Third festival outing of music and literature
The Western Writers' Centre has succeeded in providing their third literary festival in Gort, Co. Galway, blending music and poetry
"We have endured Arts Council cuts but the festival survives," says Fred Johnston. "The reaction to the festival is always very positive. There is every indication that it will grow. This year's line up features too some amazing music, from the renowned harper Paul Dooley to the wonderful, violin-playing of Yuki Nishioka. I can't praise highly enough the work of Gort Public Library and their openness to the festival."
The Third Forge At Gort takes place March 26th and 27th. All events are free. The festival is organised by The Western Writers’ Centre (Ionad Scríbhneoirí Chaitlín Maude) Galway and is sponsored by The Arts Council, Poetry Ireland and the generous assistance of Knute Skinner, Edna Keil and Pat O’Callaghan. Details from westernwriters@… and 087.2178138.
The preliminary line-up for this festival features: John Arden, novelist – Friday March 26th – 8pm – Gort Library; Marty Mulligan (performance poetry) Friday, March 26th – Gallery Café - 10.30 pm; Pete Mullineaux – Workshop (poetry) 11am - Sullivan’s Hotel - SaturdayMarch 27th; Rosemarie Rowley – 1pm – O’Grady’s Restaurant – Saturday March 27th. 1pm. Kate Thompson – Saturday March 27th - 3pm Gort Library; Pádraig Ó Moráin & Paul Dooley (harp) – Saturday March 27th -7pm - Gort Library; Clare Three-Leggéd Stool Writers’ Group & Yuki Nishioka (violin) – Saturday, March 27 - 4. 30pm – O’Grady’s Restaurant; Saturday, March 27th – Patrick Early and Stephanie Allen-Early (venue to be announced)
Detail: Fred and Niamh at [email protected] - sponsors still welcome.