A Youtube video series shows the full horror of life under Israeli occupation
On March 1, the premier episode of a 90 part series, “Sleepless in Gaza…and Jerusalem” was launched on YouTube, and there are now eight episodes online. The video diary chronicles the lives of four young Palestinian women, Muslim and Christian, two living in Gaza and two in Arab Jerusalem and the West Bank.
The YouTube channel for the video log is at: http://www.youtube.com/user/SleeplessinGaza.
PINA TV Production camera crews are covering Ashira Ramadan, a broadcast journalist based in Jerusalem; Ashira’s friend in Gaza, the documentary film maker Nagham Mohanna; Donna Maria Mattas, a 17 year-old student at the Holy Family School in Gaza who dreams of growing up to be a journalist, and Ala’ Khayo Mkari who works with Caritas in Jerusalem.
The producers say the intention of the series is to allow all who do not live in the occupied territories — Arab East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank, as well as the Gaza Strip — to grasp how these four young Palestinian women live daily lives under brutal Israeli occupation.
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Sleeples in Gaza - Trailer
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Sleeples in Gaza - Ep. 1
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Sleeples in Gaza - Ep. 2
Comments (25 of 25)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25Rachel Corrie Family Finally Puts Israel in Dock (http://www.uruknet.de/index.php?p=m64031&hd=&size=1&l=e0
By Jonathan Cook
March 10, 2010
Seven years after Rachel Corrie, a US peace activist, was killed by an Israeli army bulldozer in Gaza, her family was to put the Israeli government in the dock today.
A judge in the northern Israeli city of Haifa was due to be presented with evidence that 23-year-old Corrie was killed unlawfully as she stood in the path of the bulldozer, trying to prevent it from demolishing Palestinian homes in Rafah.
Corrie’s parents, Craig and Cindy, who arrived in Israel on Saturday, said they hoped their civil action would shed new light on their daughter’s killing and finally lead to Israel’s being held responsible for her death. They are also seeking damages that could amount to millions of dollars if the court finds in their favour. . . .
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Rache Corrie
Not content with illegally arresting and terrorising a 12 yr old boy . . . . . . .
the astoundingly racist Israeli Military are also conducting a terror campaign against his 10 year old brother . . .
A terrifingly dangerous 12 yr old 'terrorist'
his even more dangerous 10 yr old brother
Gabi ashkenazi - The Butcher of Gaza
Protesting against the Butcher of Gaza at 'The Friends of the iDF'
Jail ordeal of hundreds of Palestinian children arrested for throwing stones http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/mar/14/palestinian...srael
Israel also routinely tortures the children unfortunate enough to be kidnapped by it's 'soldiers'
A Zionist would feel outraged . . on behalf of the Bulldozer
Indoctrination at Birth?
The land of milk and honey - a light onto the Nations?
Another dngerous Terrorist captured in a daring raid, by those Brave Israeli Soldiers
Imagine the shrill uproar if a Harvard fellow called for forcefully limiting Jewish births? But he's just following the racist doctrine of Zionism to it's logical conclusion.
Essentially he's just advocating speeding up the ongoing genocide
Caption: Video Id: smfbF_l0euo Type: Youtube Video
Harvard Zionist calls for quicker genocide
In Israel, even the doctors are involved in the State's Torture - http://windowintopalestine.blogspot.com/2010/03/israeli...ne%29
Torrent: http://www.torrentreactor.net/torrents/3847840/Ch4-Disp...3-avi
broadcast Mon 15th and Sun 21st March
Israeli operatives have recently begun kidnapping Palestinian children. if the parents are lucky the Israeli operatives then seek a sum of money as ransom for the safe return of these children
Israel wants 1,500 shekels for 15-year-old boy - http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=270097
Israeli operatives (in green/olive uniforms) pictured in the act of kidnapping Palestinian child, they usually then demand a ransom for the safe return of the child
Boys disappearing from Hebron Old City
It is not clear if monetary ransom was sought, or paid, in all of these individual cases. However it is known that monetary ransom was sought in at least one of the above incidents
As like the above I listened recently to a TV documentary on the Children of Gaza, indeed the sheer brutality and terror inflicted, the occupation ongoing, the resolutions broken, and the fingers stuck up to many by the Israeli governance ,shows without doubt how this situation needs to be continually worked against.
International solidarity, and indeed continued collective international pressure is needed, now, and no doubt, evermore, in the coming time.
Such accounts should, Renew, and embolden many more, to turn our attentions and to focus our minds, against a terrible injustice inflicted upon the Palestinian people.
Israeli operatives continue their war against children:
apparently no ransom was demanded by the Israelis in order to secure the safe return of this kidnapped child to her family
13 yr old terrorist girl - another sucessful anti-terrorist operation by the brave soldiers of the hounorable and noble and most moral Isreali Occupations Forces
Not content with their illegal and atrocious War on Children the Israelis have now carried out an attack on some deadly Terrorist Cheese
Israel launches retaliation strike, claiming to attack weapon manufacturing locations; so far it is confirmed that two targets were cheese factories.
Terrorist cheese: Don't turn yer back on it - it's lethal!
Israel recently called a truce a in it's 3 year War Against deadly existentence-threatening terrorist shoes and Clothes
The War against Deadly Terrorist Crayons goes on, however
Jimmy Cho Martyr Brigade cadres hiding out in their seekrit underground bunkers near the Egyptian-Gaza border
A total of 35 Kassams were fired from Gaza in March, one resulting in the killing a Thai agricultural worker.
Just in the last days, the Egyptians claim to have uncovered a massive arms cache waiting for shipment into the Gaza strip.
Has anyone in the American administration commented on this?
No! It is left to the Russians to attack Hamas on this matter and called on them to stop firing rockets indiscriminately into Israel.
The al-Qaeda affiliated Ansar al-Sunna Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack which killed the Thai worker, Sean, NOT Hamas.
Hamas have fired no rockets lately, Islamic Jihad have claimed responsibility for the majority of rockets fired and no one has claimed responsibility for the remainder
And IF the weapons cache 'found' by the Egyptians belonged to Hamas, well they have every right to possess weapons with which to defend themselves from vicious unprovoked attacks on Gaza civilians by Israeli occupation forces
Why do you tell so many lies?
You have to love Martin Kramer in that Harvard video. He stops short of calling for euthanasia, but he'd bring a wry smile to any old Nazis still knocking about in the world. For even what he's said on the vid he should have been arrested. So he wants, effectively, a cull of the Palestinian people. Well, the ghetto has already been created, concentration camps by any other name exist in Israel for Palestinian prisoners . . . .I wonder what books he reads? Hadn't we men like that in mind when we promised 'Never Again?' That he can speak like that about the Palestinians is to my mind a serious crime. Listen to his meticulous, clinical and detailed arithmetical calculation. Who - in a certain courtroom dock - does that remind you of? Now replace all the references to Palestinians by the word 'Israeli.' If someone anywhere in Europe went on TV with a rant like that about Israel, what length of prison term could he expect?
because, gosh darn it, 1400 dead people is just not enough to satisfy the bloodlust
According to Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Silvan Shalom, the military may escalate beyond the air strikes and launch another ground invasion of the Gaza Strip “in the near future.”
Israel last invaded the Gaza Strip in January of 2009, an attack that killed over 1,400 Palestinians, mostly civilians. Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz suggested earlier this week that another invasion was inevitable and that they would resume their occupation of Gaza.
Vanity Fair published a meticulously-researched expose showing that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, his aide Muhammed Dahlan actively conspired with the Bush administration to topple the democratically-elected government of Hamas and engineer civil war in the occupied Palestinian territories.
In a lengthy article, Vanity Fair said it obtained “confidential documents” corroborated by sources in the US and Palestine, which lay bare a covert American operation, approved by the President Bush and implemented by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Deputy National Security Advisor Elliott Abrams, to provoke a Palestinian civil war.
According to the magazine, the plan was for forces led by Dahlan and armed with new weapons supplied at America’s behest, to give Fatah the muscle it needed to remove the democratically elected Hamas-led government from power. . . .
Why do you tell so many lies, Seanie?
The fundamental cause is, of course, well known. Israel, aided by the US, was not prepared to accept Hamas’s victory in last year’s Palestinian elections. Backed by a supine EU, the two governments decided to boycott their new Palestinian counterparts politically and punish Palestinian voters by blocking economic aid. Their policies had a dramatic effect, turning Gaza even more starkly into an open prison and creating human misery on a massive scale. The aim was to turn voters against Hamas - a strategy of stupidity as well as cynicism, since outside pressure usually produces resistance rather than surrender. . . .
It is also well known that Hamas was as surprised by its election victory as everyone else and that it offered its rival, Fatah, a coalition government of national unity. The offer was refused. If this was done initially out of wounded pride, Fatah’s rejection of Hamas’s regularly repeated overtures increasingly appeared to be coordinated with Washington as part of the boycott strategy. . . .
Most ominously, the document of US objectives outlined a $1.27bn programme that would add seven special battalions, totalling 4,700 men, to the 15,000 Abbas already has in his presidential guard and other security forces, which were also to be given extra training and arms. “The desired outcome will be the transformation of Palestinian security forces and provide for the president of the Palestinian Authority to able to safeguard decisions such as dismissing the cabinet and forming an emergency cabinet,” the document says.
Alastair Crooke, a former Middle East adviser to the EU foreign policy chief, Javier Solana, and current head of a research institute in Beirut, points out that Israel blocked some arms deliveries. It was wary of sending too many into Gaza for fear Fatah might lose them, as indeed has happened. In this sense, only part of the plan went ahead. (Britain has played a small part in helping Abbas’s security forces. It has provided about £350,000 of “non-lethal” equipment this year for protecting the Karni freight crossing between Gaza and Israel.)
But Crooke says Hamas was irritated that the Mecca deal was being sabotaged, notably by the refusal of Mohammed Dahlan, Fatah’s long-time Gaza strongman and head of the Preventive Security Forces, to accept the authority of the independent interior minister appointed to the unity government. “Dahlan refused to deal with him, and put his troops on the streets in defiance of the interior minister. Hamas felt they had little option but to take control of security away from forces which were in fact creating insecurity,” Crooke says. . . . .
Why do you tell so many lies, Seanie?
Hamas accepts 'Israel’s right to exist’
By KHALED ABU TOAMEH - printed in The Jerusalem Post
Hamas has accepted Israel’s right to exist and would be prepared to nullify its charter, which calls for the destruction of Israel, Aziz Dwaik, Hamas’s most senior representative in the West Bank, said on Wednesday.
"The [Hamas] charter was drafted more than 20 years ago," Dwaik noted, adding that his movement would even be prepared to "nullify" the document.
"No one wants to throw anyone into the sea," he said.
Vicious Terrorist Diabetes Defeated in Checkpoint Delay
A diabetic Palestinian died on Saturday after being prevented from crossing the Al-Hamra military checkpoint into the Jordan Valley on Saturday.
Mohammad Damen Abed Al-Karim E'lieyat, 62, from the village of Dir Abu Da'eef in Jenin was en route to the Jordan Valley but was barred from transit. Ma'an's correspondent said E'lieyat made several attempts to cross but was turned back by Israeli authorities who said that he was unable to pass because he held French citizenship
The thing is that these troops did nothing different than what has been done by many Israeli troops before them, so why single these guys out when it is obviously Israeli policy to ignore murders by it's troops when the victims are Palestinian?
X-ray of Osayed Qadus's skull showing a bullet lodged inside
Yep, read the various reports, indeed solidarity needs to continue against the ongoing injustice inflicted upon the Palestinian people.
Almost every subject can be argued two ways, especially when the subject at hand is as controversial as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. No matter how unjust the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip is, there will always be those biased or deluded souls that justify it with the "Hamas terrorists" argument and the hackneyed Israeli pretext of state security.
However, one subject, which cannot possibly have a flip side to it, is the torture of children. Only a deranged and perverted mind could justify that.
So which sick deranged and perverted minds are happy to torture children?
Step forward Israel’s security establishment
Super-duper uber-brave members of the criminal gang known as the 'IDF' kidnap child of Jailed activist leader
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