Protests against the closure of A+E on Monday (24th) are spurring a campaign to rescind this deadly decision.
See below some footage of the Public Event held in Magherafelt on 24th May 2010.
Many Thanks to Johnny Hudson for posting this video on YouTube.
In response to some peoples concerns relating to this Facebook Page!/group.php?gid=123505471009758&ref=ts & the set up of the 'Save The Mid Ulster Hospital Action Group' we would like to put people minds at ease and confirm that neither this page nor the group itself will be allowed to become a platform for any political agenda, the only agenda here is to SAVE the Mid ULster Hospital!
We are simply a group of ordinary people with the best interests of the residents of The Mid Ulster Area at heart. We will not allow the Facebook Page or Group to be hijacked by any political or party agenda and I don't believe that is happening. When the chips are down and two of us are lying on trolleys in the corridors of Antrim A&E it will have little significance what party we may have aligned ourselves with at that point.
Hugh announced at last night's meeting that NO MLA's, Councillors, or politicians would be accepted onto the committee itself but we need the members of EVERY party within MID ULSTER to support us.
We may not want the politicians on the committee, although we DO need their support but that does not mean we do not want the people, ordinary people like you and me! We NEED everyone to support this Group and with any further action we take in trying to have the decision to close the Mid Ulster Hospitals A&E overturned immediately.
EVERYONE regardless of political opinion, religion, colour or creed. We want to thank EVERY LAST person who has supported any action taken over the past week from the bottom of our hearts. We need you all & a lot more besides to make Mr McGimpsey sit up & take notice that MID ULSTER SAYS NO TO THE CLOSURE OF THE MID ULSTER HOSPITAL! FULL STOP!
We thank and appreciate the members of all the political parties who were there last night and who have supported this cause passionately over the past week, DUP, Socialist, Sinn Fein, SDLP, Indepenents & even the UUP, they may not have sent an MLA but ordinary people of The Mid Ulster Area who voted for them in the last election have been at all the rally's to date and we appreciate that fact.
We are not political activists or nut cases, we are mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, grandparents and grandchildren concerned - no - fearful for the lives and well-being of our families and we NEED YOUR SUPPORT!
Teresa McKenna
Mob: 07787167048
E-mail: [email protected]
Hugh McCloy
Mob: 07871503189
E-mail: [email protected]