Protest the repression and torture carried out by Spanish state, currently EU President.
Protest the banning of political parties and organisations, closure of newspapers, arrest and torture of journalists and political activists, inhumane treatment of political prisoners and now kidnapping, torture and murder of activists by undercover Spanish police squads.
The Spanish state currently holds the EU Presidency until June.
Spain has the lion's share of the more than 750 Basque political prisoners it shares with France. It has many of political refugees abroad and pursues them, seeking their extradition to an undemocratic and patently unfair judicial system which has been variously criticised or condemned by Amnesty International and committees of the EU and United Nations. It is currently seeking extradition of Basques from London and from Belfast, among others.
In recent years Spain has banned five Basque political parties and three youth organisations, closed down two newspapers and radio stations, arrested and tortured thousands of political activists, arrested, tortured and jailed journalists and is now running undercover operations kidnapping, torturing and killing political activists, as shown by the cases of Jon Anza and others.
Support this action to expose the Spanish state's fundamentally undemocratic and repressive nature to the Irish public, confront the EU and the Spanish state with their crimes and show solidarity to the Basque people in struggle.