Cork Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration will be held on Wednesday,January 27 from 7:00 to 8:00pm in Boole Lecture Theatre 3. The commemoration is organized by the UCC Chaplaincy in partnership with the Holocaust Educational Trust Ireland based in Dublin.
Cork Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration
The programme of commemoration will include:
- personal testimony of Mrs.Suzi Diamond
Mrs.Suzi Diamond is a survivor of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.She and her brother Terry Samuels were born in Hungary and brought to Ireland from Bergen-Belsen by Dr Bob Collis. They were eventually adopted by an Irish Jewish family.
- screening of the documentary film "The Sonderkommando"
The Sondercommando was a special group of prisoners that operated cremmatoria in Auschwitz as well as in other Nazi death camps.Someone selected for the sonderkommando had a choice: die then or die in four months time since the prisoners employed in it were murdered every several months and replaced with new workers.However,a few members of the sonderkommando managed to survive and told their stories...