Food Served7.30-8.30pm Films & Discussion kicks off at 8.Food Served7.30-8.30pm Films & Discussion kicks off at 8.30pm30pm
Food Fight! Present:
Film Screening:
Soylent Green (USA 1973 English Language 97mins)
It's the year 2022... People are still the same. They'll do anything to get what they need. And they need SOYLENT GREEN.
In an overpopulated futuristic Earth, a New York police detective finds himself marked for murder by government agents when he gets too close to a bizarre state secret involving the origins of a revolutionary and needed new foodstuff.
A tale of Earth in despair in 2022. Natural food like fruits, vegetables, and meat among others are now extinct. Earth is overpopulated and New York City has 40 million starving, poverty stricken people. The only way they survive is with water rations and eating a mysterious food called Soylent. A detective investigates the murder of the president of the Soylent company. The truth he uncovers is more disturbing than the Earth in turmoil when he learns the secret ingredient of Soylent Green.
Wed 25th Nov
@ Seomra Spraoi
10 Belvidere Court
Dublin 1
Food Fight!
Food Fight! is a monthly food/politics info night & cafe at Seomra Spraoi. Take some generous lashings of sustainable food, whizz it up with flavoursome talks, films & presentations and you're in for a tasty treat. It's for anyone passionate about food & changing the world...