March for human rights
GPO, O’Connell Street, Dublin
12.30 pm Tuesday 30 March
In the run-up to Easter, people often recall the commitment of the 1916 proclamation to “cherish all the children of the nation equally”. In 2010, the government is making a tragic mockery of this, with its determination to deprive Irish children of their parents through deportation.
In a time of severe cutbacks, the government has found thousands of euros to fill two deportation flights already this month. Both flights have included parents of Irish citizens, spouses of Irish citizens, and people who had not exhausted the legal process of appealing against deportation.
On Tuesday 30 March, asylum seekers and their supporters will be marching in Dublin to protest against these denials of basic human rights. Join them to show your support for an Ireland that rejects racism and the forcible break-up of families, and instead embraces human rights and equality for all.