with Eamonn Lynskey and Orla Martin
1.15 Chapters Bookstore, Parnell St, Dublin 1
Éamonn Lynskey has had poems published in many magazines. He was nominated for the Sunday Tribune/Hennessy Literary Award for New Irish Poetry in 2006 and one of his poems featured on the 2009 OXFAM calendar. His first collection Dispatches and Recollections was published in 1998 and 1.His second collection And Suddenly the Sun Again will be published in 2010. Éamonn, who holds a Diploma in Italian Language and Culture has also translated the works of modern Italian poets into English. He is also a long time contributor to the open mic scene in Dublin.
Born in Donegal but having spent her formative years in Galway, Orla Martin graduated with a B.A. Degree in English and French from the National University of Ireland Galway. A. Currently based in Dublin, she works in the Financial Services Sector. Publications include N.U.I.G. magazine Alpha ’89, Cuirt Poetry Journal ’98, the women’s’ anthology of poetry Jumping the Bus Queue 2001 and the Cathal Bui 2001 anthology of poetry, The Cuirt Annual 2003, The Scriobh Poetry Anthology 2006 and The Stony Thursday book (no 5). She has read as part of Poetry Ireland Introductions Series. Her poetry has been highly commended at the South Tipperary Festival of Writing ’98, the Clogh Poetry Festival 2000 and Francis Ledwidge Poetry Award 2007 and also 2004 and Short-listed at Scriobh Poetry competition 2004. The poem Paddy won the Cathal Bui Poetry Competition in 2002. Her work has been published in A Page in the Life collection by RTE from The Marian Finucane Show and broadcast on The Sunday Show and also The Marian Finucane Show. Founder of Muse Writers’ Group in 2006, Orla runs an Open Mic in TheWinding Stair bookshop
in Dublin and has been a guest speaker at Ra at the Cobblestone, Patrick Kavanagh Celebration, Carnival open mic, Monster Truck performance space and Last Wednesday Reading and Open Mic.