Live storytelling with two of Dublin's most innovative storytellers
Narrative Arts Club: Tales from the Arabian Nights
With storytellers Adam Wilson and The Oh-Aissieux.
Library Bar Extension, Central Hotel, Exchequer Street, Dublin 2.
Tuesday 19 January. Show starts 8 pm sharp. Doors 7.30 pm.
Entry: EUR 6. Concessions: EUR 2. Totally destitute: Give us a hand?
Tales from the Arabian Nights will include:
Introducing Shahrazad
The Merchant and the Djinn / The Three Sheikhs
The Woman with Two Husbands
The Three Eunuchs
In accordance with the rousing and entertaining themes of the Arabian Nights, these stories deal with adult themes and may include scenes of violence against women, race hatred, graphic sexual content and strong dialogue.
To book, send names to 0 86 0 60 38 18