Dublin friends of Colin Duffy.
Picket in support of internee Colin Duffy, a victim by of state persecution within the occupied six counties.
Time: Saturday, 14th November, 3pm
Venue: GPO,O'Connell Street,Dublin
Dublin friends of Colin Duffy, which comprises of republicans from all shades across Dublin, will be hosting a picket outside the GPO in Dublin on the 14th of November at 3pm, to highlight the plight of Colin Duffy, a republican from Lurgan, County Armagh, who is currently being illegally and unjustly interned within the occupied 6 counties, a victim of state persecution.
For over two decades Colin has been the victim of an unrelenting campaign of intimidation at the hands of the British security services, from petty stop and search harassment, physical and verbal abuse, unjust arrests and detentions to state sponsored murder.
Currently Colin finds himself again a victim of a state frame up, which is no surprise to Colins family, due to the unsubstantiated comments made by sections of the media and certain politicians, it was inevitable he would be 'set-up' as a scapegoat yet again.
Colins family are currently engaged in a campaign to highlight the injustice suffered by Colint, and are appealing to all across the 32 counties to support Colins plight.
Republicans in Dublin wish to show their support for Colin and his family at this trying time, and we call on all republicans and anyone interested in basic human rights to take an hour on Saturday the 14th to stand in solidarity with Colins family and activists dedicated to seeing justice prevailing.
There is benefit function to be held in the evening in central Dublin after the picket, to raise much needed funds for Colins family and campaign, details to be disclosed at a later date.
Dublin friends of Colin Duffy