An Economy for the Common Good.
There is an alternative
Discussion of the economic crisis and presentation of the CPI publication An Economy for the Common Good.
Finglas, Dublin Fionnghlas, Baile Átha Cliath
Monday 30 November, 8 p.m.
Public meeting
There is an alternative
Discussion of the economic crisis and presentation of the CPI publication An Economy for the Common Good.
West Finglas Tenants’ and Residents’ Association Hall (Mellows Road)
Luan 30 Samhain, 8 i.n.
Cruinniú poiblí
There is an alternative
Plé ar an ngéarchéim eacnamaíoch agus cur i láthair An Economy for the Common Good, foilseachán de chuid an CPI.
Halla Chumann Tionóntaí agus Cónaitheoirí Fhionnghlais Thiar (Bóthar Mellows)