Independent Media Centre Ireland

California Students struggle.

category international | anti-capitalism | news report author Saturday November 21, 2009 23:25author by john throne - labors militant email loughfinn at aol dot com

Against 32% hike in tuition.

The California students at UCLA are using the old methods.

Occupations, sit ins, mass street confrontations with the cops, the Californian students are using the old methods of the 1930's and the 1960's to take on the 32% tuition hike that has been imposed. They are fighting back. They are taking on the multi millionaires who run the state. Scores have been arrested and beaten and gassed by the cops. On monday many of these will be taken to court. The Californian students are on the front line against the bosses capitalist offensive. Send them your support. Let the US embassies and government and the Californian state government know how you feel.

Support the heroic Californian state students.

For full day by day reports on these struggles from students on the ground go to this blog.


John Throne.

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author by live linkpublication date Sun Nov 22, 2009 00:26author address author phone

Here's the live link to the above mentioned site

Related Link:
author by ecofipublication date Sun Nov 22, 2009 02:45author address author phone

If you prefer to connect directly to the students rather than through Socialist Alternative/Labor's Militant Voice, please visit

Related Link:
author by pat cpublication date Mon Nov 23, 2009 18:48author address author phone

Heres a mail I received from Richard Mellor regarding these events:

Comrades, brothers and sisters:

Some of the FFWP supporters in California have been involved in the struggle with the students against the attacks on education and workers rights and jobs. We will be at the Alameda County Courthouse today in support of the students that were arrested for occupying Wheeler Hall at UC Berkeley; they were initially charged with burglary. We have had numerous reports and photographs on the blog in the last few days. We also have a page especially for messages of support from individuals, and/groups. You can get to that page by clicking in the link on the left column. If you are an individual organization or small businessperson that supports what the students are doing, let them know by sending a statement of support and solidarity to: [email protected]

Check our blog for daily reports


"Capitalism teaches the people the moral conceptions of cannibalism are the strong devouring the weak; its theory of the world of men and women is that of a glorified pig-trough where the biggest swine gets the most swill." -James Connolly 1910.

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author by john throne - labors militant voicepublication date Tue Mar 09, 2010 01:38author email loughfinn at aol dot comauthor address author phone

March 4th Movement: Militancy led by women exellent video!

I just watched the video of the UC Davis. (Spoiler) the film shows students led by a woman activist marching down the I-80. She is watched by a crowd of people discussing the consequences of walking onto the freeway. Without judgment she told people that we should not be “alarmist” but recognize we are going into a situation of conflict. In front arm and arm with bicycles protecting her and her comrades they marched slowing to the one line flank of police. They gently but forcefully continued to march- the crowd of hundreds- some chanting in the back and those in front with silent resolve. The faces of the police were shielded by their riot helmets- still no one threw anything at the police. They were all united in their method to push back. With the woman- in front and arms link through the bike spokes they pushed and pushed and stood their ground not moving back and inch. They broke the police line with the might of their numbers. Without succumbing to the fear of violence the students of UC Davis marched onto the 1-80 freeway.

Still they were not left alone. The police (this time in black clad) came with a two line flank with pellet guns. The students continued their resolve only they did not have bicycles in front of them. Men, women, activists with only clothes as protection continued to march toward the police. The police came back with a vengeance. They began to spray pellet bullets at the students. The ricochet from the ground created a dust of smoke. The activists bodies were sprayed with pellets. The police let fly first the feet then the legs and then the torso. Still crowd slowly pressed forward. As you watch the video another person- a woman joins the ranks in arms to press onto the freeway. Unarmed or protected the students retreated from that front. If only momentarily.

First of all the acts of bravery captured on tape at UC Davis should be hailed by our movement. Even still there are countless other acts across the country and our fists go up to you and your comrades. Women have contributed to the militancy, dynamism, complexity and creativity of the movement. This is in part because women of color in particular have been admitted into college in higher levels than our male counterparts while male admission into colleges has dropped at higher rates. We have had more access to higher education in recent years which contributes to the diversity and leadership of women in the Public Education Defense Movement.

Women also are represented in higher percentages as K-12 teachers and support staff ( T.A. yard supervisors, janitors etc). The consequences of that are more women are involved in the movement and taking leadership roles.

It is incredible to see how situations are different in terms of female leadership. In my experience as an activists organizing mainly with women I have seen women be reluctant to join the movement. But when women join they do not quit easily and they are willing to challenge not only the problems put in front of them but all the obstacles which keep us from moving. At UCLA it was a woman who jumped over the police barricades and threw open the door of Covel Commons. It was women who organized the siege after the Regents voted for the increase and a majority of women who sat around the parking lots and refused to let the Regents go without a fight.

Now that March 4th has passed women will most likely continue to play a leading role in organizing for Free Education for All People. We will speak up and will not shut up! The movement must still address the needs more so of working women and be more inclusive.

We need to offer child care at our meetings.

Spanish translation for Spanish speaking only people

Try to have meetings after 5pm and on the weekends

Welcome younger people’s voices in the movement

Listen and respect women’s suggestions in meetings. It is my experience that women’s suggestions tend to be attacked with more ease and less tact by both genders.

Welcome and encourage women speakers at rallies

Recognize essential auxiliary tasks which women tend to take the lead on (banner/poster making, chant sheets, handing out literature, meeting facilitation/ chair) encourage men to take on these tasks and women to take on others.

Women will continue to play a leading role in this movement. Women throughout the world stated they wanted a world run by ourselves. Students, workers and community to run education. We can not stop there. The capitalist system will continue to try to divide us and use sexism to encourage male egoism in our meetings and movement. This will hurt all of us. The system attempts to discourage female involvement because we tend to have children, work and go to school. Our movement needs to continue to accommodate the needs of women and encourage more involvement of all people.

Happy International Women’s Day! Thanks to all the women militants for standing up for our rights and the male comrades for supporting us! The March Forth Movement has begun a new era of activism and strength and women led the way.

Posted By Julia to Facts For Working People at 3/08/2010 04:42:00 PM

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