Issue 40 of Red Banner is out now, available for €2 / £1.50 in bookshops or from the address above.
Twenty years after the poll tax
Allan Armstrong, formerly chair of the Lothians Anti-Poll Tax Federation, draws lessons from the campaign that finished Thatcher
SOCIALIST CLASSICS James Connolly, Labour in Irish History
A critical celebration by Aindrias Ó Cathasaigh on the centenary of Irish socialism’s most important work
Engels with dirty faces
A new biography of the socialist pioneer Friedrich Engels is reviewed by Joe Conroy
Fáilte roimh an gConghaileach
Moladh Crimal ar mhórshaothair Shéamais Uí Chonghaile agus iad á bhfoilsiú céad bliain ó shin
The Hidden Connolly
James Connolly castigates the hypocritical trickery of nationalist politics, in articles unpublished since his execution
SIPTU: The view from the bridge
Noel McDermott examines an official history retailing a hundred years of Ireland’s biggest union