The only people that are going to stand up for working class communities are those communities themselves. Don't wait for someone else to do it. Join the protests against the cutbacks.
éirígí DSC will be holding a public protest against the recent cutbacks on Sat 6th Feb at Bank of Ireland , Tyrconnell Road , Inchicore @ 12.30pm
For areas with unemployment and lots of children , like Inchicore , the budget is nothing short of a disaster. The Jobseekers cut alone will suck at least 30,000 euros cash every week out of our community and then there are all the other cuts to social welfare payments - Child Benefit, One Parent Family Payment, Cares Allowance, Disability Allowance etc - all of which has dramatically reduced the combined income of the people of Inchicore.
Come and join us to let this government know we will be fighting back.
No To Cutbacks !
It's Time To Fight Back !