The Israeli peace movement has come under attack recently. On one hand the right-wing Israeli government has subjected it to unprecedented pressure, breaking into the offices of refusenik groups, and shooting at groups like Anarchists Against The Wall. But large elements of the peace movement have collabarated with the Israeli state and have been criticised by Palestinians for their lack of solidarity.
Date(s): 15 Oct 2009
Time(s): 7:30PM
Area: Dublin
Venue: Connolly Books (upstairs)
This discussion asks questions about the Israeli peace movement and the Israeli left.
David Landy, who has written on diaspora Jewish critics of Israel, will open the discussion.
This discussion evening is part of a series of monthly informal discussions hosted by the Dublin group. They are open to all interested in Palestine, not simply IPSC members. The aim is to give people the chance to learn more about Palestine and share their thoughts with others in a relaxed and informal environment.