Strike Day
Thursday 3rd December
Protest Rally
Assemble at Department of Education & Science, Marlborough St. at 10:30a.m.
March to Dáil Éireann, leaving Marlborough St. at 11:30a.m.
At a special emergency meeting of District XIV and XV Committees of the Irish National Teachers Organisation (INTO) held yesterday (Sat.) afternoon, it was decided to hold a march and rally to coincide with the public sector strike day planned for Thursday next 3rd December.
This decision has since been endorsed by the other Dublin INTO Districts so all INTO members in Dublin are being requested to assemble at the Department of Education & Science, Marlborough Street at 10:30a.m. on Thursday for a rally, followed by a march to Dáil Éireann, leaving Marlborough Street at 11:30a.m.
Last Tuesday's strike day saw a hugely successful picket of the DES with up to 5,000 members of INTO and IMPACT taking part at some stage during the day and over 2,000 people present at its height. This picket gave everybody who participated in it a tremendous sense of solidarity, strength and empowerment. The clip which was shown on 'Tonight with Vincent Browne' on Tuesday night ( gives some indication of the power, passion and belief present on the day. Contrast this energy and enthusiasm with the utterances of trade union 'leaders' such as Peter McLoone and Jack O'Connor both before and since Tuesday's strike day.
As you're aware negotiations have been ongoing since Tuesday and it's clear that the stance being taken by those 'representing' us in the talks is far removed from the outright opposition to pay cuts espoused by ordinary members (See, for example, In this context it is vitally important that if Thursday's strike day goes ahead that we have a large and vibrant presence on the streets delivering a clear and unambiguous message to both government and trade union leaders that pay cuts are not acceptable in any guise and that ordinary workers - be they public or private sector - cannot be made to pay for the financial crisis.
It is hoped therefore that other public sector workers who are on strike on the day will be able to join with this INTO march and rally, and that other groups of workers and unemployed will take the opportunity to join with us and say No to paycuts and No to cuts in public services.
Please do everything you can to publicise this march and rally among your contacts and maybe you might be able to have your union branch/community group or other organisation endorse it.
If you want any further information, please contact Gregor Kerr on 0861501151 or by Email - [email protected]. Together let’s make Thursday’s protest even more successful than last week’s and let’s deliver a very strong message of solidarity and strength.