Obesity Workshop on the cards for 2011
Report: Cooley Environmental & Health Group Meeting
An interesting and exciting meeting took place on Sunday 23rd May 2010 in the Strand Hotel Omeath being the last meeting before the summer with the Group being in recess until 12th September 2010.
The 2011 workshop occupied most of the agenda with a good discussion on the format for the workshop which will include many speakers from varies walks and levels of; life.
words mentions included: dieticians, exercise, life style choices, changing life style roles, the changing role of women, men and the family, sports club participation, modes of transport, health consequences, economic consequences, fitness & retirement, obesity and Alcohol, issues of facilities’ for exercise and obesity and disability.
o The group are to individually undertake further research for finalization at the next meeting.
Other issues of social concern were discussed and to be researched for the next meeting on Sunday 12th September 2010 @ 10 AM in The Strand Hotel Omeath.
+Michael D Hynes
Secretary/PRO: CEHG