éirígí, the socialist republican party, have announced details of a protest in opposition to the docking of a massive British warship in Dublin Port. The protest which will take place this Saturday, March 13th will assemble at 2pm at Seabank House, East Wall Road, Dublin 3.
éirígí, the socialist republican party, have announced details of a protest in opposition to the docking of a massive British warship in Dublin Port. The protest which will take place this Saturday, March 13th will assemble at 2pm at Seabank House, East Wall Road, Dublin 3.
The HMS Daring, an air defence destroyer class of warship, is currently occupying a berth at Ocean Pier 32, on Alexandra Road, Dublin Port.
Speaking at the announcement of the protest éirígí spokesperson, Brian Leeson said:
'The presence of this British warship in Dublin is an attempt to portray the relationship between Ireland and Britain as normal, when in truth that relationship remains deeply abnormal.
'A section of Ireland’s national territory remains occupied by Britain, which maintains a permanent garrison of 5,000 British soldiers, 8,000 paramilitary police and 100s of MI5 operatives in the Six Counties. It is an absolute outrage that the Twenty Six county state would play host to the British war machine, under these circumstances.'
Brian concluded by encouraging people to join the protest on Saturday, ‘éirígí is calling on all those who support Irish freedom and oppose the ongoing British occupation of the Six Counties, to join this protest and send a very clear message to the British government that its forces are not welcome in any part of Ireland.’