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category national | rights, freedoms and repression | opinion/analysis author Wednesday December 30, 2009 06:17author by Conor. Mauthor email conorm at riseup dot net Report this post to the editors

Courts, laws & freedom

“Cowardice asks the question - is it safe? Expediency asks the question - is it politic?
Vanity asks the question - is it popular? But conscience asks the question is it right?
And there comes a time when one must take a position
that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular;
but one must take it because it is right.”
Dr Martin Luther King Jr

Something peculiar has unfolded in Dublin over the past few weeks. I have been watching, intrigued and surprised as one man stood up against the corrupt system and seemingly defeated the courts at their own game.

The story is something of a mystery, something you read in a book, or watch in a film. I was skeptical at first, but was flabbergasted at the outcome. It began with a few friends sitting in Stephan Green park, Dublin. They were sitting in the grass, when all of a sudden they were asked to move. They tried to talk to the man but he left and was quickly replaced by a security guard who intimidated the group of friends so much so, that they decided to call the Gardaí. What happens next is disturbing. I simply can not re-write this epic story, so I will provide the relevant links.

Over the next few months, a man who sat peacefully in the grass in a public park was subject to the highest abuse of the state - verbal abuse, unnecessary arrest, false charges and court appearances - without causing any injury or harm to anyone.

I am interested in hearing what people have to say about this. After watching the whole episode unfold, I believe this is something that needs to be exposed to the people of Ireland.



THE CASE (as told by the man in question) -

author by Conor. Mpublication date Wed Dec 30, 2009 06:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Please, anyone who is skeptical, watch the whole case unfold, it is unreal! Ive never seen anything like this is my life, and you probably haven't either, in fact, I can guarantee you 100% you haven't seen anything like this.


author by Prison planetpublication date Wed Dec 30, 2009 07:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I read the whole thing and was left with the feeling that it was highly depressing that a person could be dragged through all that shite for sitting on the grass, while the Judge was paid several hundred grand per year of taxpayers money, some of which was his, for putting him through it and the thick gardai who bullied him got paid good salaries partially from his tax money too. Only his unusual stubbornness and willingness use up loads of his free time to plough through loads of terse legalese bullshite got him off the hook. They just use our own money to oppress us and extort more of our money. However gangland drug bosses can just pay off certain members of the establishment and continue their business unhindered, untouchable. The judiciary also protects the interests of shell in erris, as can be clearly seen from the courtcases. Clearly the judiciary no longer acts in the interests of the Irish people yet we are forced to pay a lot of money for this and other instruments of our own oppression. This is not at all uplifting. It's truly depressing to come face to face with the fact that your own country is just another controlling totalitarian state in sheeps clothing.

author by Davopublication date Wed Dec 30, 2009 09:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Is sexual misadventure and exploitation the achilles heel of the republican movement and the catholic church in Ireland?

author by old codger - pensionerpublication date Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Prison planet's posting has hit the nail on the head. I would like to add another unpleasant truth about our country.
Politicians of all parties know what is going on and choose to do nothing about it. It is with anger and frustration that i have been witnessing the destruction of Ireland by criminal politicians, gardai, judiciary, bankers,greedy buisnessmen etc.
The tragedy is that the people also choose to ignore what is happening.
Where we will end up if the people do not wake up?

author by Conor. Mpublication date Wed Dec 30, 2009 13:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hey p.p, I respect that you found the whole episode depressing, but I actually found it quite uplifting! I know our country (the state, the ''independent'' judiciary, the Gardaí etc) is corrupt to the very core, but the people are not, this is what we must remember. Most people living on this beautiful little island are decent people.

The corruption is sad, to say the least, but we must never lose hope or let them crush our spirits. Our island has gone through far too much to allow a few bourgeoisie scum to dominate and control us. Indeed we have a long way to go, there is by no means any quick solution, we must stay strong and continue the struggle in whatever form that may be.

Now as far as I know the man who went through the courts was mentally prepared and ready and willing. He has a strong spirit of freedom and he wanted to show people that we need not be afraid. After all, the power is derived from us, the people.

But here, I'm just rambling, its just that i'm very excited about it all, doesn't this open a new chapter, so the speak?

The more people that read up about this stuff, the better. Hundreds of people in Ireland are tuning into this information, and I'm sure the man knows it.

Hey Prison Planet, check out this link, it might cheer you up. These guys are great craic, but they also have a very serious point.


author by Prison planetpublication date Wed Dec 30, 2009 14:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

yeah that was kinda fun allright. Thanks. But I still think things are in a pretty terrible state when we get excited if the judiciary drag somebody through the courts and waste lots of his time and energy, stress him out totally and bully him, but DON'T actually manage to send him to prison on top of all that. And all for sitting on the grass in stephens green harming nobody. That to me seems like being grateful for a dirty soiled crumb on the floor from the table of justice when we should be sitting at the banquet and eating our fill like men. Still fair play to the fellow for standing up to this stupid charade. I'm not knocking him at all. All the wigs, hammers, and that stupid legal verbiage are designed just to create a false sense of awe and reverence for the law which is not deserved. It is just another tool designed to keep us subservient. Fighting them on their own terms seems to me to be just allowing them to frame the debate. Perhaps there are better ways to use your energies if the intention is to undermine the system itself.

The whole culture of garda impunity and abuse of people if they dare to speak out really comes through in this episode very strongly too. We've all experienced that at some point. There is something deeply wrong when a blind eye is turned to this kind of thing so frequently.

author by Conor. Mpublication date Wed Dec 30, 2009 15:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I know what you mean about getting excited about oppression, but this stuff happens everyday in Ireland, and people do not realise they can get out of it, just by talking. True enough, we deserve more as equal human beings (except for the queen of England, shes above all) but at the very least, we are lucky that we can do what this man has done, this is not a great comparison, but you couldn't do it in Cuba, Russia and a lot of other countries. The first step is exposure, more people need to learn about this stuff. I think the whole point of this charade was that the Gardaí were enforcing private law (correct me if i'm wrong).

I'm interested in finding out what you mean by finding a better way to undermine or change the system. I don't really believe there is one true answer or a utopia, and I think are a million things you can do to undermine the system and defend your freedom. This is one.

I really think you should take this story as a blueprint for future actions. True, it is depressing that it happened at all, but hey, he took them for a ride they will never forget, and I will never forget it either. I think we should be happy that someone exposed the lies and beat them at what they do best ie, imposing FAKE authority, by making you enter commerce with the courtroom or/and judge (i'm not sure which one you enter commerce with).

I always underestimated the phrase, 'the pen is mightier than the sword''. By God it has a VERY different meaning to me now.

In the words of Christian Bale, 'think, for one f**king second''
In the words of Christian Bale, 'think, for one f**king second''

author by Sceptic - None whatsoeverpublication date Wed Dec 30, 2009 15:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Great debate which is ongoing here ...May i be so forward as to point people in the direction of a website...Go to and for instance see 'Wicklow' ok ,
Look up Joe Maguire + Maguire/McNeice + Paddy McNeice who are all solicitors engaging in
'certain tactics' .

The website was started up by a gentleman known as John Gill ,who has been featured on Indymedia Ireland recently ...Enjoy the comments of which i have posted many . Thank You .

author by Strawmanpublication date Wed Dec 30, 2009 15:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I was actually turned onto this website by a friend a couple of days ago. Its quite funny, I like it.

We don't need solicitors and lawyers, the bets are, the man in the video (the man in the story) probably knows more about what he is talking about than any solicitors. I doubt very much that UCD or TCD tell their law students about this stuff.

author by Prison planetpublication date Wed Dec 30, 2009 18:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Conor, before you mention justice in cuba, you should read up a bit on how things work there. People are a little too quick to spout the US propaganda on that country. As societies go, it's a lot fairer in many respects than our own. Same goes for venezuela. Please stop saying things like that without thinking or researching. Otherwise you are just spreading US propaganda and lies for free. If you are going to do that, you should at least get paid for it!! :-) they have plenty of money to spend on that sort of thing I hear!!

author by Conor. M - the love policepublication date Thu Dec 31, 2009 20:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

aptly noted!

author by paul o toolepublication date Sat Jan 02, 2010 15:22author email pauljotoole at eircom dot netauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well done Kev....
A corrupt system is breakable, better again , by using the tools created by those who seek to oppress and control us. Like the notion of money...and it is only a are the laws supposed to govern us merely a notion-when used against us....and you just prooved this Kevin.....hats off to ya....

author by Johnpublication date Sat Jan 02, 2010 19:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Nice one Conor, for bringing this to the notice of the Indymedia-using community. I've been looking into this for a while now and I think it is an interesting and valuable concept to introduce to activist circles. I'd be interested to hear what some of the people working through the courts at Shannon or Belmullet and other places who have also published here make of this.

author by V for vendettapublication date Sun Jan 03, 2010 01:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

for the most common procedures and useful defences /successful tactics that activists come across in their interactions with the judiciary and the Gardai. The law moves slower than the internet. Lets use that to our advantage.

author by Conor. Mpublication date Mon Jan 04, 2010 04:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I stayed up all night reading about common law, police officers, contracts, legalese etc. I'm tired, but enlightened. Look at this link for an interesting explanation of some of the above mentioned words. Very interesting indeed -

Now I know, wikipedia, not the best, but youll get some idea of the madness herein
-Common Law

author by Conor. Mpublication date Mon Jan 04, 2010 05:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Here is the company/corporation, trading for profit, called COURT SERVICES LTD. Heres the link

Here is the Gardaí, registered company/corporation - GARDAI SIOCHANA -

Here is some political parties,

Fianna Fáil (FIANNA FAIL) -

The Labour Party (THE LABOUR PARTY) -

author by Johnpublication date Mon Jan 04, 2010 23:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Conor, I did a search for those companies on Companies Registration Office (CRO). that's the govt body responsible for registering company names. For what it's worth the Gards and fianna fail did not come up.

author by Conor. Mpublication date Tue Jan 05, 2010 06:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi John, I'm not too sure how the whole charade works, I'm only really learning as I go along. I was looking at the CRO website and I'm not exactly sure where, or even if any of the Corporations mentioned in my post would be registered in the CRO. Maybe its because these Corporations, such as GARDAI SIOCHANA, FIANNA FAIL, UNITED KINGDOM, EUROPEAN UNION etc, are not registered in one country. To be honest, its all a bit confusing at the moment. For example, I know when a company is asked for its 'Physical' location, it means the country its in. So I presume the attached bond, or 'fictional entity' is international. But I could be wrong.

The website I found the corporations on is a website to buy reviews and shares in the corporation.

Something I am also confused about is the shareholders. Can anyone buy a share in THE LABOUR PARTY or the EUROPEAN UNION? Its baffling stuff altogether.

You should contact your local politician and ask them what the number on your birth cert is. I'm in the process of weeding mine out, its lost in my house somewhere. I believe the number on your birth cert is your very own bond or (I'm starting to like this phrase) 'fictional entity'. Notice how its in all capitals. Its peculiar because when my parents named me, they certainly didn't name me CONOR MURPHY, it was more like Conor Murphy. This is how all of your fines, court appearances, licenses etc will show ''your'' name. Of course its not ''you'' at all. You, are a living human being, the name on your birth certificate is the 'person' whom you will claim to represent for the rest of your life. However, with this infomration coming out, I'm sure many more people will opt out of laying claim to the civil title MR or MS or MRS. I was not named MR. CONOR MURPHY, so when the day comes when I have to stand in court, I will ask certain questions, and make certain statement, and I can not wait to see the wigs face. I never want to stand in court, I'm a peaceful man and I don't want to get into any bother but I have a feeling I'll have to defend myself someday.

You see, its all about differentiating between common law and statutes. There is a difference, and if people knew the difference, the tax-collecting police 'officers' & judges would be in for a hard time. A lot of it is about creating 'joinder' and contracts, in fact, thats how it all works. They must get authority over you somehow. You must consent, in other words, you must claim to represent your legal person, ie, MR. CONOR MURPHY, and you must ACCEPT their authority. Why would you accent such an authority? Because you don't know you are! The law society has its own language called legalese and some common words have different meanings in legalese like the word 'understand'. It has nothing to do with understanding something, it actually means, 'do you stand under me'? as in, do you accept my authority. But don't believe a word I am saying, get yourself a copy of the Blackwell companion to Law, its all there.

Anyway.... check out this link, I posted it once before. Its good info for getting off the ground, and my blabber will all make sense to you : )

Related Link:
author by trojanwolfpublication date Wed Jan 06, 2010 15:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hey John,

There's a simple reason why they may not be showing up with the Government Body CRO but on Dunne and Bradstreet which is a worldwide database. The law governing these entities [operating in a commercial capacity] are governed under a body of law known as the Uniform Commercial Code. These Laws are not 'national' they are international and govern ALL commercial transactions, interactions etc. It is from this body of code that all statutes [commercial contracts which have the force of law and only apply to other commercial entities - enter your Strawman].
Now that Government body may be a registrar of Business - to the GOVERNMENT - Investigate the legal meaning of 'REGISTER'.
Smaller businesses etc register OR sign over ownership/title to the Government Body - but the Government body is most probably registered to a higher body in a corporate capacity and so on.
Point to note: when we hear the words 'Government of Ireland' or 'Garda Siochana' semantically we get a certain mental construct or idea which means something to us. What many do not realise [including some members of the Gardai and Government officials] is that there is also a corporate entity with the name 'GOVERNMENT OF IRELAND' and 'GARDA SIOCHANA'. Does anyone remeber when Dublin City Council used to be called Dublin CORPORATION?!?! When Gardai enforce statutes - in actuality they are enforcing a 'commercially' binding contract [hence you get fined money!] which only applies to OR between commercial entities - NOT Flesh and Blood sovereign beings with unalienable rights, EQUAL in the eyes of LAW to every other MAN. Including those in uniform.
People who are interested should have a look at this:

There's a very good reason we are not thaught the law in school and good reason why it appears complicated and confusing...because it empowers us mo cairde!

Siochan agus Saoirse!

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