Noah's Ark or Noah's Coffin - The challenge for biodiversity
The annual Darwin Day Lecture, as arranged by the Humanist Association of Ireland, will be given this year by
Nigel Monaghan, Keeper of the Natural History Division of the National Museum of Ireland
Location: Synge Theatre, Arts Block, Trinity College Dublin (Easiest entrance - Nassau St., opposite lower end of Dawson St.)
Audience: Public
Date: Thursday 11th February 2010, 7.30 pm.
2010 has been designated by the UN as International Year of Biodiversity, when governments are due to report on their targets, set in Rio in 1992, to halt global biodiversity loss. Over the 150 years since Darwin published the explanation of evolutionary processes, what have we learned about biodiversity and our role in mass extinction? Extinction is a fact of life, witnessed in fossils and in museum collections, but current rates of loss are comparable to the greatest events uncovered in the geological record. Nigel Monaghan, Keeper of the Natural History Division of the National Museum of Ireland, has kindly agreed to give us a lecture on this topic. His title will be - Noah's Ark or Noah's Coffin? - The challenge for biodiversity.