The Oak Room, Mansion House, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
10.30 10.45 Welcome and introduction
10.45 11.05 Growing resistance - the fight to fix the food system,
Fergal Anderson, Via Campesina
11.05 11.25 *Haiti: From Food Self-Sufficiency to Mud Cookies The Impact of Global Trade
11.25 11.45 Q&A
11.45 12.45 Parallel Workshops on Food Sovereignty
12.45 13.45 Lunch
13.45 15.00 Panel Discussion
Editor: Update from LASC
*We regret to inform you that due to a number of unfortunate circumstances, the LAW
speaker Camille Chalmers, from PAPDA (Haiti) will not be able to come to Ireland.
Instead, we will have a speaker from Brazil, Carlos Augusto Gouveia da Silva, member
of the Association of Rural and Urban Autonomous Producers ?an organisation formed
during the ?80s in support for demands of Agrarian reform, an currently active
linking food growers from the city with those of the countryside, from the
perspective of Agroecology. We apologize if this change of plans caused any