Our schedule for February 2010 is now out. You can see it as a PDF here and from the first of February it’ll be available in our new daily format over here. We really want to make a special effort to up the ante in how we promote our schedule and unique brand of programming. So, if you are a community broadcaster in radio, work in a newspaper, are involved in a local community group or just an individual that supports the vision that DCTV brings to the air waves, then why not get in touch so we can suss out some way of getting word out about the little media revolution that is taking place over on Channel 802 on the NTL network.
Full details at: http://www.dctv.ie/main/?p=1444
Programmes this month.
North Side Focus Episode 2
Northside Focus is a magazine programme that showcases community events that happen on the Northside of Dublin, alongside sports and hobbies that bring people together in their local communities. It was made with the assistance of Near TV volunteers. In Episode 2 Stuart brings us up to to the Skerries Road Race where we get an opportunity to meet some of the bikers involved in the event and get a sense of what it means to have the event in the area. In the second part we visit Black Heath Archery Club to look at this vibrant sport. Then Louise Clancy introduces us to the Howth and Sutton Horticulture club and meet some of the people there. Finally we get an opportunity to see a spoken word event called Ra that is held in the Cobblestone Bar in Smithfield. And we get an insight into the world of spoken word performance art in Dublin.
Northside Focus 2 will play out as part of our Fresh block at the following times: Mon 1900, Tues 1230, Sat 1230
Showcasing Young Film Makers.
The first annual Noise Flicks event was held at RUA RED South Dublin Arts Centre on March 21st 2009. The event was supported by DCTV, RUA RED South Dublin Arts Centre, and IT Tallaght. DCTV provided a judge for the selection panel, and sent out a small crew to record the event. This month we’ll broadcast the resultant 20 minute documentary that was made with with editorial guidance from the festival director. Viewers will also have of chance to watch a selection of shorts from the festival that will air as part of our Gimme the Camera block. This year’s NOISE Flicks seeking submissions from young filmmakers, living or studying in South Dublin County. Details of how to submit are available on www.noisesouthdublin.com.
Our Noise Doc and a selection of shorts from the festival will air at the following times throughout February Thurs 20:30, Friday 20:30, Saturday 20:30 and Sunday 23:00