Following on from the successful first meeting of the Social Solidarity Network meeting on Saturday 3rd October, a follow up meeting will be held on MONDAY 19TH OCTOBER at 8:00PM in SEOMRA SPRAOI, 10 Belvidere Court, Dublin 1 (See for map). (Please note change of date)
Following on from the successful first meeting of the Social Solidarity Network meeting on Saturday 3rd October, a follow up meeting will be held on MONDAY 19TH OCTOBER at 8:00PM in SEOMRA SPRAOI, 10 Belvidere Court, Dublin 1 (See for map). (Please note change of date)
The purpose of this meeting is to continue the discussion about how to build the Social Solidarity Network, and to discuss what we can do to build for the ICTU-organised 'Day of Action' on 6th November. It is planned that we will meet in each of the 4 groups we established at the last meeting (Workplace Organising, Community/Unwaged Organising, Unemployed Organising, Education Organising) for about 40 minutes, followed by a larger meeting of the full group (30 minutes).
For those who did not make it along to the meeting, the day was fairly successful with about 40 people attending. We started with a discussion in workshops about people's personal experiences of the recession and cutbacks. This was followed by a look at the economics of the recession, and we finished up by breaking into the 4 groups mentioned above and began a discussion about how the Social Solidarity Network can be built and how it can relate to the ongoing fight against government cutbacks.
Hopefully all of you who were at the first meeting will be able to come along to this follow-up meeting, and hopefully also most of you will be able to bring a friend/work colleague/fellow activist along. If you didn't make it along to the first meeting but are interested in helping to build this initiative, please try to get along to the meeting on Monday night.
Thank you.
Gregor Kerr
for Social Solidarity Network