If you would like to get involved with our next Palestine solidarity event, come on in to our branch meeting on Thursday.
IPSC Dublin Branch organising meeting
Date: 19th November 2009
Time: 7:30PM
Area: Dublin
Venue: Central Hotel, Exchequer St., D2.
After our successful Week of Solidarity (WOS) we are continuing to highlight the struggle for justice for the Palestinian people.
The next IPSC Dublin Branch organising meeting will take place on 19th November at 7.30pm in the Central Hotel, Exchequer Street.
New members and interested people always welcome. You don’t have to know much about the issues to get involved. If you attended our WOS events and would like to do more, now is your chance.
Contact Kev in the IPSC office on 01 6770253 for more details.
Directions to the hotel: