of the relationship between the Independent Workers Union and the members of the Union. In addition, and of corresponding significance, the Charter sets out the basis of the relationship between the members and the Union of which they have volunteered to become members.
The Independent Workers Union was founded on the principle and belief that the members are the union and this Charter has been designed to reflect this fundamental founding principle.
Openness and Democracy
Volunteers, not Conscripts Should a Branch, for a specific or an exceptional reason, make application to the Executive Committee to enter into a defined closed shop agreement, such application will be considered by the Executive Committee on its merits.
Trust and loyalty
Union Rules
Members’ voice
Fair process, due procedure, and natural justice
Case taking and the route to remedy The Independent Workers Union has adopted as a fundamental policy position that in all matters of industrial relations dispute resolution, it is for the members to determine the most appropriate route to remedy.
Information and communication
Cooperation with other organisations The Independent Workers Union will behave in an open, principled and fraternal manner to democratic representative organisations which promote workers’ interests and we will adopt a positive and constructive engagement with other trades unions and workers’ organisations. Fraternal relations with other organisations whose aims and objectives, policies or activities broadly correspond with an issue or a policy which our members have adopted, will be maintained.
Good trade union practice and the primacy of the bargaining unit
Trade disputes sought our members’ support in a trade dispute. We regard mutual support among workers in times of industrial conflict as an effective means to bring disputes to a speedy and effective conclusion.
Elected Officers and Committees
Referendums – asking the members
Staff of the Union
Our environment The Union will encourage, both from among our members and otherwise, an active interest and commentary on environmental issues. The Executive Committee will establish a National Environmental Committee which will advise the Union on environmental matters. It will conduct an Audit on the environmental impact of the functioning of the Union – as an organisation – in pursuing its aims and objectives. This environmental report and commentary will be presented to the Annual Delegate Conferences of the Union.
The Independent Workers Trust
The Independent Ombudsman
Independent Workers Training Ltd
Independent Workers Web Ltd We believe that by encouraging the members to purchase shares in this company on a monthly basis, an innovative, creative and independent organisation has been established which will provide electronic and internet communication opportunities to members. This is a new company, entirely separate from the Union, but owned by members of the IWU, and is in its early development phase. It will be a significant resource to its shareholders as it develops and grows.
Independent Workers Media Ltd The representation of workers opinions and interests has been receiving less attention and coverage than the Executive Committee believes is appropriate. The Executive Committee believes that by encouraging the members to purchase shares in this company on a monthly basis, a truly independent organisation has been established to give professional expression to workers voice and interests. This is a new company, entirely separate from the Union, but is owned by the members of the IWU.
The Charter |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Is the ASF involved in this new union and for that matter have anything to do with unions. For an anarcho-syndicalist group they are VERY quiet!
fucking hell gives us a break:
this is one big non participatory service provision, that utterly stays within the confines of capitals limits:
whats the point in joining a shitty union:
we need to abolish work:
(yes and I do work sometimes)
Well until the day we abolish work the unions are going to be pretty useful, not least in helping prevent the bosses 'abolishing work' for some of us while we still need to work in order to live!
I think that is a wrong strategy for workers to set up the IWU. In my opinion we need to reclaim the Trade Unions that are already in existence. If we put our effort into reclaiming the unions and turing them into democratic fighting unions it would be more productive than merely setting up new unions.
'FREE THE PASSION' is an example of Anarchism at its worst. He is completely divorced from the working class and from reality. The fact is that Work is a good thing, the problem is we do too much of it and for the wrong people (the bourgeoisie).
Hey OK,
I don't think you quite get what he is talking about (but then he may not either). 'Work' is not a good thing in the sense it is being used which is the form of alienated work we do under capitalism. The problem with this 'Work' is not just that there is too much of it or that the wrong guys get the product of our labour. It is that it involves a division into order givers and order takers where the order takers (most of the workers) have no say in terms of what is produced or how it is produced.
In short there are problems with assembly line production that do not start when the product leaves the factory gates. Socialism is not simply about McDonalds with a red star instead of a Golden Arch! Another way of talking about it is abolishing the distinction between 'work' and 'play'.
This isn't a purely anarchist observation, the early Marx also observed that in a post capitalist society the nature of production would be very different. Of course Lenin et al ditched all that in their enthusasism for Talorism and one man management.
Of course doing labour in order to produce the goods and services we all need will always be with us. The abolition of labour wasn't (or shouldn't have been the original point).
As for the IWU I think we should start off on the basis of supporting the decisions of workers who wish to join it. There are rather obviously arguements each way in terms of whether it is a good idea or not. The linked article explores these
I'm curious as to what exactly "independent representation or workers" means?
"Members’ donations to the (Independent Workers) Trust are direct and separate from their standard Union contributions. They will enable the Trust to promote the ..."
I'm sure it could be argued that the Labour party independently represents workers. Yet I'm sure that the IWU isn't made up of 'Labour' people.
I would appreciate it if someone could clear this up for me.
I clicked on cut instead of copy..
"Members’ donations to the (Independent Workers) Trust are direct and separate from their standard Union contributions. They will enable the Trust to promote the ..."
Should read....
"Members’ donations to the (Independent Workers) Trust are direct and separate from their standard Union contributions. They will enable the Trust to promote the independent representation of workers..."