All funds raised go to provide medicines, diagnostic and surgical supplies to Cuban Medical Brigades currently working in Haiti.
Thursday February 11th,
Liberty Hall, Eden Quay, Dublin 1
Doors Open at 7,30 pm sharp
First Question 8.00 pm
€40 per team of four
Individuals welcome -teams will be set up!
Further information from Cuba Support Group 0876785842
Organised by Cuba Support Group & Latin America Solidarity Centre
"Since 1991 Cuba has provided the only public health system available in Haiti. Since the earthquake, everyday, they treat an average of 2,330 injured Haitians and carry out surgery on 185 of the most seriously injured victims, working in three shifts around the clock"
For more information on the work of Cuban doctors in Haiti, please see the Irish Times article (by Lara Marlowe) in the link below: