A weekend of debate and discussion
The Socialist Party has organised this weekend of debate and discussion around important issues facing working people today. Governments across the globe have intervened to bail outs have been at the cost of workers’ wages, jobs and public services such as health and education. This weekend will discuss why there is an economic crisis and is there an alternative to the cuts.
The Socialist Party has organised this weekend of debate and discussion around important issues facing working people today. Governments across the globe have intervened to bail outs have been at the cost of workers’ wages, jobs and public services such as health and education. This weekend will discuss why there is an economic crisis and is there an alternative to the cuts.
The event will also deal with other important issues like the huge threat posed to the planet by climate change and the ongoing crisis in the Catholic Church as a result of the child abuse scandals.
We think anyone concerned about the policies being imposed and where they will lead, or what passes for politics in this country should attend this event.
Venue: Wynns Hotel, Abbey St, Dublin 1.
Event schedule:
Friday 6pm- 7:45pm:
Time to separate Church and State?
Speakers: Christine Buckley (Director Aishlinn support centre), Fiona O'Loughlin.
Greece & Spain - workers fighting back!
Speakers: Greek Socialist, Michael O'Brien.
Friday Debate 8pm- 10pm:
Are wages too high?
Debate: Mark Fielding (ISME) vs Cllr Ruth Coppinger (Socialist Party councillor, Fingal).
Saturday 11am- 1pm:
Climate change: Myth or reality?
Speaker: Stephen Rigney.
The ideas of Karl Marx.
Speaker: Cllr Mick Barry.
Can workers defeat government attacks?
Speakers: Helen Metcalfe (Impact, personal capacity), Stephen Boyd (SP Trade Union Organiser)
Saturday 1.30pm- 3.30pm:
Is there an alternative to the cuts?
The Big Debate: Joe Higgins MEP vs Constantin Gurdgiev (Finance lecturer TCD)
Saturday 3.30pm- 4.15pm:
Building the Socialist Alternative
Speakers: Cllr Clare Daly, Greek Socialist