Independent Media Centre Ireland
Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

clerical abuse protest and information stand

category dublin | crime and justice | event notice author Sunday January 17, 2010 12:37author by kevin flanaganauthor email religiousabusetruth at gmail dot com

The Christian Brother cult has changed its name to the Edmund Rice International and is currently seeking recognition with the United Nations as a children's rights advocacy group.

Protest and Information stand at GPO Sat ,23 Jan , 12.00 -4pm

All support welcome .

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author by trevorpublication date Sun Jan 17, 2010 15:11author address author phone

The whitewashing of the Christian Brothers has set a precedent for non-accountability .Corporate groups can now consider themselves untouchable if they have the low-down on all the dirty deeds - who did what , where and when .The Sunday Business Post reports today that the government enquiry into banking will be conducted along "similar lines" to the clerical abuse commissions .If the clergy can get away with it why not the bankers?

author by HowardBealepublication date Sun Jan 17, 2010 15:32author address author phone

because this is paddyland, where we stupidly doff our caps to or admire the gombeen banker, politician, property developer or paedophile priest, even as they bend us over and screw us one more time.

All these low lifes won't do a day of hard time. The bishops resigned, the bankers got golden parachutes. But you try pinching something from a shop or having a bit of porn on your computer or not paying your tv licence or protesting against shannon or shell and watch as the full weight of the judiciary comes down upon your head.

I'm beginning to think those conspiracy nuts are right and the fluoride in the water IS affecting us. What other explanation is there for our collective docile behaviour??

Related Link:
author by rejectpublication date Mon Jan 18, 2010 01:53author address author phone

Has anyone any links to this proposed name change?
Havent heard of this yet and find it disgusting!
shame on them

author by kevin flanaganpublication date Mon Jan 18, 2010 06:05author address author phone

reject i dont have the link but if you go to edmund rice international and check it out while the ryan commission were sitting they were movein moveing there assits out of ireland there is lots more going on that people dont know butwe plan to inform the people what scum they are

author by kevinpublication date Mon Jan 18, 2010 18:22author address author phone

From the ERI website :

Welcome to the Edmund Rice International (ERI) website. Edmund Rice International works at the international level to promote and protect the rights of the child, the right to education and to engage in ecological advocacy through the promotion of ecological sustainability. Inspired by the vision and life of Blessed Edmund Rice, we believe that education in all its forms offers opportunities for the promotion of a rights-based and faith-based approaches to social justice and ecological advocacy

“ERI was founded jointly by two Roman Catholic religious congregations: the Christian Brothers and the Presentation Brothers. It was registered as a legal entity in 2007.”

“Edmund Rice International (ERI( is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) committed to working for children and young people who are marginalised because of poverty, lack of access to education, legal status environmental degradation digression or involvement in armed conflict. This work involves engagement with the change-makers at the international level in order to bring issues and situations to the attention of the international community at the United Nations in New York and Geneva.”

From yesterday’s Sunday Business Post

“The government will this week unveil plans for an inquiry into the banking crisis, but will rule out holding hearings in public.

Rather than holding an Oireachtas inquiry or tribunal, the government will propose using a system similar to the Murphy Commission, which investigated the Catholic Church’s response to child abuse in Dublin.”

author by We the Peoplepublication date Thu Jan 21, 2010 00:15author address author phone

On the issue of abuse it may be interest to investigate the findings of Brian Gerrish in the link below.
Children are being taken away from their Parents by abusive state sponsored institutions ,many of which are operating here in Ireland. Check out a group called, common purpose who assist in the process

Related Link:
author by Sceptic - None whatsoeverpublication date Thu Jan 21, 2010 04:42author address author phone

Many thanks for the info and the video (s) which i find alarming and 'to the point'.

Perhaps you might 'like' to view a website known as .
When (if) you arrive then click 'wicklow' & view comments on the following .

1) Joe Maguire .(Solicitor)

2) Paddy McNeice.(Solicitor)

3) Vincent Scallan (Barrister ,Dublin )

4) Maguire/McNeice... (Bray & Greystones)..

Thank You .

author by Mark Cpublication date Thu Jan 21, 2010 09:26author address author phone

I don't think there is any name change going on. I don't think there is a group called the Christian Brothers cult (unless you are saying that Christian Brothers are a cult and all the groups are now joining up as one, in which case you'll have to substantiate your claim). As far as I know, Edmund Rice International has been around for a long time. Certainly Edmund Rice schools have been - i.e. CBS (Christian Brothers Schools).

On top of that, as far as I know, there are many different 'brothers', not just Edmund Rice ones. In my town for example, there are two brothers schools - the Christian Brothers and the Patrician Brothers.

Whilst I applaud your endeavours to expose wrong doing, you must be careful about what you say and also about tarring all people with the one brush.

There is nothing in the information above to support your claim that they are

1) changing their name, and
2) moving assets out of the country

author by kevinpublication date Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:10author address author phone

We will certainly check all the links.

Mark, we wrote the word "cult" with a small "c".

From :
1 a particular system of religious worship, esp. with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
2. an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, esp. as manifested by a body of admirers: the physical fitness cult.
3. the object of such devotion.
4. a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc
Oath-bound virgin devotees of a nineteenth century, self-flagellating businessman. We mean a cult in that sense ,Mark.

Check the ERI's own website which is where we got the information about ERI being launched in 2007.

After the publication of Ryan on May 20, last year the religious orders were given two weeks to declare their assets . The Christian Brothers have since been given two extensions but still haven't declared . Stephen Rubino, a New Jersey-based lawyer who specializes in class-action lawsuits against Catholic authorities in the United States, said the Christian Brothers often sought “to disassociate themselves from particularly pregnant assets that could be given over to, or awarded, in a judgment. It’s what corporations do when they feel like they’re in trouble. The question is whether it’s lawful,”
We are currently resarching organizations like the Christian Brothers Investment Services, Inc .

author by kevinpublication date Thu Jan 21, 2010 17:36author address author phone

Below is the text of a letter sent out earlier today to UNICEF's investigation and integrity department. It expresses my family's concern over the setting up of the Edmund Rice International .

My family would like to communicate its concern over UN recognition for the recently set up Edmund Rice International (ERI). The ERI organisation , named after the founder of the Christian Brothers teaching order , was jointly founded in 2007 by two Roman Catholic religious congregations , the Christian Brothers and the Presentation Brothers. ERI is ,according to its website , currently seeking formal accreditation with the UN as a child rights advocacy group

Both the Christian Brothers and the smaller Presentation Brothers teaching orders have histories of sexually and physically abusing children in their care and of covering up for known abusers in their ranks . The brutality inflicted on children by the Christian Brothers has been documented in three reports recently commissioned by the Irish government , the FERNS, Ryan and Murphy reports. We think that the ERI is essentially a rebranding of the Christian Brothers cult whose name change will allow it to continue with its "outreach" work amongst vulnerable children in the third world free from the stigma of past sexual abuse .

Given what is now known about the history of the Christian Brothers, my family feels that it has a moral duty to prevent the institution - no matter what it now calls itself - from working with vulnerable children anywhere. There must be no second chance given to any corporation that has in the past knowingly employed people who used positions of power over children to abuse them. As a body, the Christian Brothers/ERI institution should be treated like a convicted paedophile, placed on an offenders list and never allowed to work with children again.

I am making this submission to the United Nations on behalf of members of my family and in memory of my brother ,Michael Flanagan, who died prematurely before the publication of the reports into child abuse by the Christian Brothers was published . Michael was mentioned in the Ryan Report as the”boy with the broken arm"

Kevin Flanagan

author by trev and kevpublication date Sun Jan 24, 2010 13:00author address author phone

A great day yesterday at the GPO stand . We're a bit slow at putting the pics up .Apologies to readers and editors for that ,we'll post them as soon as possible. In the meantime here's a youtube clip of the devil and the bishop for yous all.

author by trevorpublication date Sun Jan 24, 2010 14:52author address author phone

That's a copy of the Ryan report getting highlighted by Kev in the youtube clip above. Thanks to Robbie for the the video which was taken outside the Pro-Cathederal on Christmas Eve after midnight mass .
The Murphy Report , which was the biggest selling book over the xmas period according to the Irish Times yesterday, is now out of print .The Department of Justice says that no more print copies will be made available and anyone wishing to read the report who doesn't have a copy wlll have to go on-line.

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