Obama's "real price" for the Prize?
"Those regimes that break the rules must be held accountable. Sanctions must exact a real price. Intransigence must be met with increased pressure" : When Obama opined those sweet words during his acceptance speech of the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, they seemed to be crafted with Israel in mind, but not a whit, just another Orwellian baa from the wolf dressed in sheep's clothing, yet more Prozac to keep us standing idly by in a soothing semantic haze marvelling at the Imperor's new clothes and his committment for exacting a "real price" for Iran's pursuit of nuclear power for peaceful purposes - nuclear "obliteration" perhaps.? (Hilary Clinton).
Not the case with the villagers of the West Bank village of Bil'in, I'm happy to report, for last Friday ably assisted by Israeli Anarchists Against the Wall and internationals the villagers highlighted the obscenity of the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to a warmonger and in similar Orwellian fashion, rogue, criminal state Israel being described in the West as "The only Democracy in the Middle East" - a short visit here will quickly cure you of the latter delusion.?
Further afield, down in Hebron last Saturday, Israeli colonists as is their wont every week ventured forth from their fortified "settlements" at 3PM for their Garvaghy Road triumphalist "cultural" tour of the Old City shielded by heavily armed occupation forces and one "settler" tooled up with an automatic visiting intimidation and "democracy" at all and sundry. So it goes.
Caption: Video Id: Fn67g1W-p2k Type: Youtube Video
Bil'in protests against the Apartheid Wall & the Orwellian mockery that is now the Nobel Peace Prize
Caption: Video Id: xgsi7-WhBmU Type: Youtube Video
Hebron Walkabout
Comments (2 of 2)
Jump To Comment: 1 2Tommy’s regular weekly updates from Bil'in are a tiny window through which we get to glimpse the suffocating burden which Palestinians endure over the full spectrum of their existence; razor wire encapsulation, territorial attenuation, international indifference and the constant pressure of the jackboot of their abuser who murders, maims, terrorises and steals with impunity. But maybe there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel: Israeli leaders must now choose carefully where they venture, they are held in contempt by the populace at large and have to stay a few steps ahead of a slew of international arrest warrants least they end up in the Hague …and so it should be.
Tommy's video report from Hebron is a chilling expose of normality in that grotesquely abnormal space
Boston-based journalist Ellen Cantarow writes in Counterpunch: According to a May, 2009, UN report, Bethlehem governate’s total land mass is 660 square kilometers, but only 13 per cent remains for Palestinians to use. The rest has vanished under the Greater Israel’s ever-expanding colonies and “outposts” ... the wall is a mighty force in this and in de facto annexation of Israel’s colonies to the Jewish state.But nothing ever prepares you for really being there. At some point this past fall, having spent days in group taxis and cars scribbling down the names of colonies and Palestinian villages, trying to get some geographical hold, I finally understood: all my points of reference had vanished. The landscape I had known in the 1980s was gone. The West Bank’s very geography is under assault as surely as historic Palestine’s after 1948 when Israel destroyed over 500 Arab villages. What is here today can be “disappeared” tomorrow ...
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