People Before Profit Alliance councillors to oppose cuts in Council budgets
Protest at Dublin City Hall, Monday December 21, 6.15 pm
Removal of waivers for bin charges to hit social welfare recipients
On Monday Dublin City Council will propose a budget including the removal of the waiver for bin charges from the low paid and social welfare recipients. This will hit 40,000 pensioners and social welfare recipients many of whom are facing cuts in their payments as a result of the government budget announced last week. Depending on how often they use the service, they could be faced with charges for each lift, costing up to 150euro a year which they did not previously have to pay. So much for the government not attacking old age pensioners in the recent budget.
There will be cuts and job losses as things like meals on wheels and other council provided community services are hit. Scandalously, an already underfunded fire service faces further cuts which Fire brigade members say will endanger lives.
Cllrs Richard Boyd Barrett and Hugh Lewis will be proposing a motion to the Dunlaoghaire/Rathdown budget demanding that 80,000eruo earmarked for junkets be used instead to fund the free doctor scheme for council workers which is being discontinued due to lack of funds."
People Before Profit Councillors will be seeking the support of councillors throughout the country for a campaign of opposition to increases in local charges, cuts in services, and the planned re-introduction of water charges..
For more information contact Dermot Connolly 087 7675691
Comments (7 of 7)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7The estimates were passed tonight with the support of the Labour Party, Fine Gael, one of the five Sinn Fein councillors and some independents. Working class people once again being forced to pay the price for the crimes of the bankers.
Larry O'Toole, Dessie Ellis , Criona Ni Dhalaigh, Seamus McGrattan and Killian Forde are the Sinn Féin Councillors on Dublin City Council. Who voted in favour of the estimates?
Seems as if Sinn Fein found it "far from perfect" but it was time to "stand up and be responsible".
Labour's Dermot Lacey said the budget was something to be proud of given the state of the economy.
There were around 50 people at the protest outside.
Killian Forde voted for the estimates. The other four Sinn Féin Councillors voted against.
The party has issued a statement making clear that it opposes the changes to the waiver scheme, and that Cllr Forde acted against his mandate and the wishes of the party.
.... SF have a really bad history when it comes to the estimates. They have previous and can't be taken seriously in their latest protestations. It's not the first time that a member has voted for the estimates while others haven't. IIRC nothing was done to censure members who did this before and I don't expect anything to happen this time either.
Killian Forde will be moving parties soon so SF will be one less councillor.
Hopefully if he moves party he will be big enough to give up his seat. In fairness, he didn't win it on his own.
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