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Dublin: Holocaust survivor speaks out against Israel & the Siege of Gaza, endorses Boycott campaign

category dublin | rights, freedoms and repression | feature author Tuesday February 02, 2010 09:33author by Kev - IPSC (pers cap) Report this post to the editors

Meeting addressed by Dr. Hajo Meyer, Dr. Haidar Eid and Sara Kreshnar

featured image
Dr.Hajo Meyer - Holocaust survivor

On Saturday 30th January Auschwitz survivor Dr. Hajo Meyer, Dr. Haidar Eid of the Islamic University in Gaza and Sara Kershnar of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) addressed a standing room only crowd of over 140 people in the Central Hotel in Dublin. The public meeting, entitled “The Misuse of the Holocaust for Political Purposes”, was organised by the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) as part of a high profile speaking tour hosted by IJAN and the Scottish PSC.

First to speak was Dr. Haidar Eid who addressed the audience via video from besieged Gaza – which he has been unable to leave for several years. He gave a harrowing description of the situation in Gaza today. He reported that one year after Israel’s brutal assault on the region which left over 1,400 people, thousands injured and thousands more homeless, and destroyed the infrastructure of Gaza, the Israeli blockade is still preventing even basic rebuilding supplies from entering the strip.

Dr. Eid called on people in Ireland to do all they can to help end the siege and the untold suffering that is part and parcel of it. Quoting famed Israeli historian Ilan Pappe, he described Israel’s actions towards the people of Palestine as being a “slow-motion genocide”. He ended by calling for the stepping up of the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel.

Dr. Meyer, who 65 years ago survived ten months in the Auschwitz Nazi death camp, then spoke to the rapt crowd.

Reflecting on the fact that it was the end of Holocaust Memorial Week, he despaired of the use of the Holocaust as a political weapon wielded by the state of Israel and its supporters to silence critics of that Apartheid regime. He called this the ‘Holocaust Religion’, of which Elie Wiesel was High Priest. Indeed, the doctor opened by saying that Israel was not a Jewish state in any sense he understood, it was in fact a Zionist state and that Zionism was the antipode of pre-WWII liberal Judaism.

Dr. Meyer said: “Pre-World War Two Judaism was humanitarian and universalistic in outlook, under which all humans were considered equal.” The doctor contrasted this with political Zionism, “as it now exists in practice, which is xenophobic, nationalist, colonialist and racist. It is an ideology that seeks the maximum number of Palestinians concentrated onto the smallest amount of land”.

Commenting on what he viewed as the fallacious idea that the existence of the State of Israel was a ‘protector’ of Jews, the doctor pointed out that “the existence of the Chinese State has never prevented a single anti-Chinese pogrom in Indonesia for example”.

Dr. Meyer further went on to say that the lesson modern Zionism wants people to learn from the Holocaust is that “we Jews have a monopoly on suffering. Therefore, whatever we do to the Palestinians – or anyone else - however horrible, is less that what we suffered” and therefore excusable.

The doctor pointed to a recent address by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN in which he invoked the Nazi Holocaust and the numbers tattooed on survivors’ arms in a propaganda speech justifying an attack on Iran.

Dr. Meyer contrasted this with the lesson he learned from the Nazi Holocaust, which was that “only those who are themselves dehumanised can attempt to dehumanise others, for example to inflict sufferings such as collective punishment. I personally never want to inflict suffering on anybody.”

Dr. Meyer continued by saying that “Israel has not the slightest wish to make peace – to Israel peace is an entirely ambivalent term, its means only the peace and freedom to continue carrying out its crimes against the Palestinian people”, and as such, he fully supported the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel as a progressive non-violent method of international resistance to Israeli crimes.

Dr. Meyer commented: “Israel is a world champion at pretending to be an enlightened civilised nation – and nowhere more so than in the realms of academia and the arts. And therefore the BDS campaign, especially in the areas of the cultural and academic boycott, is one of the most effective weapons at our disposal”.

Dr. Meyer concluded by making clear that “Israelis should not be dehumanised. However, Israel is dehumanising itself through its treatment of Palestinians, and this will be its downfall.”

Following on, Sara Kershnar, spoke about the global work of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network of which both she and Dr. Meyer are members. For more information on JIAN, please see Ms. Kershnar also reiterated the call for the BDS campaign, and along with IPSC Chairperson Dr. David Landy, highlighted the growing opposition to the Zionist state of Israel amongst Jewish communities worldwide.

In a final rousing contribution from the floor, Mick Napier of the Scottish PSC reminded everyone present that in the dark days of South African Apartheid in the 1980s, the news that Irish women working for Dunnes Stores were on strike for refusing to handle South African goods, while a small but important act of resistance in Ireland, had a huge positive effect among anti-Apartheid activists in South Africa and worldwide. Mr. Napier concluded that there was no reason why Ireland shouldn’t again be able to play such a role in helping bring about the defeat of Israeli Apartheid today.

In summing up the meeting, Dr. Landy, speaking from the chair, urged people to not just go home with a sense of anger, but to convert that anger into action and get involved in pro-Palestine activism and the BDS movement in this country through the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign. He pointed out that the IPSC is a multi-faceted campaign that works at grassroots, civil society and political lobbying levels and seeks to build the widest possible support in Irish society for the Palestinian cause – and there is always room for new members in the campaign. For more information on the IPSC please see

After the Q&A session, the meeting, which was the final event in the IPSC’s national Gaza: A Month of Remembrance program, finished with a long and enthusiastic standing ovation for the speakers.

Related Link:

L-R: Dr David Landy (IPSC Chairperson), Dr. Hajo Meyer (IJAN), Sara Kershnar (IJAN) and Dr. Haidar Eid (via video from Gaza)
L-R: Dr David Landy (IPSC Chairperson), Dr. Hajo Meyer (IJAN), Sara Kershnar (IJAN) and Dr. Haidar Eid (via video from Gaza)

Dr. Haidar Eid of the Islamic University in Gaza address the audience from Gaza
Dr. Haidar Eid of the Islamic University in Gaza address the audience from Gaza

Sara Kershnar
Sara Kershnar

A section of the audience, with Dr. Meyer's partner Chris in front, second from the right
A section of the audience, with Dr. Meyer's partner Chris in front, second from the right

author by C Vairdpublication date Mon Feb 01, 2010 22:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It is essential for democracy, justice and international law that those who authorised the War Crimes committed in Gaza must face trial at the International criminal Court in the Hague. OLMERT, BARAK & LIVNI were the three ministers responsible at the time of the alleged atrocity.

In the meantime, the EU-Israel Association Agreement should be suspended.

It is inconceivable that the EU continues to trade with a state that is alleged guilty of war crimes.

author by Fintan Lanepublication date Tue Feb 02, 2010 09:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Many thanks for the report, Kevin. It was an excellent meeting! Very interesting.

author by Bazooka Joepublication date Wed Feb 03, 2010 05:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Israeli film 'Defamation' (2009) by Yoav Shamir would interest people who are interested in this talk.

author by Sarah Kaplan - Israeli Anarchists Against the Wallpublication date Wed Feb 03, 2010 21:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

* Confirmed by a document found in the German embassy in Ankara, Turkey, after WW2, members of the Jewish terrorist group Lehi or better known as the (Avraham) Stern Gang in January 1941, went to Vichy controlled Beirut and met with German military attaches proposing a formal military alliance to fight their mutual enemy, the British.

* "Architect of the Holocaust" SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolph Eichmann visited Palestine in October, 1937 as a guest of the Zionists, whilst in Egypt he met Feivel Polkes, an informer on the Nazi payroll whom Eichmann described as a “leading Haganah functionary.”

* After Eichmann was sent to Hungary in 1944 to oversee the dispatch of 430,000 Hungarian Jews and others to their deaths in the gas chambers, Eichmann met regularly with Hungarian Jew, Dr. Rudolf Kastner, whom he considered a “fanatical Zionist ... I believe that [he] would have sacrificed a thousand or a hundred thousand of his blood to achieve his political goal. He was not interested in old Jews or those who had become assimilated into Hungarian society. ‘You can have the others,’ he would say, ‘but let me have this group here.’ And because Kastner rendered us a great service by helping keep the deportation camps peaceful. I would let his groups escape.” Kastner was later assassinated in Israel as a Nazi collaborator.

* Lest the pool of potential immigrants to Palestine be depleted. The World Zionist Organization boycotted a 31 nation conference held in France in 1938, convened to discuss the problem of Jewish refugees with future Israeli PM, David Ben- Gurion noting: "If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, but only half of them by transporting them to Palestine, I would chose the second."

* Besides the Stern Gang another Zionist terror group, Irgun, tried to form an alliance with the Nazi government with future Israeli PM, Yizhak Shamir, noting the "common interests" that existed between the Zionists in Palestine and the Nazis.

* Besides Zionist collusion with the Nazis, on March 29,1936, Zionists praised Benito Mussolini and his criminal Fascist regime, at the opening of a maritime school, funded by the Fascist government, at Civitavecchia , the speakers ignoring the fact that Italian troops had invaded Abyssinia on Oct. 3, 1935 - at this school, a Zionist youth group, the Betar, trained its sailors for the future state of Israel.

* The Third Congress of the Jewish Community of the Far East was held in Jan., 1940, in Harbin, Manchuria, then under military occupation by the Japanese imperial forces with the Zionists going out of their way to legitimize the Japanese occupation by certifying it as a guarantor of the “equality of all citizens” - by then, Tokyo was already aligned with Hitler and Mussolini in the Anti-Comintern Pact, the Japanese Rape of Nanking had occurred in Dec., 1937, where some 300,000 Chinese civilians and prisoners of war were murdered and also, the “Crystal Night” pogrom of Nov. 9, 1938 when 92 German Jews were murdered and 25,000–30,000 were arrested and deported to concentration camps.

In his review of Lenni Brenner's: 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis" - from which most of the info for this posting is culled from - William Hughes writes that: Brenner isn’t the first writer to address the mostly taboo subject of how the Zionist leadership cooperated with the Nazis. Rolf Hilberg’s seminal “The Destruction of European Jews”; Hannah Arendt’s “Eichmann in Jerusalem”; Ben Hecht’s “Perfidy”; Edwin Black’s “The Transfer Agreement”; Francis R. Nicosia’s “The Third Reich and the Palestine Question”; Rudolf Vrba and Alan Bestic’s “I Cannot Forgive”; and Rafael Medoff’s “The Deadening Silence: American Jews and the Holocaust,” also dared, with varying public success

author by Sean Ogpublication date Thu Feb 04, 2010 00:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Over 3 1/2 years, the EU spent 268 million euros ($377 million) on fuel.....the EU stopped payments three months ago.

Meanwhile the EU cuts off supplies to the power plant in Gaza -where is P de Roissa now ?

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