Dublin ShelltoSea to host public meeting in UCD next Thursday 18th February at 5pm - speakers include Maura Harrington, Andy Storey (AFRI) and Caoimhe Kerins of Dublin ShelltoSea.
Public Talk in UCD
Thursday 18th February @ 5pm - Room A106 Arts Block UCD
The Corrib gas refinery and pipeline has attracted varying levels of public attention over the past ten years, from support for the Rossport Five to national protests against the project, and most recently the decision by An Bord Pleanala that over half the proposed gas pipeline route is ‘unacceptable’ on safety grounds.
This talk in UCD will feature speakers from a number of groups which are active around various aspects of the gas project:
Maura Harrington, a prominent activist within the Shell to Sea campaign, will outline the background to the Corrib gas project, detailing the issues driving the Shell to Sea campaign and referring to her own and the community’s experiences over the past ten years.
Andy Storey, UCD lecturer and Chairperson of Afri, will talk about Afri’s petition calling for a suspension of all work on the Corrib Gas project, pending an independent and comprehensive investigation of its safety, human rights, economic and environmental dimensions.
Caoimhe Kerins, a spokesperson for Dublin Shell to Sea, will highlight the national focus of the Shell to Sea campaign and discuss the implications of the Corrib gas project for the people of Ireland, particularly in terms of the ‘great gas and oil giveaway.’
A question and answers session will follow.
For more information, please contact:
Dublin Shell to Sea
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 086-7362417
Website: www.dublinshelltosea.com