Independent Media Centre Ireland

Unfair, unjust, Unnecessary

category dublin | miscellaneous | news report author Thursday February 04, 2010 14:18author by Rita Fagan - Eastern Regional Network of community development projectsauthor email ritafaganfrc at eircom dot netauthor address 118 St. Michaels Estate, Inchicore, Dublin 8author phone 01-4533938

A describtion of the protest held outside the Dail on Wednesday 03rd February 2010 to highlight the unjust closures of 14 community development projects the majority of which are in the city of Dublin.


Wednesday 3rd of February 2010 Dublin Community Development projects and alliances such as the Community Workers Co-op, Irish Traveller Movement, the European Anti Poverty Network, the National Women’s Council and the Canals Community Campaign for equality and fairness gathered in the rain outside Dáil Eireann. They had 2 good reasons for doing so;

On the previous Friday 29th January 2010 24 of the 30 Community Development Projects who had been deemed unviable by such and unfair review process received the verdict of their appeals for survival. Remember, these projects when reviewed were never informed it was with the view for closure. Projects with huge track records in areas of major disadvantage in our city; Ballymun, West Tallaght, North Inner City, Ballyfermot ,Finglas, Clonmel and so on. The appeals process, despite what Minister John Curran argued at the Joint Oireachtas Committee was not independent. The same Dept. of CRAGA that sent out the emails of unviability was the same Dept. of CRAGA, although higher up officials who carried out the appeals process. Surely if it was value for money it should have included the Dept. of Finance and an independent expert in Community Development.

The outcome from this unfair and unjust process was as follows; 10 projects were returned to the new Local and Community Development Programme and 14 projects were once again deemed unviable and had their funding taken away. Six projects did not appeal. All bar one of the Community Development Projects who were deemed not worthy of government support were of the Eastern Dublin Region.

Shock, tears and anger were the emotions of the slow process of disintegration of a worthwhile Community Development Programme who has served Irelands most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities for well over 20 years. 20 projects culled with the power of the pen! These projects have been closed unfairly, but they have not failed their communities as those in power have.

Bankers, Developers and Speculators are the ones who failed us, not the most vulnerable communities who have been robbed of their projects and life supports. Money has been and will continue to be found to reward the bad behaviour of the Bankers, Developers and Speculators. All those who gathered outside the Peoples Parliament House in the rain did so as an act of true solidarity for the 20 culled Community Development Projects. They stood to bear witness to the injustice of such and unfair, unjust and unnecessary process. They also stood there to challenge and protest against the imposed merger of the Community Development Projects with the Local Development Partnership Companies. Those of you who read this, those of you who want to show support, ring those projects, contact your T.D.’s. Join the campaign to support them in their struggle for justice. I have included the list of the projects below.

Also take this chance to oppose the merger process. Don’t let them take local autonomy away from local people and communities. Let’s turn the tide together. There are thousands of real ways we can act, create and construct a society of equality and fairness.

In Solidarity

Rita Fagan
On behalf of the Eastern Regional Network core organising team.

1. Clonmel Traveller Project; ph: 052-29616

2. Community Action Programme (CAP) Ballymun ph: 01-8832162

3. Community Technical Aid (CTA) ph: 01- 855 7015

4. Edenmore Community Development Project ph: 01-8771957

5. Equal Access Community Development Project ph: 01-4623222

6. Inner City Renewal Group ph: 01 - 855 72 07

7. Kilmore West Community Development Project ph: 01-8473333

8. Link Community Development Project ph: 01-6235204

9. North Clondalkin CDP ph: 01-4571744

10. North West Inner City Women’s Network 01-6717284

11. Partners for Training and Transformation ph: 01-6673440

12. The P.I.E.C.E. Project ph: 01-8484498

13. Southside Community Development Project ph: 041 9845184

14. West Tallaght Resource Centre ph: 01 4522533

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