Independent Media Centre Ireland

Activists evicted from closing plenary of Barcelona climate talks, amongst other strange goings on.

category international | environment | news report author Friday November 06, 2009 18:34author by Dunkauthor email fuspey at yahoo dot co dot ukauthor address Barcelona, el mundo

Todays action; banner drop - roaring delegates? - visiting aliens???

At about 5pm this evening as the closing plenary of what can only be seen as a very disapointing climate talks in Barcelona, 2 people got up with a banner and walked toward the front stage shouting "Markets are the problem, not the solution". The banner appears to have read "Obama is finishing what Bush started".

They were quickly jumped upon by security guards at the conference and wrestled to the ground. A third person stood up and came to their aid, it appears she was taken away from the plenary by the security guards.

All three were evicted from the conference, no arrests were made.
"Markets are the problem, not the solution" Activists evicted from closing plenary of Barcelona climate talks
"Markets are the problem, not the solution" Activists evicted from closing plenary of Barcelona climate talks

Earlier that morning at 9am a banner was hung from a crane in a building site adjoining the entrance to the conference, it also read "The market is the problem, not the solution". El clima no està en venda! (The climate is not for sale) seems to be the loose group responsible for some the weeks bold direct actions.

Also today there was another creative stunt inside the conference; Aliens landed at Barcelona climate talks, looking for planet earth's climate leaders. Dressed in White overalls with Green skin and zogabongs aliens had speech bubble placards that read "Where are your climate leaders?" and "Are YOU a climate leader?". Their action happened outside what seems like the US delegate base and seems to be part of the TCKTCKTCK group.

Outside GREENPEACE people were giving out the days POSITIVE newspaper from Saturday December 19 2009... When (hopefully) the climate deal to save the planet is done.

For reports of previous actions from the week see:

- CLIMATE INDYMEDIA feature: Barcelona Climate Change Talks - Main entrance shut down by activists while Africa boyotts talks

- IMC-IE article: Africa abandons Barcelona's pre COP15 climate talks - Anger in the streets at rich nations inaction

- Todays banner drop - (clima) Pengen pancarta en una grua contra el mercat d´emissions

- Take us to your climate leaders!
- Youtube video; We need climate leaders in Copenhagen -

- Youtube video; Reactions to International Herald Tribune headline of a climate saving deal -

For breaking news see: | |

To learn more about, support or take direct action yourself for a sustainable world see

"Markets are the problem, not the solution" Banner drop at closing day of Barcelona climate talks
"Markets are the problem, not the solution" Banner drop at closing day of Barcelona climate talks

Aliens land at Barcelona climate talks, looking for planet earth's climate leaders.
Aliens land at Barcelona climate talks, looking for planet earth's climate leaders.

Caption: Video Id: m5rVaMhDR1U Type: Youtube Video
Aliens land at Barcelona climate talks, looking for planet earth's climate leaders.

Caption: Video Id: kIpsDXIJkwA Type: Youtube Video
Reactions to International Herald Tribune - Greenpeace spoof

Comments (6 of 6)

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author by Dunkpublication date Fri Nov 06, 2009 18:51author address author phone

Today two climate activists sneaked into the main plenary inside the United Nations climate change talks in Barcelona to send a message about the polluting interests trying to profit off of the climate crisis. Loudly unfurling a a banner reading Stop C02lonialism they shouted messages about the dangers of carbon trading and were met with thunderous applause. They were immediately dragged out by police.

"END Co2-Lonialism"


END Co2-Lonialism -  BCN activists disrupt plenary and are met with thunderous applause
END Co2-Lonialism - BCN activists disrupt plenary and are met with thunderous applause

Caption: Video Id: kIpsDXIJkwA Type: Youtube Video
END Co2-Lonialism

author by dunkpublication date Fri Nov 06, 2009 18:53author address author phone

Caption: Video Id: JyWXT4BN5Yc Type: Youtube Video
END Co2-Lonialism

author by dunkpublication date Fri Nov 06, 2009 22:20author address author phone

As the last day of climate talks before the Copenhagen summit drew to a close, Greenpeace activists attached a banner reading “Climate chaos: Who is to blame?” to Barcelona’s Columbus Monument, which points to America. The US delegation has emerged as one of the chief obstructions to progress at the talks that took place in Barcelona this week.

via GREENPEACE tweet:

Christopher Columbus points a finger at the US for blocking climate deal (GREENPEACE final action)
Christopher Columbus points a finger at the US for blocking climate deal (GREENPEACE final action)

author by hee hee - (iosaf)publication date Fri Nov 06, 2009 23:50author address author phone

I'm sure I entertained the author of this series on the climate conference in Barcelona at some stage in the past with my usual stories for new arrivals (as he was then years ago) about Colombus. His statue at the port doesn't point at the americas. It points to the sea due east south east. The building which has been erected since his statue was built for the world fair in 1881 which he now clearly points at is the local WTC or "world trade centre". It's the berthing point for cruise ships and the site of a five star hotel. If we were continue following his signalling hand we would cross the mediterranean and end up in Libya on the north African coast.

Colom is now held to have been linguistically a catalan. Although born in Italy his native language as a subject of the then Aragonese crown or "Catalan mercantile empire" was catalan. He did his best to sell his idea of a short passage to China and India due westwards to various monarchs. The then newly wedded crowns of castille and aragon in what we now call Spain entertained his notion and gave him three ships.

He sailed out on the same day that that the ultimatum issude by couple the "catholic king and queen Ferdinand and Isabella" to the Sephardic jews to quit Spain ran out. It was their final gesture after having conquered the last muslim strongholds of "Al Andaluz" and thus achieving the christian conquest or reconquest of Iberia. They day Colombus left the Atlantic coast of Spain, its eastern mediterranean coast was filled with boats of sephards and if truth be known their moorish neighbours going into exile. They settled in Tangier, Thessalonika, the northern coast of Africa. On the twelfth of October the day that Spains still celebrates the first marian apparition in the Roman Catholic belief system, Colombus with his falsified log saw his crew not only sight land but set foot on it and say a holy mass. Soon enough he returned and met the king of castille and the queen of aragon in the city of Barcelona.

as I told Duncan years ago when i showed him the step they met up

He gave them news of new islands off the coast of cathay and india. He produced wondrous fowl of the air which to us are parrots. He presented tanned sexy small people who had no prior knowledge of syphilis or flu & in answer to all this splendour the king of castille and the queen of aragon had only two things to say :-

what you do with 2 of our 3 boats they don't grow on trees?

where's the gold?

the rest as they say is history.

well done Dunk. it's been a memorable protest event.

author by Dunkpublication date Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:03author address author phone

Now that the week is all over, ???

The talks and their outcomes are a big disapointment. The level of talk, organisation and involvement with actions on the streets is disapointing also. It is great that there was some strong actions, to show the world that we, the people, are unhappy at all this faffing about. Lester Brown said we only have months to sort the problem, yet the "leaders" still fart about. It is a pity that there were not more, a lot more, open actions to highlight the problem and normal people frustrations.

It is essential that people actively engage far more witht the mechanisms of critical thinking. Yesterday outside there was very little people about, then out rambled the activists who had been thrown out. Their action is to be commended, but it is a pity that there was not a little more open calls for outside actions to express sadness and anger at this stalling while the planet further spirals into climate chaos.

Anyway, no need to go on. We need people to engage with this issue.

In these 2 BCN climate talk reports there were only 2 responses from others than myself, thanks for them. Thanks Iosaf for those walks and talks too.

Hopefully COP15 will be a different story,

If not, what hope to we, and our kids have???? especially those in Nepal, Peru, Bangledesh, Ghana, Burundi, Pacific Islands.....

* Global Indymedia Feature - Industrialised World Intransigence on CO2 emissions dooms Climate Negotiations

* IMC-CLIMATE report - End CO2lonialism - Activists disrupt Barcelona climate talks final plenary

Regarding people power and direct action...

People power is crucial to making Copenhagen a success

'Civil disobedience has a role to play' - Al Gore

author by TWITTERerpublication date Sun Nov 08, 2009 13:53author address author phone

If your not too familiar with or using TWITTER, check out these channels. They are regularly updated short posts with links to news, views, reports etc, as they start to fly around the interconnected world that is the digital medium


climate -


climate justice

FUSPEY on twitter -

related vid: Twitter in Plain English -

TWITTER climate channel - get fresh CLIMATE news as it emerges...
TWITTER climate channel - get fresh CLIMATE news as it emerges...

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Twitter in Plain English

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